Designers create original clothing and accessories that follow established fashion trends. They develop concepts around color, materials, and garment styles. Earning an average of $75,110 annually in 2008, designers require knowledge of design techniques and production principles to technically plan garments. The fashion program at San Diego Mesa College offers a certificate of achievement requiring 32-37 units over 1-2 years, and students can apply online.
2. ï‚— Designers
ï‚— Design clothing and accessories.
ï‚— Create original garments that follow well established
fashion trend.
ï‚— May develop the of color and kinds of materials.
ï‚— Design knowledge of design techniques, tools, and
principles involved in production of precision technical
ï‚— Pay (2008) average annual wage was $75,110.00
3. ï‚— Fashion Program at San Diego Mesa College
 Total units for certificate of Achievement is 32 – 37
 Time = 1 – 2 years
ï‚— Apply online at
4. ï‚— This is a good career for me because I like to
create new designs and new clothes.