This document outlines a presentation on aligning intellectual property with corporate strategy and developing corporate patent practices. It discusses screening corporate objectives to define IP objectives, incorporating freedom to operate considerations, creating and managing ideas, and connecting an IP strategy to a strategic technology map and market scenarios to anticipate the future. The overall message is that a strong IP strategy is essential for businesses to navigate risks and maintain competitive advantages.
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Aligning IP Strategy
1. 5th Patents as a Competitive Strategy Course
June 18 & 19, 2012
Aligning IP with Corporate
Strategy and Cultivating
Corporate Patent Practices
Naim Khan
2. The Fundamental IP Question
Why do you need Intellectual Property
To Navigate Risk Free!!
But navigate through what?
4. IP Jungle of Protected Ideas where Navigation is
Essential for Businesses: 21st Century
5. Screening Corporate Objectives: Defining
and Incorporating IP Objectives
Every Contemporary Business Strategy has IP in it. Here is
the reason why.
A business strategy is designed to avoid risks and reap
An IP strategy manages risks and rewards for a business
An IP strategy does not automatically mean filing of a
You need freedom to operate to launch your products or
services or even just to adopt a name
You should not take a risk without having at least a basic
freedom to operate knowledge
Without IP protection a business will not be able to
maintain its competitive advantage
6. IP Strategy
An IP strategy largely interacts with a corporate
strategy with two essential interlinked components
First component: Choice of how to practice Freedom
to Operate
Second component: Creation and Management of
7. Incorporating Freedom to Operate
"Freedom to operate" is usually used to mean
determining whether a particular action, such as
testing or commercializing a product, can be done
without infringing valid intellectual property rights of
8. Incorporating Freedom to Operate
What choices do you have?
Freedom to operate gives businesses the latitude to execute their
product or service strategy without the fear of competition
An open freedom to operate: Possible in mature technologies; High
legal and financial risk in new technologies and low profitability
An exclusive freedom to operate: File patent, acquire patent or
acquire an exclusive license; Low risk and potentially high reward
A shared freedom to operate: Acquire a non-exclusive license; Low
risk and medium to low reward
Generate freedom to operate: License your patented technology;
Low risk and high to low reward
9. The Most Important Resource of a
Ideas lead to inventions
Ideas are needed for competitive advantage
Ideas can always be generated
If you buy a company stock you are likely to buy it for the
innovation and technology the company owns
The ownership gives the company freedom to operate and
adds value to a company
Ideas no longer come only from the research and
development activity
Ideas can be related to any valued activity
10. Creation of Ideas
Critical aspects ofof in-house idea creation
Critical aspects in-house idea creation
Ideas come from everywhere
Ideas come from everywhere
Incentives for idea generation
Ideas and therefore inventions come as a whole not in
Monitor areas of idea generation
Managing idea generators
IP in contemporary technologies rely heavily
Monitor areas of idea generation
on connecting ideas as absolute originality is
IP in contemporary technologies relies heavily on
hard to come by absolute originality is hard to
connecting ideas as
come by
11. Creation of Ideas
Ideas come from everywhere
There should be company wide participation to come with an idea
be it R&D or any other department
Pump up your idea generation base with presentations or talks by
influential speakers
Demonstrate how idea generation is helping the company in its
Initially treat all ideas on equal footing
Expose your in-house audience to your general technology base
Out source innovation: the IP story is now world wide and it may be
likely that the your company may not keep pace with innovations in
your technology space
12. Creation of Ideas
Ideas and therefore inventions come as a whole not in
Contemporary technologies are connected at the very least as
core technologies and associated technologies
Idea in a core technology may likely be enabled by many
different aspects of core technology
Develop expertise that can at least sense this connection of
Ideas and therefore subsequent inventions may likely
spillover in associated technologies
Do not discard non core inventions and develop a strategy to
leverage this spillover
13. Creation of Ideas
Managing Idea Generators
An important aspect of Idea Management is to Liberate,
Lubricate and Refocus inventors insight
Train IP evaluators to handle inventors
Train IP evaluators to build trust with inventors by being open
and making them feel very important
Never disappoint someone with an idea
Treat first contact with an idea generation effort as a triage
Send back the idea for improvement by citing enabling
aspects and connections to other associated areas of
Always give incentives to at least enabling ideas at some level
14. Creation of Ideas
Monitor areas of idea generation
Monitor if enough ideas are not being generated in-
house for critical areas to have a competitive
Demonstrate in-house audience how to strategically
think about idea generation for IP in the technology
of interest (they are always willing to learn)
At least have an IP training session for all technology
managers and R&D staff about critical IP thinking and
get feedback to incorporate in future sessions
15. Creation of Ideas
IP in contemporary technologies relies heavily on
connecting ideas as absolute originality is hard to come
Create your core technology map overlaid with at least
two layers of associated technologies
Examine the IP and product landscape
Examine the idea space you have generated and the idea
space you need
Train IP evaluators to see the interconnectedness of
technologies and same for patents in the landscape
These IP evaluators will in turn maximize your return in
converting ideas into possible patents
16. Management of Ideas
Start an IP project for an idea
Recording and Documentation (Technical & Legal)
Evaluating novelty (Technical & Legal)
Evaluating completeness: Is the idea workable (Technical)
Evaluating value proposition: how the idea is connected to
your business and product strategy (Technical & Marketing
and Sales)
Validating novelty (Legal)
17. Management of Ideas
Identify deliverable and alternate paths to deliverable
(Technical & Legal)
Evaluate competing technologies and competitors (Technical
& Legal)
Evaluate future modifications (Technical)
Evaluate markets: financial (Marketing and Sales)
Evaluate markets: geographical (Technical, Marketing and
Sales & Legal)
18. Management of Ideas
Evaluate budget to file patent (Legal & Finance)
Determine availability of budget and track yearly budget
Determine your choice of freedom to operate (Executive)
You may still have to file for a patent (Legal)
If you patent, ensure that the invention is legally owned by
the company (Legal)
19. Outcome of Execution of IP Process
Patenting activity is an outcome of a business process
Lowered cost across the board for IP activity
Justified IP spending
Informed understanding of your business, future vision and
Acquire Not just Freedom to Operate but Freedom to Plan,
Execute and Reshape Vision
Intangible now feels tangible
20. Feedback and Communication
Management of ideas involves all departments: Legal,
Technical, Marketing, Financial and Executive Management
They are delivering their required input
Need to stress the importance of an IP project
as a mission critical project
Assemble a team from all business units
Have all departments present their reports in team meetings
Present final report in a team meeting along with executive
21. Strategic Technology Map: The Missing Link
Generate scenarios to anticipate probable futures: essential
Three components and many derivatives
Inventory of ideas
Global market survey
IP survey
22. Technology Map
Strategic Technology Map
Inventory of ideas
Collect all ideas
Do not discard any idea initially
Connect ideas to existing products or services
Connect ideas to future
Invent upon ideas
See the complete picture
23. Technology Map
Strategic Technology Map
Global Market Survey
Identify the ecosystem in which your company exists
Identify broad components of the ecosystem
Collect statistical and financial data to see what the market is
See the underlying trends unfolding in the ecosystem
Collect information on all relevant M&A activity and with IP
details on patent evaluation, licensing and the synergy
between merging companies
Write down key questions to answer
24. Technology Map
Strategic Technology Map
IP Survey
Identify competing companies
Identify their IP
Bridge their IP to their published strategy and products
Identify the risk from competition
Identify patent prior art
Identify non-patent literature
Identify key researchers and clusters
Identify relevant court decisions
25. Time Horizons
Determine your time horizon for bringing product/service to
market or investors (absolutely critical will affect every
decision including IP)
For patents determine your neighbourhood of IP Jungle:
Create a landscape of your neighbourhood technologies
(what you may uncover affect your initial time horizons or re-
affirm them)
Determine your immediate and midterm potential and target
markets (this will be big factor to estimate IP costs)
26. Bridging IP to Scenarios
Connect all components of Technology Map
Observe the intersections
Document and Answer key questions
Bridge the intersections of Technology Map to your generated
scenarios to document key future developments and overlay your
Time Horizons
Design your IP Strategy to include these future developments
IP Strategy is always ahead of time by design and necessity
IP Strategy by design should be flexible to change with evolving IP
and Business landscape
Use Technology Map extensively in management of ideas
Update continuously
Shrink delay of time to market
27. Anticipate the Future
IP strategy today is about carving your space in future
Do not miss the boat by not examining what is in front of you
Evaluate your ideas
Best way to see the future is to invent it
Editor's Notes
#7: How will you create will affect how will you manage New generation of ideas will mean newer business plans and models Focus should be on exiting platform and more so on newer but related ideas so that buisness strategy can be continued Technologies inherently are nature is disruptive and so idea creation should also have at least a disruptive element
#9: Even though the options are well defined the actual situation may demand a mix to two or more options
#14: Targeted and focused brain storming is not straight forward.. Guiding inventors and R&D to understand how to navigate around an idea is essential Working on inventor psychology is essential