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CHANDLER. ALFRED DUPONT, JR., educator,. 揃his~orian: b.
Quyem.:'ourt; Del., Sept. tS, 1918: s. Alfred Dupont 揃amt.Carol
1. (R11msa)') C.; grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., 1936;,A.B.; Harvard/,940, .
A:M. 1947, Ph.D. 1952: A.M., U. N.C., 19Sl; m. 揃Fay Martin, Jan.
8, 194:J; children ,Alpine Oouglass,:Mary M~rris, Alfred Dupnn1 111.
, Hov,,ard Martin. Rc:scarch asso. Mass. Inst. Tc_ch.. J9SO-SI. :from
揃 instr/to prof., 19St-6J; pror. history Johns Hopkins. 196371, chnm.
depl≒ 1966.揃70. di!. Cc11icr ~ludy Recent' Am; Histl!ry. 1964-71;
Straus prof:bus. hastory揃Harvard Bus. Sch. 1971-;,111s.. _fcllow All
Souls Coll., Oxford U., :197S. Dir. Data .Pack, -Inc,; Landmark
Com111unic1niuns;1nc, Cons. U.S..Naval War c;:'oll., 19~lmem. Nat.
Adv. Council on Edn. Profcssions'()evcl.; 1970.71. Chmn. ad揃. his1.
com. U.S. AEC. 1969--:, Tnm~c Park Sch:, Brookline, Mass.
l9S7-6l. ehmn. bd., l96l-6l:揃"'trustec Brookline Pub. Library.
1959-63, Roland Park Sch.~':Balt.,"l964揃70, Johns Hopi.ins. 1971- .
Served to It. comdr. USNR, l940-4S. Ouggc:nhc:im fellow, 1958-S9:
Research fellow.Harvard. 19SJ. Mem. Econ. History As!>n. (trustee
1966-70. pres. 1971-72). Orgn. Am. Historians (uc:c:. bd. 1969-72).
Soc. for History Tech. {exec. council 1972;...;..). Am. Hist. Assn. Soc.
Am. His1ori11ns. Am; Acad. Arts and Scis. Episcop.i.lian:揃c1ubs: Guana
Island (Bril. V.1.); SL -8o1olph '(Boston):-揃Nantuc:ket (Mass.) 揃Yuch1;
Harvard (N.Y.C.);,ijamilton Sueel (Balt.). Author: Henry Varum
Poor, 1956:'Strateg!揃揃,-rid Siruc:ture (Newcome.n uward 1964), J962:
Giant Enterprise, I ;The Rail.roads, l96S;lvilh S1e.phcn Salbury)
Pierre S. duPont,',19. I, Editor: Papers of o...-ignt D.. Eiscnho-cr, S
vols., J970;41Ssl. editorThe Letters of Theodore Roose揃ell. 4 vols..
t9SO-S3. H<imc:: 1010 Memorial Dr Cambridge MA 02138
Strategy and Structure. MIT Press, 1962.
In a. historical analysis of 100 large u.s. firms and an in depth study of
Du.Pont, Sears, GM, and Standard Oil of N.J., Chandler determined tha.t
a.n organization s environment affects the type of strategy it selects.
The strategic plans in turn determine~the type of organization structure.
An organization in a stable environment should adhere to its strategic
plans and be structured mechanistically while a firm in an uncertain
environment should follow a strategy of diversification and organize
in a decentralized organic fashion.
Environment-+ Strategy~ Structure
Source: Ganno~, M.J. Management: An Organizational Perspective.

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  • 1. ~ . r 1962 ALFRED D. CHANDLER, JR. CHANDLER. ALFRED DUPONT, JR., educator,. 揃his~orian: b. Quyem.:'ourt; Del., Sept. tS, 1918: s. Alfred Dupont 揃amt.Carol 1. (R11msa)') C.; grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., 1936;,A.B.; Harvard/,940, . A:M. 1947, Ph.D. 1952: A.M., U. N.C., 19Sl; m. 揃Fay Martin, Jan. 8, 194:J; children ,Alpine Oouglass,:Mary M~rris, Alfred Dupnn1 111. , Hov,,ard Martin. Rc:scarch asso. Mass. Inst. Tc_ch.. J9SO-SI. :from 揃 instr/to prof., 19St-6J; pror. history Johns Hopkins. 196371, chnm. depl≒ 1966.揃70. di!. Cc11icr ~ludy Recent' Am; Histl!ry. 1964-71; Straus prof:bus. hastory揃Harvard Bus. Sch. 1971-;,111s.. _fcllow All Souls Coll., Oxford U., :197S. Dir. Data .Pack, -Inc,; Landmark Com111unic1niuns;1nc, Cons. U.S..Naval War c;:'oll., 19~lmem. Nat. Adv. Council on Edn. Profcssions'()evcl.; 1970.71. Chmn. ad揃. his1. com. U.S. AEC. 1969--:, Tnm~c Park Sch:, Brookline, Mass. l9S7-6l. ehmn. bd., l96l-6l:揃"'trustec Brookline Pub. Library. 1959-63, Roland Park Sch.~':Balt.,"l964揃70, Johns Hopi.ins. 1971- . Served to It. comdr. USNR, l940-4S. Ouggc:nhc:im fellow, 1958-S9: Research fellow.Harvard. 19SJ. Mem. Econ. History As!>n. (trustee 1966-70. pres. 1971-72). Orgn. Am. Historians (uc:c:. bd. 1969-72). Soc. for History Tech. {exec. council 1972;...;..). Am. Hist. Assn. Soc. Am. His1ori11ns. Am; Acad. Arts and Scis. Episcop.i.lian:揃c1ubs: Guana Island (Bril. V.1.); SL -8o1olph '(Boston):-揃Nantuc:ket (Mass.) 揃Yuch1; Harvard (N.Y.C.);,ijamilton Sueel (Balt.). Author: Henry Varum Poor, 1956:'Strateg!揃揃,-rid Siruc:ture (Newcome.n uward 1964), J962: Giant Enterprise, I ;The Rail.roads, l96S;lvilh S1e.phcn Salbury) Pierre S. duPont,',19. I, Editor: Papers of o...-ignt D.. Eiscnho-cr, S vols., J970;41Ssl. editorThe Letters of Theodore Roose揃ell. 4 vols.. t9SO-S3. H<imc:: 1010 Memorial Dr Cambridge MA 02138 Strategy and Structure. MIT Press, 1962. In a. historical analysis of 100 large u.s. firms and an in depth study of Du.Pont, Sears, GM, and Standard Oil of N.J., Chandler determined tha.t a.n organization s environment affects the type of strategy it selects. The strategic plans in turn determine~the type of organization structure. An organization in a stable environment should adhere to its strategic plans and be structured mechanistically while a firm in an uncertain environment should follow a strategy of diversification and organize in a decentralized organic fashion. Environment-+ Strategy~ Structure Source: Ganno~, M.J. Management: An Organizational Perspective.