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牀 牆牀園牀牀逗巌 牀む牀む逗萎牀む牀む - 牀牀逗 牀朽巌逗牀橿
Algorithms for certain classes of Tamil
Spelling correction
牀牆牀む牀む 牀牀牆牀牆牀牀巌牀 ezhillang@gmail.com
牀.牀牆牀牀逗朽 牀牆 tshrinivasan@gmail.com
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
牀 牆牀園牀牀逗巌 牀む牀む逗萎牀む牀む逗牀橿
牀む牀 牆 牀牆牀巌 - hunspell
Used in Google Docs
Text Processing Library in Python
Free/Open Source Software
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
牀牆牀む逗牆牀牀逗巌 牀む牀む逗萎牀む牀む
牀 牆牀園牀牀逗巌 牀む 牀む逗萎牀む牀む
Edit Distance Search Algorithm
verb declension,
affix removal,
morpheme extraction,
applying corrections to root word
synthesizing it.
Norvig Algorithm
1. Deleted,
2. Substituted - with alternate letter
3. Inserted - with alternate letter
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Driver Algorithm for Spell Checker
This is non-word
error correcting algorithm
i.e. it corrects only words not in dictionary
牀む牀逗巌逗迦 牀牀橿牀 牀牀牀牆牀牀牆牀迦 牀牀巌牀む牀む牀牀橿
牀, , 牀 牀朽萎逗巌 .
牀, 牀 牀朽萎逗巌 .
牀, 牀, 牀 牀朽萎逗巌 .
牀, 牀, 牀朽萎逗巌 .
牀 牆牀迦牀む逗萎牀む牀む逗牀逗迦 牀牀牀逗牀 牀牀逗萎迦
牀 牀牆牀牀朽牀朽牆牀牀逗牀む 牀牀む牀朽牀
牀牀橿牀橿牀牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀牆牀牀牀牆牀 牀 牆牀迦 牀萎逗牆牀牀む, 牀牀迦牀迦む
牀む朽園牀牀む ?
牀む朽園牀 牀 牆牀迦 牀牀牆牀 牀牀牆 牀む牀む逗迦 牀牀む牆 牀牆牀園牀園牆牀牀橿
牀牀牆牀牀牀牆牀 ?
牀萎逗牆牀 牀 牆牀園牀牀橿, 牀牀む牀朽む 牀朽牀朽萎 牀牀牆牀む牀, 牀牆牀牀萎牀牆牀牀
牀牀園牀園牀牆 牆牀牆牀む 牀牀逗萎逗牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀 牀 牆牀園牀牀橿 牀牀巌牀牀む牀む牀牆
牀萎 牀萎 牀牀逗牆牀牀牀萎牀む逗牀逗迦 牀牆牀牀迦牀牆.
牀牀橿牀橿牆, ,牀 牀牆
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Algorithm for conjoined word recognition
牀牀む牆牀園迦牀牆牀園牀園 = 牀牀む牆牀園迦 + 牀牆牀園牀園
牀牆牀萎逗牀巌牀牆牀む =
[['牀牆', '牀牀萎逗牀巌牀牆牀む'],
['牀牆牀萎', '牀牀牀巌牀牆牀む'],
['牀牆牀萎逗牆', '牀牀巌牀牆牀む'],
['牀牆牀萎逗牀巌牀牆牀む', '牀']]
Typographical error correction in Tamil
牀む牀逗巌99 牀牀迦牀迦む 牀牀牆 牀迦 牀朽牀牆牀牆牀 牀朽逗巌 牀牀橿逗牆 牀朽巌
牀牀橿牀橿牀牆 牀 牀牆牀巌牀牀牀逗迦 牀牀巌牀む牀む牀牆牀牀逗巌 牀牀橿
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)
Word Sense Disambiguation
牀牀牆牀朽牀 牀牀逗朽牆
牀牀牆牀朽牀 牀朽牆
Optimizing a Spell Checker Implementation
Algorithm for fast Unicode letter detection
is_tamil_unicode_predicate = lambda x: x >= chr(2946) and x <= chr(3066)
Caching results
Redis / distributed DB
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
 牀牀巌牀 牀牀迦 牀牆牀園牀園
 牀 牆牀迦 牀朽牀む牀迦 - 牀牆牀園牀牆牀牀牀巌牀む牀む
 牀む牀逗巌 牀牀牆牀牀橿
 Tamil Stemmer
 牀む牀逗巌 牀牆牀む逗牆牀牀逗巌 牀む逗萎牀む牀む
 牀牀牀萎牀牆牀牀迦 牀牀牆牀牀朽巌牀
 牀 牆牀迦 牀牀牆牀牀
 牀む牀逗巌 牀牀巌牀む牀む牀牆 牀牀逗巌 牀む逗萎牀む牀む
 牀牀園牀牆牀牆牀園 (牀牆牀牀逗朽牀牆牀牆) 牀牆牀園牀園
 牀む牀逗巌 N-牀牀逗萎牀牆
 Tamil game Minnal
 牀む牀逗巌 牀牆牀牀逗牀逗萎牀牆
 牀む牀逗巌 牀牀牆牀牀逗萎牀牆
 牀 牆牀迦牀巌牀 牀む逗萎牀牆牀牀 牀牀巌牀む
 牀む牀逗巌 牀牀巌牀 牀牆牀萎牀牆牀牀
 Tamil Morse code
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction
Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction

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Algorithms for certain classes of tamil spelling correction