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KCAS Bioanalytical & Biomarker Services | kcasbio.com | contact us: info@kcasbio.com
The alkaline hematin technique de鍖nitively and
quanti鍖ably determines MBL, and is commonly
used for womens health clinical trials as an MBL
endpoint for:
> Menorrhagia
> Endometriosis
> Adenomyosis
> Uterine Fibroids
We performed side-by-side comparisons to determine
the accuracy of pictograms (e.g., PBAC) for products
currently on the market and our research found that
pictograms are not only inaccurate but lead to false
conclusions regarding the inclusion or exclusion of
subjects into a clinical study. Comparisons have been
presented at Womens Health conferences and our
posters can be viewed by visiting www.kcasbio.com.
The method involves pummeling used feminine hygiene
products in a solution and measuring the resulting
hematin absorbance against calibration curves. To allow
us to rapidly reports results, the historic method was
re-tooled and validated in accordance with current FDA
Guidance for Method Validations. The validation
summary below documents product selectivity, kinetic
conversion, calibration design, best 鍖t analysis, precision
and accuracy, dilution integrity and stability.
Clinical trials for drug therapies or surgical techniques treating menorrhagia, endometriosis, uterine 鍖broids or
adenomyosis, often require menstrual blood loss (MBL) measured at screening and post-treatment endpoints as an
e鍖cacy marker. KCAS has validated the alkaline hematin biomarker, a rapid spectrophotometric assay, acknowledged
as the de鍖nitive MBL e鍖cacy biomarker by regulatory agencies and recognized experts in the womens health 鍖eld.
> Experience: Since 2006, KCAS has measured more
than 137,000 samples from more than 10,000
menstrual cycles. Our method is validated to FDA
Guidance for Validations standards and has been
audited by both device and pharma clients.
> Logistics: No other lab has the know-how to help you
design and facilitate the collection of AH samples
across multiple domestic or international clinical
> Proven Record: KCAS alkaline hematin data has been
a part of multiple NDA submissions that have met
FDA approval. KCAS has supported several programs
for drugs and devices and our data reporting
complies with FDA expectations.
KCAS facilitates all aspects of the alkaline hematin
project, including:
> Generating a custom laboratory manual &
patient instructions
> Presenting site training at investigator meetings
> Creating sample collection kits
> Providing kits, storage/shipping containers and
shipping materials to clinical sites
> Coordinating re-orders and available for
on-demand clinical site support
Bioanalytical & Biomarker Services
We utilize a custom Access/SQL database for data
management and reporting that incorporates the
unique aspects of multi-site AH clinical trials. The
databases speci鍖c report format and frequency is
tailored to the clients speci鍖c study design and needs.
Logistical Support

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Alkaline Hematin Biomarker

  • 1. MeasurementofBloodLossbyAlkalineHematin KCAS Bioanalytical & Biomarker Services | kcasbio.com | contact us: info@kcasbio.com The alkaline hematin technique de鍖nitively and quanti鍖ably determines MBL, and is commonly used for womens health clinical trials as an MBL endpoint for: > Menorrhagia > Endometriosis > Adenomyosis > Uterine Fibroids We performed side-by-side comparisons to determine the accuracy of pictograms (e.g., PBAC) for products currently on the market and our research found that pictograms are not only inaccurate but lead to false conclusions regarding the inclusion or exclusion of subjects into a clinical study. Comparisons have been presented at Womens Health conferences and our posters can be viewed by visiting www.kcasbio.com. The method involves pummeling used feminine hygiene products in a solution and measuring the resulting hematin absorbance against calibration curves. To allow us to rapidly reports results, the historic method was re-tooled and validated in accordance with current FDA Guidance for Method Validations. The validation summary below documents product selectivity, kinetic conversion, calibration design, best 鍖t analysis, precision and accuracy, dilution integrity and stability. MeasurementofBloodLossbyAlkalineHematin Clinical trials for drug therapies or surgical techniques treating menorrhagia, endometriosis, uterine 鍖broids or adenomyosis, often require menstrual blood loss (MBL) measured at screening and post-treatment endpoints as an e鍖cacy marker. KCAS has validated the alkaline hematin biomarker, a rapid spectrophotometric assay, acknowledged as the de鍖nitive MBL e鍖cacy biomarker by regulatory agencies and recognized experts in the womens health 鍖eld. > Experience: Since 2006, KCAS has measured more than 137,000 samples from more than 10,000 menstrual cycles. Our method is validated to FDA Guidance for Validations standards and has been audited by both device and pharma clients. > Logistics: No other lab has the know-how to help you design and facilitate the collection of AH samples across multiple domestic or international clinical sites. > Proven Record: KCAS alkaline hematin data has been a part of multiple NDA submissions that have met FDA approval. KCAS has supported several programs for drugs and devices and our data reporting complies with FDA expectations. KCAS facilitates all aspects of the alkaline hematin project, including: > Generating a custom laboratory manual & patient instructions > Presenting site training at investigator meetings > Creating sample collection kits > Providing kits, storage/shipping containers and shipping materials to clinical sites > Coordinating re-orders and available for on-demand clinical site support Bioanalytical & Biomarker Services We utilize a custom Access/SQL database for data management and reporting that incorporates the unique aspects of multi-site AH clinical trials. The databases speci鍖c report format and frequency is tailored to the clients speci鍖c study design and needs. Methodology Why KCAS? Investigative Logistical Support Indications