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     Julio Mora

   I.C.: 23493721
Amanitaceae      is      a        family      of
basidiomycete    fungi       in    the     order
Agaricales. The best known genus of
the family, and that gives it its name, is
Amanita, but also includes Limacella.
The taxonomic status of these genera is
discussed and some authors consider
within Agaricaceae Pluteaceae and

                             Scientific Classification
                             Kingdom: Fungi
                             Division: Basidiomycota
                             Class: Agaricomycetes
                             Order: Agaricales
                             Family: Amanitaceae

Is   a     family   of    Agaricaceae
basidiomycetes,       including   the
genus Agaricus known, as well as
other fungi were classified in
families            Tulostomataceae,
Lepiotaceae     and      Coprinaceae.
The family contains 85 genera
and 1,340 species.

                           Scientific classification
                           Kingdom: Fungi
                           Class: Agaricomycetes
                           Order: Agaricales
                           Family Agaricaceae
The Clavariaceae, also called coral
mushrooms are mushrooms that are
named because of its resemblance to
coral growth. The Clavariaceae may be
similar in appearance to slime mold.
They often have bright colors, mainly
orange, yellow or red, and usually grow
in   old   forests.    Some     of   these
mushrooms are saprophagous fallen
wood, while others are commensal or
even parasitic.
                      Scientific classification
                      Kingdom: Fungi
                      Phylum: Basidiomycota
                      Class: Agaricomycetes
                      Order: Agaricales
                      Family: Clavariaceae
Entolomataceae, are a family of fungi in
the order Agaricales basidiomiseto. This
family contains 12 genera and 1,071

                   Scientific classification
                   Kingdom: Fungi
                   Division: Basidiomycota
                   Class: Agaricomycetes
                   Order: Agaricales
                   Family: Entolomataceae

It is a family of fungi characterized by
having a hymenium on the gills, spores
are brown. Are very similar to Mycena
fungi. According to gender there are
some that have a gelatinous Pileus and
others are dry.

                      Scientific classification
                      Kingdom: Fungi
                      Phylum: Basidiomycota
                      Class: Agaricomycetes
                      Order: Agaricales
                      Family: Bolbitiaceae

Inocybaceae, are a family of fungi in the
order Agaricales. This family contains 15
genera and 300 species. Members of this
family are widely distributed in tropical
and temperate.

The genus Inocybe, has traditionally
been      placed       within      genres
Cortinariaceae     family,   nevertheless
J端lich in 1982 put the genre in his own
family, Inocybaceae
                        Scientific classification
                        Kingdom: Fungi
                        Division: Basidiomycota
                        Class: Agaricomycetes
                        Order: Agaricales
                        Family: Inocybaceae

Gyroporaceae, is a family of fungi
belonging   to    the   order   Boletales
basidiomycetes.     This     family     is
monotypic, containing a single genus
Gyroporus, which contains 10 species.

                   Scientific classification
                   Kingdom: Fungi
                   Division: Basidiomycota
                   Class: Agaricomycetes
                   Order: Boletales
                   Family: Gyroporaceae
                   Genre: Gyroporus
Boletaceae is a family of basidiomycete
fungi, whose main characteristic is that
they release their spores through small
pores located at the bottom of the cap of
the   mushroom      or   fruiting   body.
Lamellae have not, as in the agarics. Its
distribution is almost as wide as that of
agarics, and the group includes the
Boletus edulis, prized by mushroom
                         Scientific classification
                         Kingdom: Fungi
                         Class: Agaricomycetes
                         Order: Boletales
                         Family: Boletaceae

Paxillaceae are a family of fungi, the
subkingdom        of     the    Dikarya,
Basidiomycota     edge   have   Boletales
affinity. The family consists of 8 genera
and 24 species.

                  Scientific classification
                  Kingdom: Fungi
                  Subkingdom: Dikarya
                  Phylum: Basidiomycota
                  Subphylum: Agaricomycotina
                  Class: Agaricomycetes
                  Subclass: Agaricomycetidae
                  Order: Boletales
                  Family: Paxillaceae
The Tapinellaceae are a family of fungi
in the Boletales order.

                 Scientific classification
                 Kingdom:        Fungi
                 Phylum:         Basidiomycota
                 Class:          Agaricomycetes
                 Order:          Boletales
                 Family:         Tapinellaceae
The Serpulaceae are a family of fungi in
the Boletales order. According to the
Dictionary of the Fungi (10th edition,
2008), the family contains 4 genera and
20 species

              Scientific classification
              Kingdom:        Fungi
              Division:       Basidiomycota
              Class:          Agaricomycetes
              Order:          Boletales
              Family:         Serpulaceae
The Gomphales are an order of basidiomycete
fungi. Some or all families belonging to
Gomphales have been sometimes included in
the order Phallales (and vice versa - they are
also sometimes treated as synonyms), the now-
obsolete Ramariaceae was also previously
included       in     Cantharellales.       Recent
phylogenetic analyses include in Gomphales
the families of the original description of the
order   by     W.   J端lich,    with    addition   of
Clavariadelphaceae. According to one 2008
estimate, the Gomphales contain 18 genera and
336 species.                  Scientific classification
                              Kingdom:        Fungi
                              Phylum:         Basidiomycota
                              Class:          Agaricomycetes
                              Subclass:       Phallomycetidae
                              Order:          Gomphales
The Geastrales are an order of gasterocarpic
basidiomycetes     (fungi)   that    relates    to
Cantharellales. The order contains the single
family   Geastraceae,   commonly      known     as
"earthstars". It includes the genera Geastrum
and Myriostoma. About sixty-four species are
classified in this family, divided among eight
genera. Older classifications place this family in
the order Lycoperdales, but more recently they
had been placed in Phallales. As of 2010, the
family is classified as the sole taxon in the
Geastrales order
                     Kingdom:       Fungi
                     Division:      Basidiomycota
                     Class:         Agaricomycetes
                     Subclass:      Phallomycetidae
                     Order:         Geastrales
                     Family:        Geastraceae
The Phallales are an order of fungi that
is more or less synonymous with the
gomphoid-phalloid clade.[2] The order
contains two families, the Claustulaceae
and the Phallaceae, which collectively
contain 26 genera and 88 species

             Scientific classification
             Kingdom:        Fungi
             Division:       Basidiomycota
             Class:          Agaricomycetes
             Subclass:       Phallomycetidae
             Order:          Phallales
The Auriculariales are an order of fungi in the
class Agaricomycetes. Species within the
order    were   formerly     referred   to   the
"heterobasidiomycetes" or "jelly fungi", since
many have gelatinous basidiocarps (fruit
bodies) that produce spores on septate basidia.
Around 200 species are known worldwide,
placed in six or more families, though the
status of these families is currently uncertain.

                 Scientific classification
                 Kingdom:        Fungi
                 Division:       Basidiomycota
                 Class:          Agaricomycetes
                 Order:          Auriculariales
Myxarium nucleatum (common names
crystal brain or granular jelly roll) is a jelly
fungus in the family Hyaloriaceae. The
sporocarps (fruit bodies) are watery white
and gelatinous with small, white, mineral
inclusions. It is a common, wood-rotting
species in Europe and North America,
typically growing on dead attached or fallen
branches of broadleaf trees.
                       Scientific classification
                       Kingdom:        Fungi
                       Division:       Basidiomycota
                       Class:          Agaricomycetes
                       Order:          Auriculariales
                       Family:         Hyaloriaceae
                       Genus:          Myxarium
                       Species:        M. nucleatum
The Russulales are an order of the
Agaricomycetes, (which include the agaric
genera Russula and Lactarius and their
polyporoid    and    corticioid   relatives).
According to the Dictionary of the Fungi
(10th edition, 2008), the order consists of
12 families, 80 genera, and 1767 species.
Russuloid      agarics     represent        an
independent evolutionary line of agarics,
not directly related to the Agaricales.

                    Scientific classification
                    Kingdom:        Fungi
                    Subkingdom: Dikarya
                    Phylum:         Basidiomycota
                    Subphylum: Agaricomycotina
                    Class:          Agaricomycetes
                    Order:          Russulales
The Dacrymycetes are a class consisting of
only one family of jelly fungi, which has
imperforate parenthesomes and basidia
that are usually branched.[5] There are 9
genera   and     101   species   in   the
Dacrymycetaceae family.

               Kingdom:     Fungi
               Subkingdom: Dikarya
               Division:    Basidiomycota
               Subdivision: Agaricomycotina
               Class:       Dacrymycetes
               Order:       Dacrymycetales
               Family:      Dacrymycetaceae
Rusts   are   plant   diseases   caused   by
pathogenic fungi of the order Pucciniales
(previously also known as Uredinales).
About 7800 species are known. Rusts can
affect a variety of plants; leaves, stems,
fruits and seeds. Rust is most commonly
seen as coloured powder, composed off
tiny aeciospores which land on vegetation
producing pustules, or uredia, that form on
the lower surfaces.

              Scientific classification
              Kingdom:        Fungi
              Phylum:         Basidiomycota
              Class:          Pucciniomycetes
              Order:          Pucciniales
The Pezizaceae (commonly referred to as cup
fungi) are a family of fungi in the Ascomycota
which produce mushrooms that tends to grow in
the shape of a "cup". Spores are formed on the
inner surface of the fruit body (mushroom). The
cup shape typically serves to focus raindrops into
splashing spores out of the cup. Additionally, the
curvature enables wind currents to blow the
spores out in a different manner than in most
agarics and boletes.

                       Scientific classification
                       Kingdom:        Fungi
                       Division:       Ascomycota
                       Class:          Pezizomycetes
                       Order:          Pezizales
                       Family:         Pezizaceae

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Album of fungi jm 2

  • 1. ALBUM OF FUNGI Julio Mora I.C.: 23493721
  • 2. AMANITACEAE Amanitaceae is a family of basidiomycete fungi in the order Agaricales. The best known genus of the family, and that gives it its name, is Amanita, but also includes Limacella. The taxonomic status of these genera is discussed and some authors consider within Agaricaceae Pluteaceae and others. Scientific Classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family: Amanitaceae
  • 3. AGARICACEAE Is a family of Agaricaceae basidiomycetes, including the genus Agaricus known, as well as other fungi were classified in families Tulostomataceae, Lepiotaceae and Coprinaceae. The family contains 85 genera and 1,340 species. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family Agaricaceae
  • 4. CLAVARIACEAE The Clavariaceae, also called coral mushrooms are mushrooms that are named because of its resemblance to coral growth. The Clavariaceae may be similar in appearance to slime mold. They often have bright colors, mainly orange, yellow or red, and usually grow in old forests. Some of these mushrooms are saprophagous fallen wood, while others are commensal or even parasitic. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family: Clavariaceae
  • 5. ENTOLOMATACEAE Entolomataceae, are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales basidiomiseto. This family contains 12 genera and 1,071 species Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family: Entolomataceae
  • 6. BOLBITIACEAE It is a family of fungi characterized by having a hymenium on the gills, spores are brown. Are very similar to Mycena fungi. According to gender there are some that have a gelatinous Pileus and others are dry. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family: Bolbitiaceae
  • 7. INOCYBACEAE Inocybaceae, are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. This family contains 15 genera and 300 species. Members of this family are widely distributed in tropical and temperate. The genus Inocybe, has traditionally been placed within genres Cortinariaceae family, nevertheless J端lich in 1982 put the genre in his own family, Inocybaceae Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Agaricales Family: Inocybaceae
  • 8. GYROPORACEAE Gyroporaceae, is a family of fungi belonging to the order Boletales basidiomycetes. This family is monotypic, containing a single genus Gyroporus, which contains 10 species. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Boletales Family: Gyroporaceae Genre: Gyroporus
  • 9. BOLETACEAE Boletaceae is a family of basidiomycete fungi, whose main characteristic is that they release their spores through small pores located at the bottom of the cap of the mushroom or fruiting body. Lamellae have not, as in the agarics. Its distribution is almost as wide as that of agarics, and the group includes the Boletus edulis, prized by mushroom pickers. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Boletales Family: Boletaceae
  • 10. PAXILLACEAE Paxillaceae are a family of fungi, the subkingdom of the Dikarya, Basidiomycota edge have Boletales affinity. The family consists of 8 genera and 24 species. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Subkingdom: Dikarya Phylum: Basidiomycota Subphylum: Agaricomycotina Class: Agaricomycetes Subclass: Agaricomycetidae Order: Boletales Family: Paxillaceae
  • 11. TAPINELLACAE The Tapinellaceae are a family of fungi in the Boletales order. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Boletales Family: Tapinellaceae
  • 12. SERPULACEAE The Serpulaceae are a family of fungi in the Boletales order. According to the Dictionary of the Fungi (10th edition, 2008), the family contains 4 genera and 20 species Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Boletales Family: Serpulaceae
  • 13. GOMPHALES The Gomphales are an order of basidiomycete fungi. Some or all families belonging to Gomphales have been sometimes included in the order Phallales (and vice versa - they are also sometimes treated as synonyms), the now- obsolete Ramariaceae was also previously included in Cantharellales. Recent phylogenetic analyses include in Gomphales the families of the original description of the order by W. J端lich, with addition of Clavariadelphaceae. According to one 2008 estimate, the Gomphales contain 18 genera and 336 species. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Subclass: Phallomycetidae Order: Gomphales
  • 14. GEASTRALES The Geastrales are an order of gasterocarpic basidiomycetes (fungi) that relates to Cantharellales. The order contains the single family Geastraceae, commonly known as "earthstars". It includes the genera Geastrum and Myriostoma. About sixty-four species are classified in this family, divided among eight genera. Older classifications place this family in the order Lycoperdales, but more recently they had been placed in Phallales. As of 2010, the family is classified as the sole taxon in the Geastrales order Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Subclass: Phallomycetidae Order: Geastrales Family: Geastraceae
  • 15. PHALLALES The Phallales are an order of fungi that is more or less synonymous with the gomphoid-phalloid clade.[2] The order contains two families, the Claustulaceae and the Phallaceae, which collectively contain 26 genera and 88 species Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Subclass: Phallomycetidae Order: Phallales
  • 16. AURICULARIALES The Auriculariales are an order of fungi in the class Agaricomycetes. Species within the order were formerly referred to the "heterobasidiomycetes" or "jelly fungi", since many have gelatinous basidiocarps (fruit bodies) that produce spores on septate basidia. Around 200 species are known worldwide, placed in six or more families, though the status of these families is currently uncertain. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Auriculariales
  • 17. MYXARIUM NUCLEATUM Myxarium nucleatum (common names crystal brain or granular jelly roll) is a jelly fungus in the family Hyaloriaceae. The sporocarps (fruit bodies) are watery white and gelatinous with small, white, mineral inclusions. It is a common, wood-rotting species in Europe and North America, typically growing on dead attached or fallen branches of broadleaf trees. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Basidiomycota Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Auriculariales Family: Hyaloriaceae Genus: Myxarium Species: M. nucleatum
  • 18. RUSSULALES The Russulales are an order of the Agaricomycetes, (which include the agaric genera Russula and Lactarius and their polyporoid and corticioid relatives). According to the Dictionary of the Fungi (10th edition, 2008), the order consists of 12 families, 80 genera, and 1767 species. Russuloid agarics represent an independent evolutionary line of agarics, not directly related to the Agaricales. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Subkingdom: Dikarya Phylum: Basidiomycota Subphylum: Agaricomycotina Class: Agaricomycetes Order: Russulales
  • 19. DACRYMYCETALES The Dacrymycetes are a class consisting of only one family of jelly fungi, which has imperforate parenthesomes and basidia that are usually branched.[5] There are 9 genera and 101 species in the Dacrymycetaceae family. Kingdom: Fungi Subkingdom: Dikarya Division: Basidiomycota Subdivision: Agaricomycotina Class: Dacrymycetes Order: Dacrymycetales Family: Dacrymycetaceae
  • 20. PUCCINIALES Rusts are plant diseases caused by pathogenic fungi of the order Pucciniales (previously also known as Uredinales). About 7800 species are known. Rusts can affect a variety of plants; leaves, stems, fruits and seeds. Rust is most commonly seen as coloured powder, composed off tiny aeciospores which land on vegetation producing pustules, or uredia, that form on the lower surfaces. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Basidiomycota Class: Pucciniomycetes Order: Pucciniales
  • 21. PEZIZACEAE The Pezizaceae (commonly referred to as cup fungi) are a family of fungi in the Ascomycota which produce mushrooms that tends to grow in the shape of a "cup". Spores are formed on the inner surface of the fruit body (mushroom). The cup shape typically serves to focus raindrops into splashing spores out of the cup. Additionally, the curvature enables wind currents to blow the spores out in a different manner than in most agarics and boletes. Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Division: Ascomycota Class: Pezizomycetes Order: Pezizales Family: Pezizaceae