This document provides biographical information about Aylisa Anthony, born on July 11, 2003 in Fort Worth, TX. It details her birth facts, favorites such as cinnamon rolls and Taylor Swift, family including two sisters, involvement as a Girl Scout for 4 years, dream to become a fashion designer, and answers to fun questions about her happiest memory, ideal allowance amount, and what makes a person good-looking.
2. Aylisa
Birth Facts
Birthday: July, 11, 2003
Birth Weight: 6lbs 12.8 oz
Birth Time: 6:26 pm
Parents: Bethany and
Birthplace: Fort Worth, TX
3. ´¡²â±ô¾±²õ²¹â€™s
Favorite Food: Cinnamon Rolls
Favorite Animal: Kittens
Favorite TV Show: ICarly
Favorite Toy: Littlest Pet Shops
Favorite Movie: Barbie and A Fashion
Fairy Tale
Favorite Singer: Taylor Swift
Favorite Song: We Are Never Ever
Getting Back Together
Favorite Game: Wee World
Favorite Book: Umbrella Summer
Favorite Teacher: Mrs Soria
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Type Of Weather: Sunshine
4. ´¡²â±ô¾±²õ²¹â€™s
Mom: Bethany
Daddy: Chad
Sisters: Aryiana and
Grandparent: Gram, Poppy,
Gramps, and Nana.
Uncles: Caleb and Austin
Aunts: Becca and Katrina
5. Aylisa The
Girl Scout
I have been a Girl
Scout for 4 Years.
I am a Junior Now.
I love girl scouts.
I get to do fun things
like go to camp, sell
cookies, do crafts, go
fun places.
7. Funny 1.
My Birthdays
I get presents
Questions 3. Awesome
1. What is your happiest memory? 4. Be Nice
2. Why do you like being a kid?
3. One word to describe you would be 5. An Elephant, because I could scare off
4. What advice would you give your
5. If you could be any animal, which one 6. Draw
would you be and why?
6. What do you like to do for fun? 7. That one time I nearly fell=)
7. Tell about a funny time in your life.
8. What is your favorite thing to do? 8. Read, because I like books
9. What is your favorite thing to do with 9. Have Sleepovers
your friends?
10. What do you love most about your 10.They’re Crazy
11. What was the nicest thing you did for 11.I helped a little girl read.
12. What do you think you will be doing
10 years from now?
12.In College
13. What is your favorite thing to do in
the summer?
13.Go Swimming
14. What would be the ideal allowance? 14.$100, I would use it to help the orphanage
Tell me how you would use it.
15. What do you think makes a person
good-looking? 15.Their talent
16. What is the grossest thing you can
think of? 16.Poop