The document defines various travel and tourism related terms through a series of questions about parts of speech. It asks the reader to identify nouns like passenger, tourist, and coast; verbs like complain and ignore; adjectives like crowded, expensive, and wealthy; and other nouns like island, destination, and accommodation that are all relevant to travel and tourism. The document serves to familiarize the reader with key vocabulary used in the travel and tourism industry.
Este documento presenta los horarios de clases por semestre de la Licenciatura en Psicolog鱈a en el Instituto Universitario Sor Juana de la UNAM para el ciclo escolar 2011-2012. Incluye las asignaturas y horas de clase de los semestres 2, 4 y 6.
The document provides an introduction to the Kinect sensor. It discusses Kinect hardware, including its RGB camera, IR depth sensor, and IR projector. It explains the Kinect's time-of-flight depth sensing technology. The document also discusses the OpenNI and NITE middleware for accessing Kinect sensor data. It provides code examples for retrieving depth maps and skeletal tracking data from the Kinect. Overall, the document aims to educate readers on developing applications using the Kinect by exploring its technical capabilities and available development platforms.
This resume is for Oduy Ahmad Issa Samarah, a Jordanian male seeking work as a mobile application developer. He has a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology with extensive experience developing Android and iOS applications as both an independent developer and lecturer. He has published several mobile applications and has skills in programming languages like Java, C#, and databases.
The document describes a trade-in pricing tracker mobile app called uSell Current. The app allows users to get an instant price offer for their device by selecting the device, carrier, capacity, and condition. It then allows users to track price changes over time through a dynamic icon and provides an easy way for users to check out and sell their device if they accept the offer. The design of the app focuses on being intuitive with a logical workflow and minimalist aesthetic to provide a quick selling experience for customers.
The document discusses the history of recording information. It begins by defining what a record is, noting that information can be captured and stored in various formats like audio, video, and print. Cave paintings were one of the earliest forms of capturing information, dating back 32,000 years in Europe. The document also describes MP3 files as a popular digital music format that compresses files for convenient storage and playback, providing high quality sound similar to older formats like CDs.
1. The document provides biographical information about Hang Xie and describes his interests which include bike travelling, poetry, programming, and working with the Kinect sensor.
2. It discusses several Kinect programming concepts and demos including getting depth and RGB images, working with point clouds and skeleton data, and creating augmented reality and gesture-based applications.
3. The document recommends several resources for learning Kinect programming including OpenNI, SimpleOpenNI, and various code examples and tutorials available online. It encourages exploring ways to create new applications using Kinect.
Lawrence Tom is a senior mechanical engineer at Electroglas with contact information provided. He has experience with socket mounting of components in optical systems as well as methods for aligning optical elements in arrays.
This document discusses planning resources for a school festival. It includes a proposed festival timetable layout listing various event locations and times. A list of specific resource needs is provided for each event, such as hiring professionals, buying equipment, and setting up decorations. Students are instructed to cross-check the event resource list with the timetable to ensure all needs will be met. They are also asked to divide into groups and create a detailed plan for setting up and running one of the festival events, focusing on resource deployment and logistics.
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was born on February 22 and died on December 14. Washington lived in Virginia as a woodsman in his childhood, chopping wood and later joining the army. He became a great American by being the inaugural president of the new nation.
The White House was built in 1800 to serve as a home and office for the President of the United States. It is a large, tall white building where the President lives and works. Important functions like living quarters for the President and operations of the executive branch of government take place within the White House.
This document provides information about creating and managing database audit policies for Oracle databases using the AuditVault Server console. It discusses retrieving existing audit settings from an Oracle database, specifying which settings are needed, and creating new audit policy settings for SQL statements, schema objects, privileges, and capture rules. The general steps outlined are to retrieve current audit settings, define additional needed settings, and then provision the audit policy back to the database.
Do I really need Iinternet Marketing Budget ?
The document discusses various internet marketing strategies such as banner ads, video marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing, and press releases. It provides tips for success with each strategy, noting things like using engaging content, ensuring relevance, and tracking effectiveness. Recommendations are given for developing an internet marketing plan that incorporates different strategies to achieve business goals.
This document summarizes internship opportunities in Krakow, Poland and other European cities. It describes internships involving working with children through activities and foreign language lessons in Krakow, presenting on different cultures to promote tolerance in an international project, and facilitating personal development workshops for students in Prague. The internships provide accommodation and some meals, last 6-8 weeks, and involve tasks like organizing activities, presentations on one's home country, and educational workshops.
DataHRM develops workforce management software that helps organizations increase productivity and efficiency. Their software allows organizations to automate payroll processing, time and attendance tracking, leave management, and other human resource functions. It provides features like customized salary structures, statutory tax compliance, attendance uploading, and loan management. Their clients include mid-sized to large organizations across many industries in India.
The document describes a trade-in pricing tracker mobile app called uSell Current. The app allows users to get an instant price offer for their device by selecting the device, carrier, capacity, and condition. It then allows users to track price changes over time through a dynamic icon and provides an easy way for users to check out and sell their device if they accept the offer. The design of the app focuses on being intuitive with a logical workflow and minimalist aesthetic to provide a quick selling experience for customers.
The document discusses the history of recording information. It begins by defining what a record is, noting that information can be captured and stored in various formats like audio, video, and print. Cave paintings were one of the earliest forms of capturing information, dating back 32,000 years in Europe. The document also describes MP3 files as a popular digital music format that compresses files for convenient storage and playback, providing high quality sound similar to older formats like CDs.
1. The document provides biographical information about Hang Xie and describes his interests which include bike travelling, poetry, programming, and working with the Kinect sensor.
2. It discusses several Kinect programming concepts and demos including getting depth and RGB images, working with point clouds and skeleton data, and creating augmented reality and gesture-based applications.
3. The document recommends several resources for learning Kinect programming including OpenNI, SimpleOpenNI, and various code examples and tutorials available online. It encourages exploring ways to create new applications using Kinect.
Lawrence Tom is a senior mechanical engineer at Electroglas with contact information provided. He has experience with socket mounting of components in optical systems as well as methods for aligning optical elements in arrays.
This document discusses planning resources for a school festival. It includes a proposed festival timetable layout listing various event locations and times. A list of specific resource needs is provided for each event, such as hiring professionals, buying equipment, and setting up decorations. Students are instructed to cross-check the event resource list with the timetable to ensure all needs will be met. They are also asked to divide into groups and create a detailed plan for setting up and running one of the festival events, focusing on resource deployment and logistics.
George Washington was the first president of the United States. He was born on February 22 and died on December 14. Washington lived in Virginia as a woodsman in his childhood, chopping wood and later joining the army. He became a great American by being the inaugural president of the new nation.
The White House was built in 1800 to serve as a home and office for the President of the United States. It is a large, tall white building where the President lives and works. Important functions like living quarters for the President and operations of the executive branch of government take place within the White House.
This document provides information about creating and managing database audit policies for Oracle databases using the AuditVault Server console. It discusses retrieving existing audit settings from an Oracle database, specifying which settings are needed, and creating new audit policy settings for SQL statements, schema objects, privileges, and capture rules. The general steps outlined are to retrieve current audit settings, define additional needed settings, and then provision the audit policy back to the database.
Do I really need Iinternet Marketing Budget ?
The document discusses various internet marketing strategies such as banner ads, video marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing, and press releases. It provides tips for success with each strategy, noting things like using engaging content, ensuring relevance, and tracking effectiveness. Recommendations are given for developing an internet marketing plan that incorporates different strategies to achieve business goals.
This document summarizes internship opportunities in Krakow, Poland and other European cities. It describes internships involving working with children through activities and foreign language lessons in Krakow, presenting on different cultures to promote tolerance in an international project, and facilitating personal development workshops for students in Prague. The internships provide accommodation and some meals, last 6-8 weeks, and involve tasks like organizing activities, presentations on one's home country, and educational workshops.
DataHRM develops workforce management software that helps organizations increase productivity and efficiency. Their software allows organizations to automate payroll processing, time and attendance tracking, leave management, and other human resource functions. It provides features like customized salary structures, statutory tax compliance, attendance uploading, and loan management. Their clients include mid-sized to large organizations across many industries in India.
8. Albanska var fyrst
ritu丹 叩ri丹 1300.
Fyrsta Albanska b坦kin
var Meshari eftir Gjon
Buzuku og var h炭n
gefin 炭t 叩ri丹 1555.
9. Engin elliheimili eru 鱈
Alban鱈u og b炭a
aldra丹ir foreldrar 綻v鱈
hj叩 b旦rnum s鱈num og
nj坦ta hei丹urs og
10. Gestrisni skiptir
Alb旦num miklu m叩li.
kunnugir menn sem
koma til Alban鱈u geta
叩tt von 叩 綻v鱈 a丹
Albanar taki 綻eim eins
og vinum
11. Alban鱈u eru m旦rg
t坦nsk叩ld, s旦ngvarar og
ekktustu s旦ngvararnir
eru Ardit, Elton, Elsa og
Sh谷tim Sara巽i er einn af
t坦nsk叩ldum og
En eru l鱈ka margar
hlj坦msveitir 鱈 Alban鱈u
12. Alban鱈u er fr鱈tt 鱈
Framhaldssk坦lar 鱈
Alban鱈u eru einungis
fyrir fj坦rt叩n til 叩tj叩n
13. Knattspurna er A丹rar 鱈綻r坦ttir 鱈
vins脱lasta 鱈綻r坦ttin 鱈 Alban鱈u
Alban鱈u Blak
F坦lk s脱kir miki丹 K旦rfuknattleikur
knattspyrnuleiki um Fimleikar
helgar Tennis
Landsli丹 Alban鱈u tekur Frj叩lsar 鱈綻r坦ttir
綻叩tt 鱈 Evr坦pum坦tinu Og fleira
15. D箪r 鱈 eikar og D箪r 鱈 furusk坦gum eru
barrsk坦gum eru Br炭nir bjarn炭lfar
lfar Furumer丹ir
Refir Tv脱r tegundir
Sjakalar villikatta
Og frettur Gaupur
Og hreysikettir
16. Albanskir eiginmenn
hj叩lpa konunum
s鱈num yfirleitt ekki
vegna 綻ess a丹 綻eir
telja a丹 konur eigi a丹
vinna heimilisst旦rfin.