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Contact: +97150 8738037
Email: albertchettiar@gmail.com
404 Al Liwan-1, Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE
Accomplished and results-oriented management professional with over fifteen years experience and
strong track record of guiding teams to greater efficiency and profitability, reducing organisational risk
through comprehensive changes and ensuring maximum accuracy and quality.
PPrrooffiillee SSyynnooppssiiss
 Implementing effective collections & sales strategies with a view to achieve business objectives
and ensure meeting & exceeding goals.
 Implementing company business plans, by identifying trends and creating an environment to
achieve business goals and profit objectives.
 Proven excellence in customer experience management endeavours, collaborating with teams,
interfacing with clients, stakeholders and executing to build successful solutions and services for
 Skilled in optimizing teams dynamics, uniting diverse agendas to a common goal, harnessing
strategic and operational drivers to deliver results.
 Managing team functions viz. manpower planning, recruitment & selection, induction, performance
appraisal, training, etc.
AArreeaass OOff EExxppeerrttiissee
 Service Delivery
 Key Account Management
 Business Operations
 Partner / Vendor Management
 SLA management
 Banking Operations
 Process Management
 Customer Experience
 MIS Reporting
 Communication / Presentation
 Performance Management
EEmmppllooyymmeenntt HHiigghhlliigghhttss
GGlloobbaall AArrcc LLLLCC,, DDuubbaaii MMaayy 22001155 ttiillll ddaattee
Global Arc LLC is a leading company engaged in sales of Loyalty Programs and outsourcing call
centres for diverse industry. Global Arc creates variety of loyalty products including, paid membership
loyalty program, hybrid loyalty program and corporate incentive program for corporate clients.
RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aatt GGlloobbaallAArrcc LLLLCC aass BBrraanncchh MMaannaaggeerr::
 Implementing effective sales strategies keeping in mind customer delight and achieve business
goals and profitability.
 Manage branch performance and continuous development with high quality service standards.
 Report generation and analysis on team performance and business review
 Hire, recruit, train, coach and develop all the employees in the branch
 Staff motivation activities to improve performance for profitability and customer engagement.
Liaison with partners and vendors to improve product design and after sales service
JJ PP MMoorrggaann CChhaassee BBaannkk,, MMuummbbaaii MMaarr0077  MMaayy22001133
CCaarreeeerr PPaatthh aatt CChhaassee::
Nov 2010 May 2013 Fraud Operations Team Manager
Jan 2010  Nov 2010 Customer Service& Card Activations Team Manager
Mar 2007  Jan 2010 Collections Team Manager
RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass FFrraauudd OOppeerraattiioonnss TTeeaamm MMaannaaggeerr::
 Conceptualizing and implementing effective fraud strategies with a view to achieve business
objectives and ensure meeting & exceeding goals.
 Managing a team of 18 Risk Management Analyst working HNI to mitigate fraud losses for the
 Supervise& Coach analysts and manage team performance.
 Preparing & presenting various weekly/monthly reports pertaining to process/productivity.
RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee TTeeaamm MMaannaaggeerr::
 Managing a team of 18 financial advisors who work with customers with regards to end to end
resolution to Customer queries and upselling credit card products keeping in mind first call
resolution & Customer satisfaction.
 Supervise & Coach analysts and manage team performance.
 Conduct monthly internal audits on hygiene matrix/ regulatory issues and provide recommendations
based on findings to improve their accuracy & effectiveness.
RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass CCoolllleeccttiioonnss TTeeaamm MMaannaaggeerr::
 Conceptualizing and implementing effective collections strategies with a view to achieve business
objectives and ensure meeting & exceeding goals.
 To manage day to day collection activities of the team including Performance Management and
Continuous Development.
 Ensuring high quality services, resulting in customer delight and optimum resource utilization for
maximum service quality.
 Producing accurate reports on team performance for management review.
 To conduct Direct report employee performance evaluation/ appraisal / Monthly Feedback
IInntteelleenneett GGlloobbaall IInnddiiaa PPvvtt.. LLttdd  HHSSBBCC BBAANNKK ,, MMuummbbaaii OOcctt0022  MMaarr0077
Started as a Customer Service Representative in the collection unit for HSBC credit cards;
 To collect and service past due credit card accounts (Outbound)
 To service inbound customer calls on charged off accounts and offer best in class service
to our customers. Promoted to OJT coach in April 2003 and later to a Team Leader in
September 2003.
 Manage a team of 18 members enhance team knowledge with upcoming updates about
collection strategies in the US, coach-feedback for effective performance.
 To audit calls and review accounts for CSD (Collections process) and identify any policy,
procedure, regulatory or Code of Conduct violations.
 Implementing collection strategies to achieve team and company goals
AAppnnaallooaann..ccoomm IInnddiiaa PPvvtt.. LLttdd,, MMuummbbaaii FFeebb0000  OOcctt0022
 Personal Assistant to the CEO, CFO,COO and CMO of the firm;
 Promoted to the back office unit for loan and credit card application management where
gained a lot of financial knowledge and know-how and ensured smooth work-flow.
TTrraaiinniinnggss AAtttteennddeedd
 Leadership Essentials through JP Morgan Chase Bank.
 Situational Leadership and Facilitation Skills through JP Morgan Chase Bank.
 Contextual Knowledge through JP Morgan Chase Bank.
 Coaching to Superior Service through JP Morgan Chase Bank.
 B.Com. from Vivek College of Commerce, Mumbai University - 1998.
PPeerrssoonnaall DDeettaaiillss
Date of Birth :October 22nd 1977
Languages known :English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Kannada, Gujarati

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  • 1. ALBERT CHETTIAR Contact: +97150 8738037 Email: albertchettiar@gmail.com 404 Al Liwan-1, Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE Accomplished and results-oriented management professional with over fifteen years experience and strong track record of guiding teams to greater efficiency and profitability, reducing organisational risk through comprehensive changes and ensuring maximum accuracy and quality. PPrrooffiillee SSyynnooppssiiss Implementing effective collections & sales strategies with a view to achieve business objectives and ensure meeting & exceeding goals. Implementing company business plans, by identifying trends and creating an environment to achieve business goals and profit objectives. Proven excellence in customer experience management endeavours, collaborating with teams, interfacing with clients, stakeholders and executing to build successful solutions and services for clients. Skilled in optimizing teams dynamics, uniting diverse agendas to a common goal, harnessing strategic and operational drivers to deliver results. Managing team functions viz. manpower planning, recruitment & selection, induction, performance appraisal, training, etc. AArreeaass OOff EExxppeerrttiissee Service Delivery Key Account Management Business Operations Partner / Vendor Management SLA management Banking Operations Process Management Customer Experience MIS Reporting Documentation Communication / Presentation skills Performance Management EEmmppllooyymmeenntt HHiigghhlliigghhttss GGlloobbaall AArrcc LLLLCC,, DDuubbaaii MMaayy 22001155 ttiillll ddaattee Global Arc LLC is a leading company engaged in sales of Loyalty Programs and outsourcing call centres for diverse industry. Global Arc creates variety of loyalty products including, paid membership loyalty program, hybrid loyalty program and corporate incentive program for corporate clients.
  • 2. RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aatt GGlloobbaallAArrcc LLLLCC aass BBrraanncchh MMaannaaggeerr:: Implementing effective sales strategies keeping in mind customer delight and achieve business goals and profitability. Manage branch performance and continuous development with high quality service standards. Report generation and analysis on team performance and business review Hire, recruit, train, coach and develop all the employees in the branch Staff motivation activities to improve performance for profitability and customer engagement. Liaison with partners and vendors to improve product design and after sales service JJ PP MMoorrggaann CChhaassee BBaannkk,, MMuummbbaaii MMaarr0077 MMaayy22001133 CCaarreeeerr PPaatthh aatt CChhaassee:: Nov 2010 May 2013 Fraud Operations Team Manager Jan 2010 Nov 2010 Customer Service& Card Activations Team Manager Mar 2007 Jan 2010 Collections Team Manager RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass FFrraauudd OOppeerraattiioonnss TTeeaamm MMaannaaggeerr:: Conceptualizing and implementing effective fraud strategies with a view to achieve business objectives and ensure meeting & exceeding goals. Managing a team of 18 Risk Management Analyst working HNI to mitigate fraud losses for the bank. Supervise& Coach analysts and manage team performance. Preparing & presenting various weekly/monthly reports pertaining to process/productivity. RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee TTeeaamm MMaannaaggeerr:: Managing a team of 18 financial advisors who work with customers with regards to end to end resolution to Customer queries and upselling credit card products keeping in mind first call resolution & Customer satisfaction. Supervise & Coach analysts and manage team performance. Conduct monthly internal audits on hygiene matrix/ regulatory issues and provide recommendations based on findings to improve their accuracy & effectiveness. RRoolleess && RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess aass CCoolllleeccttiioonnss TTeeaamm MMaannaaggeerr:: Conceptualizing and implementing effective collections strategies with a view to achieve business objectives and ensure meeting & exceeding goals. To manage day to day collection activities of the team including Performance Management and Continuous Development. Ensuring high quality services, resulting in customer delight and optimum resource utilization for maximum service quality. Producing accurate reports on team performance for management review. To conduct Direct report employee performance evaluation/ appraisal / Monthly Feedback Sessions.
  • 3. IInntteelleenneett GGlloobbaall IInnddiiaa PPvvtt.. LLttdd HHSSBBCC BBAANNKK ,, MMuummbbaaii OOcctt0022 MMaarr0077 Started as a Customer Service Representative in the collection unit for HSBC credit cards; To collect and service past due credit card accounts (Outbound) To service inbound customer calls on charged off accounts and offer best in class service to our customers. Promoted to OJT coach in April 2003 and later to a Team Leader in September 2003. Manage a team of 18 members enhance team knowledge with upcoming updates about collection strategies in the US, coach-feedback for effective performance. To audit calls and review accounts for CSD (Collections process) and identify any policy, procedure, regulatory or Code of Conduct violations. Implementing collection strategies to achieve team and company goals AAppnnaallooaann..ccoomm IInnddiiaa PPvvtt.. LLttdd,, MMuummbbaaii FFeebb0000 OOcctt0022 Personal Assistant to the CEO, CFO,COO and CMO of the firm; Promoted to the back office unit for loan and credit card application management where gained a lot of financial knowledge and know-how and ensured smooth work-flow. TTrraaiinniinnggss AAtttteennddeedd Leadership Essentials through JP Morgan Chase Bank. Situational Leadership and Facilitation Skills through JP Morgan Chase Bank. Contextual Knowledge through JP Morgan Chase Bank. Coaching to Superior Service through JP Morgan Chase Bank. AAccaaddeemmiicc B.Com. from Vivek College of Commerce, Mumbai University - 1998. PPeerrssoonnaall DDeettaaiillss Date of Birth :October 22nd 1977 Languages known :English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Kannada, Gujarati