The document provides a lesson plan for teaching algebraic expressions and identities to 8th grade students. It outlines objectives to help students understand identities in algebraic expressions, the relationship between algebra, geometry and arithmetic, and how to apply identities to solve problems. Example activities are presented to show representing algebraic expressions geometrically and applying identities to evaluate expressions and arithmetic problems. Key identities introduced are (a + b)2, (a - b)2, and (a + b)(a - b). Students are given practice problems to solve using the identities.
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algebraic expression class VIII
1. Model Lesson Plan
Class VIII
Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Sub Topic
3. 1. Objectives:-
In Algebraic Expressions & Identities
1. The child will know about the identities in algebraic
expression and will be able to represent it geometrically.
2. He will be able to know the relationship between algebra,
geometry and arithmetic.
3. He will also understand the relationship between the
algebraic expressions
4. From the exercises based on pictures and numericals he
will generalise the algebraic expression.
5. He will be able to use it in daily life etc...
4. 2. Teaching Method:-
1) Art Integrated Learning (AIL)
This process involves learning through
integrating various subjects with different
modules of art such as painting, drawing, clay
modelling, paper-cutting, theatre, dance etc...
2) Interactive method
Presentation based learning, video
5. 3. Material Required:-
Pencil, geometry box, notebook, pen
glaze paper, scissors, pasting
material, learning kit, power ppt etc.
6. 4. Previous Knowledge:-
Children have studied mathematics up to
class 7th and they are aware about
variables, constants and algebraic
7. 5. Introduction:-
Hi Students!
Today in this class of mathematics we
are going to study about use
Identities in algebraic expressions .
8. Before we start I want to ask you one
Interesting question. Have you ever learnt
algebra, when you were very small kid?
Your Simple flat answer is NO.
9. But I say yes, you have learnt algebra when you were a small
baby and your mother started calling you chikki, duggu. Do
you know from where these names came?
Duggu! Where r
10. Since you were unnamed that time and your
mother wanted to interact with you, she
needed some variable to address you and she
started calling you by these names. You learnt
that it was your name and started giving
response to mother with smile.
11. Similarly in mathematics when we
represent numbers 2, 3, 4 with some
other names like a, b, c these are
called variables. Variables and
constants form a term and terms are
added to form algebraic
Your name is a variable which
you learnt when you were kid.
12. 6. Content:-
Let us see how we can represent different
numbers and algebraic expressions
13. This is what we call
geometrical expression of
algebraic expression. When
we use variables to represent
certain values we deal with
14. So I must assume that you know algebra.
Let us perform one activity:
But before that one more question for you
Why 4, 9, and 16 are called squared numbers?
16. We can also represent squared algebraic terms
with squares.
X2 is the area of a square with side length X.
Area of a square of side X = X2
And area of a square of side (a + b)= (a + b)2
a2 + ab + ab +b2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
18. Did U know? You can apply the algebraic identity to
work out arithmetic problems
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
Example: (17)2 = (10 + 7 )2
= 102 + 2(10) (7) + 72
= 100 + 140 + 49
= 289
(a b)2 + ab + (a b)b = (a b)2 + ab + ab b2
a2 = (a b)2 +2 ab b2
=> (a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
20. You can also apply the algebraic identity to work
out arithmetic problems
(a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
Example: (17)2 = (20 - 3 )2
= 202 - 2(20) (3) + 32
= 400 - 120 + 9
= 289
21. ACTIVITY -3 a(a-b)+b(a-b)
= > a2-ab+ba-b2
(a + b) (a b) = a2 b2
22. You can also apply the algebraic identity to work out arithmetic
(a + b) (a b) = a2 b2
Example: (17 X 23) = (20 - 3) (20 +3)
= 202 - 32
= 400 9
= 391
23. What is an identity?
Consider the equality, (a+1)(a+2)=a2 +3a+2
For a=2
We can show LHS=RHS,
(2+1)(2+2)=22 + 3(2)+2
Let us now take a=-3
Then also,
Such an equality, true for every value of variable in it, is called
24. 7. What have we learnt?
An identity is equality, which is true for all values of
the variables in the equality.
The following are the standard identities:
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 -------------------------(1)
(a - b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2 -------------------------(11)
(a + b) (a b) = a2 b2 --------------------- (111)
The above identities are useful in carrying out squares
and products of algebraic expressions. They also allow
easy alternative methods to calculate products of
25. 8. Now try these questions:-
1) Using the identity (1) find
(i) (2x + 3y)2
(ii) 1032
2) Using the identity (11) find
(i) (4p - 3q)2
(ii) (4.9)2
3) Using the identity (111) find
(i) (3/2 m + 2/3 n) (3/2 m 2/3 n)
(ii) 9832 - 172
(iii) 194 X 206
26. 9. Try at Home:-
1. Represent the identity (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab +
b2 by taking the value of a =3 and b = 4
2. Using identity find the value of the
arithmetic problem (104)2.
3. Find the product of 104 X 96 by using the
algebraic identity.