The meat processing company was facing declining productivity due to high turnover and a lack of skilled workers. To address this, the CEO implemented several changes including supervisory workshops to improve management skills, use of video to help workers learn best practices, and implementing a formal planning schedule. These changes improved communication between departments and increased accountability. As a result, average pounds produced increased 16% and run time efficiency increased 7%, while employee turnover dropped significantly.
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Alexander Proudfoot - Meat processing process improvement
1. Objective and vision
With throughput levels not sufficient enough to meet
customer demands, the CEO of a meat processing company
needed to identify the underlying root causes. It became
apparent that high turnover and a lack of skilled resources
were largely to blame for the recent drop in overall
productivity. He was determined to improve the efficiency of
plant operations.
The alignment of behaviors with new forecasting and
scheduling tools increased output in both of the clients
main plants. Supervisory workshops equipped team leaders
with the skills needed to manage variances and actively
manage staff. The installation of a formal planning schedule
would keep production on track for the duration of each
shift. Machine operators were able to critique themselves
and learn best practices by watching recorded video from a
meat cam a video camera strapped to a hard hat.
Sustainable results
The average of pounds produced increased by 16% while the
run-time efficiency increased by 7%. Weekly performance
review meetings created a sense of accountability across
all levels of the organization. Silos that once defined the
organizational structure were eliminated as a result of
communications meetings and visual management boards.
The employee turnover rate dropped significantly due to
an on-boarding assessment and training program that
acclimated people to their new work environment. Short
interval control reinforced behaviors that would speed up
the order fulfillment process.
Meat processing
Process improvement Change leadership
The challenges
A steady decline in productivity prompted
the CEO to meet with key members of
his staff to determine what was wrong.
The general consensus was that people
were discouraged by subpar results
despite their efforts to meet production
requirements. A recent spike in turnover
left the workforce shorthanded with many
employees not necessarily qualified to
perform critical plant functions. Some
employees felt they were in a rut
not knowing how to perform routine
tasks more efficiently. There were no
formal planning controls in place that
would track product cycles or forecast
order fulfillment requirements. The
organizational structure operated in silos,
with very little communication taking
place between departments.
The approach
Supervisory workshops equipped team
leaders with active management skills
to improve employee productivity. One-
on-one coaching aligned employee
behaviors with operating techniques
and tools that would facilitate the order
fulfillment process. Innovative educational
methods, such as the meat cam, gave
employees the opportunity to learn from
their mistakes and apply best practices
to everyday tasks. Weekly performance
meetings fostered a team environment,
giving all departments a forum to share
valuable information. The installation of a
planning schedule would speed up order
processing and delivery times across the
companys supply chain. Production line
workers exhibited efficient behavior as a
result of short interval control added to
the workflow.
The results
Performance meetings increased
accountability on all levels of the
organization. Communications
meetings combined with visual
management boards helped remove
the silos that prevented collaboration
between departments. Less turnover
was attributed to the on-boarding
assessment and training program,
which provided a smooth transition
for new hires into their new working
environment. Short interval control built
in to the new processes would help
drive behaviors that accelerated the
order fulfillment process.
The results are there. We can see it
on the P&L. CEO
Before [we started the project], only a handful
of supervisors would show up at the hand-over
meeting. Now all supervisors and leads are
there and everybody knows the game plan.
Plant Manager
You can see the changes on the floor in the
way people act. It is a better atmosphere and
people feel part of it. Supervisor
Project impact
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Increased average
pounds produced
Increased average
run-time efficiency