Bees work together in a hive to collect nectar from flowers and produce honey. Forager bees gather pollen and nectar and bring it back to the hive. House bees turn the pollen and nectar into honey with their special stomachs and enzymes. Worker bees build and maintain the honeycomb structure and take care of the queen, eggs, larvae, and defense of the hive. Bees communicate through dances and all work hard together to produce honey.
8. Worker Bees Work Hard!
Collect nectar
Turn nectar into
Build honeycombs
Take care of eggs
Take care of larvae
Feed the queen
Defend the hive
.much more!
12. Bees all work together, and they
work hard to make honey for
themselves and for us!
13. Related Materials
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If you liked this presentation, you might enjoy these links:
Bee Reading Comprehension (upper elem/middle)
Bee Reading Comprehension (primary/elementary) includes a KWL
Bee Center Sign
Busy Bee Bulletin Board Trim
Bee Maze
Bee Border Paper
Have a look at our bee sections:
Science>Animals>Invertebrates>Insects>Bees (facts)
Theme Units> Bees (facts and fun)
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