This document discusses using visual programming languages like Scratch and App Inventor to teach programming concepts to students. It describes Scratch's features for sequential, conditional, and iterative structures. Events like Scratch Day are held worldwide to bring together Scratch enthusiasts. The document also outlines a project where students used App Inventor to create educational apps for disabled children. The project helped increase student motivation to learn programming and develop tools to help others.
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Presentation Alberto Barbero - MEDEAnet Webinar:Programming as creativity
1. MEDEAnet WEBinar
AA ccaatt,, aa kkiinngg aanndd aa
rroobboott:: pprrooggrraammmmiinngg
wwiitthh bblloocckkss
A. Barbero
IIS G. Vallauri Fossano (CN) - Italy
2. The approach to Informatics in Italian secondary schools
is being reshaped after the Reform of 2010. The new
framework allows the introduction of computer logic and
basic programming concepts beginning in the first and
second grades.
Basic skills
Problem solving
Concept of algorithm and its representation step by step
Programming foundations
4. PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg ffrroomm
Visual programming language developed in 2007 by a team lead by Mitchel
Resnick - Lifelong Kindergarten Group of M.I.T. MediaLab
Scratch suits the curriculum that teachers sought because it was specifically
created for introducing the basic concepts of problem solving and
programming to young and inexperienced students
variables and lists
conditional structure
iterative structure
managing concurrent
communication with
event paradigm
free software
web 2.0
7. IItteerraattiivvee ssttrruuccttuurree
guess a secret number
IInntteerr-pprroocceessss ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn
cane Bau e gatto Miao
CCaatt sspprriittee
DDoogg sspprriittee
8. Scratch Day is an initiative launched by
the creators of Scratch in order to bring
together from all over the world Scratch
enthusiasts with initiatives, meetings and
round tables. In 2014, 186 events were
organized in 46 countries around the
10. VVaallllaauurrii DDaayy
The Vallauri Institute organized during
"Scratch Day 2011" the first Vallauri
Scratch Day contest held within the
school for students in the introductory
classes of the technology sector with the
aim of promoting the study of computer
programming by rewarding the best
projects developed using Scratch.
13. IIttaalliiaann SSccrraattcchh FFeessttiivvaall
Evaluation criteria:
1. technical quality: the application uses sophisticated
technical tricks or ingenious solutions?
2. usability: the application is friendly and uses an
intuitive interface? Is it fun to play with?
3. originality: the application is innovative? It proposes
a classic in a new look?
4. aesthetic quality: the style and design are well
prepared? The proposal is attractive and pleasant
to see and use?
17. SSccrraattcchh ffoorr AArrdduuiinnoo ((SS44AA))
Free software developed by
Smalltalk Programming Group of
Citilab in Barcelona
New blocks that allow you to
program an Arduino sprite to
manage sensors and actuators
Thanks to Picoboard protocol, a
firmware installed on Arduino,
S4A can interact with sensors
and actuators.
21. Tool developed by Google and currently managed by MIT
Media Lab
Web-based IDE
Programming Android mobile devices (tablet & smartphone)
Blocks programming (stack & puzzle) with an approach
similar to Scratch
Managing of main sensors offered by the world of mobile
OOP (components with propierties, methods and events)
25. TThhee pprroojjeecctt KKiiddss@@PPllaayy
In March 2013, consultation between Prof.
Alberto Barbero, CS professor at Vallauri
Technical Institute in Fossano (Italy), and the
special needs educator at the Childrens
Neuro Psychiatric Department at the local
hospital, resulted in a project for four second
year students to design applications for
smartphone and Android tablets. These
applications are still used by disabled children
who are cared for by the educators at the
N.P.I - Fossano.
26. TThhee ffiinnaall rreessuulltt
The end product was a series of four
applications and a video presentation of the
making of the apps (see
The students focused on developing games
in four categories: puzzle, memory, color
and guessing, all with different levels of
difficulty. The apps were made with
characters from cartoons familiar to
children. The apps are used to entertain the
disabled children in an educational and
31. CCoonncclluussiioonnss
The study of App Inventor in the second
year is a winning choice.
Increased student motivation in learning
basic programming apps for Android
Motivation that makes students - even
teenagers - aware that they have already
acquired operational capabilities to be
spent in designing and making software
32. CCoonncclluussiioonnss
Not just mere scholastic exercises with
the principal aim of "lleeaarrnniinngg ssoommeetthhiinngg"
but to "ddoo ssoommeetthhiinngg" that can be used
to help someone else.
A change in the way of teaching that
makes the students the real protagonists
of their own education process.
Editor's Notes
Part I: min. 9
Part II: min. 17.07 The game
Part II: min. 33 Snake
Part II: min.42 Ghosts
Part I: min. 9
Part II: min. 17.07 The game
Part II: min. 33 Snake
Part II: min.42 Ghosts