Universal Exports is the premium manufacturer & exporter of Semi-precious Agate Stone & New Age Healing Supplies. Have a look at the presentation it showcase the benefits of chakras and various chakra jewelry which everyone can use in their daily life.
• The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word
meaning wheel. If we were able to see the chakras
(as many psychics, in fact, do) we would observe a
wheel of energy continuously revolving or rotating.
• Clairvoyants perceive chakras as colorful wheels or
flowers with a hub in the center.
• The chakras begin at the base of the spine and
finish at the top of the head. Though fixed in the
central spinal column they are located on both the
front and back of the body, and work through it.
3. Benefits of Clearing and balancing
• Faster and greater ability to heal your
Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual
• Experience the Power of living Present in
the Now
• Become comfortable facing uncertainty by
tapping into the stability of your Self
• Access financial wisdom
4. • Awareness and dedication to your Highest life
• Increase the health and strength of
your immune system
• Increase the health and strength of
your immune system
• Clear communication of your heart and mind
• Tap into your Will Power