A talk discussing the Mallory TCP/IP proxy tool written by folks at Intrepidus Group. The talk discusses how to use the tool effectively, as well as outlining some known problems with the tool and how to get around them. Presented at DEF CON Skytalks 2011.
5. problems with mitm
can be painful to maintain
arp poisoning is problematic
passive capture is fun, but may not be enough
6. painful
iptables works well
but managing long lists of rules is a pain
and you still have to do something useful with
the traffic you intercept
7. arp poisoning isnt ideal
busy networks will kill the poisoning host
its likely to get noticed
even when it works, its fickle
odds are in favor of the network
8. crypto ftw sucks
few tools dynamically handle certs
ones that do are generally passive listeners
those that do manipulate traffic & dynamically
handle certs dont do well if the traffic is not
HTTP (burp)
11. mucking with packets is better
mobile app testing requires more than passive
why just watch wifi traffic, when you could be
injecting client side exploits into the streams?
could using mitm help social engineering?
13. mallory is
a tcp mitm proxy
that supports fuzzing
and tcp stream editing
14. mallory is not
terribly well supported
necessarily stable
15. how to get mallory
install ubuntu
run the mallory install script
download the minimal vm image, and run the
update script for that (deprecated)
17. some familiar challenges
have to get traffic to the mallory host
gateway box (virtual or otherwise)
traditional mitm techniques already covered
18. but now you can do stuff easily
pause the streams (tcp/udp)
manipulate packets (manually, or via rulesets)
create modules to deal with unknown
then muck with that data
19. recent changes to mallory
gui vastly improved
configuration moved to gui
rules / mucking syntax made much better
many rules / mucking bugs fixed
20. stuff ive done
created the install / update scripts
for the vm image
for standard ubuntu iso installs (10.10 & 11.04)
completely redesigned the directory structure
made it *nix-ish
for great justice!
added random shell scripts / minor code tweaks
21. common problems
rules gui is confusing
protocols configuration is confusing
traffic doesnt show up in the stream
22. solutions
think backwards
need to have a rule before you can edit it
uncommented protocols get handled by the
protocol handler, not the tcp debugger
yeah, that sucks
#4: theres alice
and bob
they want to talk to each other.
because theyre friends.
mallory hates them both.
shes got a plan.
if she can jump into one of their conversations,
she can cause all kinds of problems.
#5: theres a number of techniques for accomplishing man-in-the-middle attacks.
heres a list of the more common ones, and some of the tools that can be used to perform them.
* arp spoofing
tricks other machines on the network into thinking youre the gateway host. this results in the attacking host acting as the router for the network. because it is the router, all packets can be intercepted.
* dns poisoning
can be used to inject an attackers ip address into the answer section of a dns query. this results in a victim host believing the attackers IP is the correct address for, say, paypal.com
* 802.11 tricks
typically involve setting up a rogue AP. wireless clients connect to the AP, resulting in the attacker again acting as a gateway device and router, able to intercept all traffic from the victim machine.
* dhcp exhaustion
is generally performed by sending a flood of dhcp request packets, and accepting all resulting dhcp offers until the dhcp server pool has been entirely consumed by the attacking machine. more complicated versions attempt to send dhcp release packets for existing hosts, in an attempt to knock them off the network. once all dhcp addresses are owned by the attacker, it can send out dhcp replies to new requests and assign addresses from the pool it now owns. the result once again is that the attacker becomes the gateway device for the victim machines.
#7: youve just become the router on a network with somewhere between 50 and 150 hosts.
you need to intercept specific traffic, monitor it, and potentially manipulate the data being sent between the client and server.
how do you do that effectively?
*hint*: manually adding iptables for everything you want + managing a crapton of netsed regex statements is not effective.
#8: when you arp poison a network, its essentially you vs. every machine on the segment.
because each machine is trying to respond to arp requests with valid information as youre trying to respond with bogus information, theres a dramatic increase in the total amount of traffic.
additionally, any success is limited, as the valid arp data is constantly being sent by the legit hosts.
#10: using cain, i arp poisoned my whole network (a /24, with 6 live hosts)
i then checked email using imaps, and both twitter and gmail over https.
the end result was that, while cain captured the certs, the connections werent successfully intercepted.
worse, in the case of the twitter connection, cain was able to snarf the twitter information, but it was completely wrong.
#11: remember tjx and heartland, from back before anti-nony-lulzsec made everyone forget about actual hacking by releasing a tsunami of dox?
they are examples of what can happen when someone just passively captures data (crypted or plain).
then theres the obligatory hipsters sitting in starbucks credentials theft scenario. whatever.
#21: code tweaks:
updated a lot of files to work with the new directory structured
changed the codebase to use native set() instead of python Sets module