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brief about: Silo Bag Storage System
1. About Silo Bag
1.1. Introduction
1.2 Size & Type of Silo Bags
1.2. General Safety Principles
1.3. Bag Specification
1.4. Bag Warranty
2. Simple rules to get the most from Silo Bag
2.1. Site Selection
2.1.1. Ground Conditions
2.1.2. High & Dry
2.1.3. ideal Slope
2.1.4. Stubble Issue
2.1.5. Tree Issues
2.1.6. Secure the Site
2.2. Bag Placement
2.2.1. Separation between bags
2.2.2. North South Bag Orientation
2.2.3. Bag Downhill
2.3. Filling of Bags
2.3.1. Keep the Bag Straight
2.3.2. Bag Stretching
2.3.3. Sealing the Bag
2.3.4. Bag Finishing
2.3.5. Protecting the Bag
a. Rodent Control
b. Fencing
c. Fire Danger/ Brecks
d. Fire Extinguishers
e. inspect after Storms
f. Regular Inspections
2.4. Emptying the Bag
2.4.1. Preparing to open the bag
2.4.2. Safety During Unloading
2.5. India Grain Storage
2.5.1. Introduction
2.5.2. India Production Snapshoot
2.5.3. Status of Indian Operations
2.5.4. Strength
2.5.5. Compression of Silo Bag
2.5.6. Standard Operating Practices
2.5.7. Silo Grain Park Foundations
2.5.8. Storage Moisture
2.5.9. Regular Sampling
What is a Silo bag ?
A polyethylene bag 60 meters long and 2.75 meters in diameter for storing grain in the open. It is suitable
for storing wheat ( up to 200 Mt ) maize, barley, paddy, mustard, soya and other commodities.
About Silo Bag
What is a Silo bag made of ?
A laminated plastic sheet made of
3 layers of coextruded
polyethylene with 220 microns
The first 2 layers make the bag
weather proof and act as a UV
The third layer is black and
protects the grain from sunlight UV STABILIZERTio2
Participation of LDPE
Thickness of white layer
Thickness of the film
Participation of
 Able to stretch over a
extended period of time
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
How does a Silo bag protect the grain ?
It is sealed and airtight. The bag is designed to stretch by 10% ensuring the grain is packed tightly and
most air is expelled at filling. After filling and sealing, the few pockets of air / oxygen are eliminated by
the grain breathing thus producing a modified atmosphere, rich in CO2.
Increase Dioxide Carbon Concentration (CO2)
Decreases Oxygen Concentration (O2)
Stretching relationship among different places of the bag
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
How is a Silo bag filled?
With a specially designed bagging machine that can be filled from a harvester, a grain cart or
any high volume auger. Bags can be filled at 200 Mt per hour.
Materials to Bag All kinds of dry grain
Transport position Same as work. Does not require
additional elements.
Work tongue Foldable for tip or on truck transport
Tractor Minimum power: 33 kW (45 HP)
PTO shaft speed: 540 rpm
Hydraulic group: one double acting
cylinder output
Brake system Disk brake on both wheels
Braking power adjustable by hand
Pressure gauge
Axle Adjustable through hydraulic cylinder
Feeding High capacity auger (more than 250
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
The Silo Bag un-Loader features a
bag roller shaft and a spring
loaded clutch on the bag roller
for easy bag removal.
The equipment with a large
10inch cross auger, 17 inch
main auger along with the 50
degree angle of the main auger
for more reach an height. It is
capable of extracting
approximately 150-180 MT of
grains per hour from the silo Bag
How is a Silo bag emptied ?
By using a specially designed un-loader that opens the bag and lifts the grain to a grain cart or truck
at 200 Mt per hour.
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
Where are Silo bags stored ?
In the open, on any clean, well drained ground that is free from sharp objects and does not have too steep
incline. This can be even a harvested field as long as the crop stubble is not too spiky.
 Place bags on high and well drained
fields, far from trees and any possible
source of breakups
 Ground must be firm, plain and clean.
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
What if there are insects in the grain to be stored in a Silo Bag ?
The bag is an airtight environment, anything alive (insects, bacteria, the grain) consumes the limited oxygen
in the bag and expels carbon dioxide. Usually within 30 days, the oxygen volume in the bag drops from 20%
to 3%; the carbon dioxide volume rises from 0% to 17%. The inside of the bag has become anaerobic.
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
How long can grain be stored in a Silo bag ?
If moisture level is within recommended limit grain can be stored in a bag
up to 24 months.
What levels of grain moisture can be stored in a Silo bag ?
It is recommended that grain be stored at the 'normal' standards of the
country. Wheat can be stored for up to 2 years if below 12% moisture but can
be stored for shorter periods at levels as high as 14% -16%.
Can Silo bags be reused ?
No, the Silo bag has to be cut open along its length
while emptied.
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
What can be done with used Silo bags ?
Silo bags can be recycled as each bag is made of 120
kg of high quality polyethylene.
How secure is a Silo bag ?
A Silo bag can be opened with a sharp knife but cannot be transported.
Pilferage from a Silo Bag needs a recipient to carry the spilled grain.
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
If a Silo bag is damaged can it be repaired ?
Minor damage can be repaired with tape. Major damage requires
that section to be unloaded and re-bagged. Undamaged sections can
be resealed.
How are samples taken from a Silo bag?
By using 6 feet sampling probe grain spear directly through bag and samples can be taken from any
level and portion of the bags, small hole is resealed with tape
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
Are Silo bags affected by temperature?
Grain is stored in Silo bags at temperature extremes with no adverse affect. Bags have been filled
in temperatures over 45 deg C in Australia , 50 deg C in sudan and been covered in snow and left at
minus 20 deg C in Canada.
The bags are made of polyethylene which can be affected at temperature
extremes, more elastic in heat, more brittle in cold. Having a low profile
and contact with the ground heat dissipates quickly but doesn't impact on
stored grains.
How much ground is needed to store gain in Silo bags ?
Depending on the grain, calculate 3 - 5,000 per hectare. if same commodity than
upto 5000 mt per hectare
What is the limit of grain that can be stored in Silo bags ?
None! With available land, just fill more bags. There are grain 'parks'
in South Africa that hold more than 50,000 mt of grains and sudan
have more than 200000 mt.
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
 Scientific bulk storage & preservation.
 Economic solution as compared to conventional warehouses/Silo storage.
 It is versatile storage system which can be deployed at farm level, mandi level and
any suitable location.
 The lead time for the mobilization for storage is just 4-5 weeks.
 Silo bag can be kept in open field.
 Quality and quantity remains intact same during the storage period.
 Long- term storage solution (more than 2 years)
 No fumigation required upto 24 months of continuous storage
 Silo Bag hermetically sealed storage system which perpetually produce 17% of carbon dio- oxide within 30 days ,
thus inhibits any kind of incest and micro biological.
 The storage capability during the procurement season can be scaled from 200 tons per hour and onwards
because it handles the grains mechanically at very fast and efficient way.
 Storing near to the farm level enables farmers to bring his produce quickly. The system allows appropriate price
at appropriate time to farmers.
 Silo Bag has been tried and tested under weather conditions of -40 degree C to +55 degree C in various
 The system tangibly saves the recurring cost of wooden crates, tarpaulin, gunny bags and fumigation cost
 Manual handling is optimized
 It is the most suitable and convenient backward integration for completing cycle of bulk supply chain
 Being chemical free storage avoid further loss of nutrition
ContinueAbout Silo Bag
Each Machine has its own operating Manual.
Please Note
Operator safety is of the utmost concern. A great percentage of accidents
occur by the neglect or incorrect operation of the machinery.
A good operator of machinery will use and maintain the machine adequately,
taking the maximum precautions to avoid accidents.
The decals referring to safety, precautions and safety defaces as well as other
safety protections measures, which has been incorporated into the machines,
are there for your safety, as well as all others persons.
Do not paint over them
Maintain them in a clean and legible state
In case of deterioration, please contact authorized dealer for replacement
General Safety Principles
Business Consortium of India
The first two layers act as a UV filter. The
third layer is black and is designed to keep out
the sunlight.
The bags are designed to stretch by a maximum
of 10%. This is measured during filling and must
be observed to prevent overfilling the bag.
A polyethylene bag 60 meters long and 2.75
meters in diameter for storing grain in the
open. It is suitable for storing wheat ( up to
220 tons) wheat, maize, barley, paddy, mustard,
soya and other commodities.
The bag is sealed and airtight. It has a life of 12 - 18 months in the open.
A 60 meter bag holds around 220 tones of wheat or around 180 tones of barley. You can store any
amount of grain in the bag by simply cutting the bag and resealing it again.
The bag is sealed storing the grain in an airtight environment, preventing the development and
reproduction of fungi and insects. This environment can eliminate the need for chemicals.
The Silo Bag is a laminated mix of three layers of PE (polyethylene).
Bag Specification
Site Selection
When Selecting your site, it is important to look to the
further and those conditions when extracting the grains.
While it is hot and dry during the bagging season, it
maybe wet and cold when extracting. These conditions
may be cause access problem for trucks and other
machinery that Is being utilized to transport the grains
away from the site.
It may be advisable in such conditions to locate beside a
formed road/track, allowing the easy movement of loaded
Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Ground Conditions
It is important for good grain storage and conservation that the ground for bag filling is to be
prepared in anticipation, with following characteristics
High and Dry
The best results are found by having the bags located on a slightly raised, hard base. By forming
these beds and stabilizing them in advance of the harvest, the forward thinjing Silo Bagger will be
well rewarded.
High ground and an area that does not flood. Select an area away
from trees
Select hard ground, not soft. Ground that does not mark from the
footprints of both the tractor and bagger.
 Make sure the ground id free from weeds and sharp stubbles
that might pierce the bag. Also make sure that the ground does not
contain sharp stones, sticks and/or other objects that pierce the
 it is best to keep the perimeter of each individual bag free from
An application of chemical to control the weeds/grasses around the perimeters of the bag is a
This procedure and maintenance helps in the control of rodent attack and damage from animals that
may graze next to the bag
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Ideal Slope
 If possible, it is preferable to bag downhill, as
this helps to prevent moisture entry to the bag
via the end opening.
An ideal slope would be a slight inclination of 1-
It is not recommended to work across slopes.
This overload one side of the bag causing it to
over stretch the plastic. This may possibly result
in the premature failure of the bag.
If livestock are grazing in adjoining paddocks
(or in the same paddock but with a fence around
the silo bag ) it is advisable to keep the bags away
from the fenceline by 2 meters fo 6 fee.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Tree Issues
Tree drop limbs
These limbs can strike the bag on the to of it, where the
most stretch and strain is found on bag. This sudden impact
on the bag at this point cause the bags to split open along its
entire length
Please be aware of this potential hazard selecting your site
Secure The Site
Once the bags are made, perimeter wire fence should be constructed to
prevent damages from animals.
Prevent attack from rodents as they can damage the bags.
Keep the site clear and use baits when necessary.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Separation Between Bags
When placing bags side, it must be
remembered that they have to be
emptied one day!
With this in mind, please allow enough
room between the bags to allow easy
and unrestricted loading the X-tractor
and associated grain carts and /or
It is suggested that the distance the
bags be enough to allow the grains
carts or trolleys to pass between the
bags while unloading with an x-tractor.
Our recommended is a distance of 5
meters /16.5 feet.
Bag Placement
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Bag Placement for Silo Grain Park
Pathway 5 MtPathway 5Mt
Pathway 5 Mt
Pathway 5 Mt
Pathway 5 MtPathway 5 Mt
1. 5 Mt
1. 5 Mt
1. 5 Mt
1. 5 Mt
This will allow enough space for the x-tractor to work without rupturing the adjacent bag and
enough space to create a pathway where an operator could control the integrity of the bag
during storage. It is important to leave a path of at least 5 meters wide on the side that the x-
tractor works so there is room for the transport vehicle.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
North - South
North South. Important
It is recommended to place the bags NORTH/SOUTH because it is
desirable for the sun to hit both sides of the bag evenly.
Uneven Exposure to the sun may result in:
 Potential damage to the materials of the bags
 if the sun is always only on the same side some discoloration of the
grain may occur on that side as a result.
 more condensation can occur on that side if you have bagged the grain
with high moisture content.
Downhill bagging vs. Uphill Bagging
If machine is correctly and adequately barked for the bag stretching desirable
(10%) then it is safe to bags downhill.
However it may be more appropriate to bag upslope, because in this way the
slope helps the machine brake which assists in a more uniformly filled bags.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Filling the Bag
Keep the Bag Straight
For best result, when bagging, the mainero bagger should be kept working in a
straight line.
Handy Hint
It is important to keep the bag straight.
However, slight deviations may occur before you
notice it.
Therefore to assist you in keeping your bag
aligned in a straight line, we strongly suggest
that you lay a string line the bagging pad, with
the front wheel of the tractor running along
the string line.
You will quickly notice if the tractor is deviating
from the straight line. Please keep a constant
eye on this important point, and correct when,
and if necessary.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Bag Stretching
The Silo Bag is designed to stretch. This stretching helps expel the oxygen and make a compacted, tight
The healthy and dry grains that are placed inside the silo bags tend to behave like a liquid. This liquid
nature of the grains has an impact on the interior of the Silo Bag. The Grains do not cling together, and
as a result, they tend to scatter towards the sides of the Silo Bag.
Different grains types react differently within the silo bag. Some
grains becomes more liquid and thus the silo bag will be in a more
flattened and oval shape, while other grains types will make the silo
bag more upright and round.
At a higher hectoliter weight , better grain cleanliness in the sample
and lower moisture contact of the sample will mean that the grains in
the silo bags will have a higher tendency to flow. This will lead, in in
turn, to a higher stretching and deformation of the bag.
Note; when adjusting the braking pressure , it should be done in small progressions of a recommended 10-
15KG/CM2 {140-210 PSI}
Usually as the day hotter, the bag will stretch more, requiring LESS braking pressure, likewise in the cool
of the evening, the bag may require more stretching and the bagging machine require MORE braking
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Protecting the Silo Bag
Rodent Control
If you are concerned with mice attacking the bags, then it has been found that a light
application Urea on the site where the bags are to laid us a well wroth while task. Others
have found that by applying some light soil along the edge of the bags (along its side) and
filling in the curve at ground level help prevent mice from burrowing in under the bag.
Another simple idea that had been found effective is the placement of a pipe at the
sealed end of the bag. The rodents will travel trough this section and it is found that this
pipe makes a great location for a bait station
We keep stressing the importance of good house keeping, most problems can be prevented
with good house keeping and regular checking and maintenance of the bags and sites .
The Steps to take are the followings:
 the ground over which the bags are to placed must be free of grass and undergrowth
 Do not leave loose grains around the nags because they are very appealing to the
If a mouse got into the bag, the best thing to do is to introduce by the same hole, a
foxtoxin pill (aluminum phosphor) and seal the hole with tape that is sent with the bag
 it is possible, lay the bags parallel to the main winds.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Fire Danger/Fire Breaks
It must be remembered that Silo Bags are made from PVC
(plastic material).
As such, if exposed to extreme heat from a close fire, it may in
fact melt, or catch fire.
In position you bags. It is best to be mindful of this fact to allow
maximum protection of your assets.
Fire Extinguishers / Sand Bucket
You should always have a fully charged fire
extinguisher and fully filled sand buckets close at
hand when working around machinery. This is a
sensiable precaution, and a legal requirement.
The operator must know how to operate this fire
extinguisher before any machinery is started up or
worked on.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Please read carefully all decals attached so you fully understand their meanings, and their
importance. If you not understand any aspects of the decals, or operations of the
machine, please contact authorized dealer for a clear interpretation and understanding.
Before the operation of any of these machines, or any machine for the matters, it is
essential that EVERY operator and supervisor read and learn thoroughly the contents
of each separate manual applicable to that machine. This way, most hazardous
situations will be avoided for the operator, for the parties and for any goods placed
near the area.
To achieve this, it is fundamental that all operators and supervisors WITHOUT
EXCEPTION read and undersigned clearly the manual relating to each machine
individually. The training should include every details of the machines operation, and
should also be lacked by written records.
Any guards that are placed on the machine are there for a reason; to protect
if any guard becomes lost or damaged, please have it replaced before continuing to
operate the machine.
Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
Continue. About Silo Bag
Inspect after Storms
A sudden storm could occur at any time. Please seal the
bag before leaving unattended over night to prevent rain
damage to the bagged grain.
Hail: after a hail storm the bags must be checked
immediately to see if any damage has occurred. If the
damage is light, it can be repaired with appropriate tape.
If it is serious then the only safe solution is to empty
and place anew bag. Remember that a higher stretch of
the bag, increase the risk to hail damage.
Regular Inspections
The success of your Silo Bag system will largely
depends on your level of house keeping once the bags
are filled.
It is important that all possible efforts are taken to
maintain the integrity of the plastic membrane, or
repair it quickly if found damaged and /or
Remember that holes in the membrane can cause
material degradation
& Efficiency
Continue. About Silo Bag

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all about silo bag

  • 1. brief about: Silo Bag Storage System
  • 2. Contents 1. About Silo Bag 1.1. Introduction 1.2 Size & Type of Silo Bags 1.2. General Safety Principles 1.3. Bag Specification 1.4. Bag Warranty 2. Simple rules to get the most from Silo Bag 2.1. Site Selection 2.1.1. Ground Conditions 2.1.2. High & Dry 2.1.3. ideal Slope 2.1.4. Stubble Issue 2.1.5. Tree Issues 2.1.6. Secure the Site 2.2. Bag Placement 2.2.1. Separation between bags 2.2.2. North South Bag Orientation 2.2.3. Bag Downhill 2.3. Filling of Bags 2.3.1. Keep the Bag Straight 2.3.2. Bag Stretching 2.3.3. Sealing the Bag 2.3.4. Bag Finishing 2.3.5. Protecting the Bag a. Rodent Control b. Fencing c. Fire Danger/ Brecks d. Fire Extinguishers e. inspect after Storms f. Regular Inspections 2.4. Emptying the Bag 2.4.1. Preparing to open the bag 2.4.2. Safety During Unloading 2.5. India Grain Storage 2.5.1. Introduction 2.5.2. India Production Snapshoot 2.5.3. Status of Indian Operations 2.5.4. Strength 2.5.5. Compression of Silo Bag 2.5.6. Standard Operating Practices 2.5.7. Silo Grain Park Foundations 2.5.8. Storage Moisture 2.5.9. Regular Sampling
  • 3. What is a Silo bag ? A polyethylene bag 60 meters long and 2.75 meters in diameter for storing grain in the open. It is suitable for storing wheat ( up to 200 Mt ) maize, barley, paddy, mustard, soya and other commodities. Continue. About Silo Bag
  • 4. What is a Silo bag made of ? A laminated plastic sheet made of 3 layers of coextruded polyethylene with 220 microns thickness. The first 2 layers make the bag weather proof and act as a UV filter. The third layer is black and protects the grain from sunlight UV STABILIZERTio2 Participation of LDPE Thickness of white layer Thickness of the film Participation of antioxidative compound Able to stretch over a extended period of time ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 5. www.silobagindia.com How does a Silo bag protect the grain ? It is sealed and airtight. The bag is designed to stretch by 10% ensuring the grain is packed tightly and most air is expelled at filling. After filling and sealing, the few pockets of air / oxygen are eliminated by the grain breathing thus producing a modified atmosphere, rich in CO2. MAINTAINAING GRAINS IN A HERMETIC ENVIROMENT Increase Dioxide Carbon Concentration (CO2) Decreases Oxygen Concentration (O2) 1% 2.5-3% Stretching relationship among different places of the bag 0% ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 6. www.silobagindia.com BAGGING MACHINE CHARACTERICS How is a Silo bag filled? With a specially designed bagging machine that can be filled from a harvester, a grain cart or any high volume auger. Bags can be filled at 200 Mt per hour. Materials to Bag All kinds of dry grain Transport position Same as work. Does not require additional elements. Work tongue Foldable for tip or on truck transport Tractor Minimum power: 33 kW (45 HP) PTO shaft speed: 540 rpm Hydraulic group: one double acting cylinder output Brake system Disk brake on both wheels Braking power adjustable by hand pump Pressure gauge Axle Adjustable through hydraulic cylinder Feeding High capacity auger (more than 250 tons/hour) ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 7. The Silo Bag un-Loader features a bag roller shaft and a spring loaded clutch on the bag roller for easy bag removal. The equipment with a large 10inch cross auger, 17 inch main auger along with the 50 degree angle of the main auger for more reach an height. It is capable of extracting approximately 150-180 MT of grains per hour from the silo Bag How is a Silo bag emptied ? By using a specially designed un-loader that opens the bag and lifts the grain to a grain cart or truck at 200 Mt per hour. ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 8. www.silobagindia.com Where are Silo bags stored ? In the open, on any clean, well drained ground that is free from sharp objects and does not have too steep incline. This can be even a harvested field as long as the crop stubble is not too spiky. Place bags on high and well drained fields, far from trees and any possible source of breakups Ground must be firm, plain and clean. ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 9. What if there are insects in the grain to be stored in a Silo Bag ? The bag is an airtight environment, anything alive (insects, bacteria, the grain) consumes the limited oxygen in the bag and expels carbon dioxide. Usually within 30 days, the oxygen volume in the bag drops from 20% to 3%; the carbon dioxide volume rises from 0% to 17%. The inside of the bag has become anaerobic. FUNGI CONTROL INSECT CONTROL QUALITY CONTROL ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 10. How long can grain be stored in a Silo bag ? If moisture level is within recommended limit grain can be stored in a bag up to 24 months. What levels of grain moisture can be stored in a Silo bag ? It is recommended that grain be stored at the 'normal' standards of the country. Wheat can be stored for up to 2 years if below 12% moisture but can be stored for shorter periods at levels as high as 14% -16%. Can Silo bags be reused ? No, the Silo bag has to be cut open along its length while emptied. ContinueAbout Silo Bag Not REUASABLE
  • 11. What can be done with used Silo bags ? Silo bags can be recycled as each bag is made of 120 kg of high quality polyethylene. How secure is a Silo bag ? A Silo bag can be opened with a sharp knife but cannot be transported. Pilferage from a Silo Bag needs a recipient to carry the spilled grain. ContinueAbout Silo Bag If a Silo bag is damaged can it be repaired ? Minor damage can be repaired with tape. Major damage requires that section to be unloaded and re-bagged. Undamaged sections can be resealed.
  • 12. How are samples taken from a Silo bag? By using 6 feet sampling probe grain spear directly through bag and samples can be taken from any level and portion of the bags, small hole is resealed with tape ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 13. www.silobagindia.com Are Silo bags affected by temperature? Grain is stored in Silo bags at temperature extremes with no adverse affect. Bags have been filled in temperatures over 45 deg C in Australia , 50 deg C in sudan and been covered in snow and left at minus 20 deg C in Canada. The bags are made of polyethylene which can be affected at temperature extremes, more elastic in heat, more brittle in cold. Having a low profile and contact with the ground heat dissipates quickly but doesn't impact on stored grains. How much ground is needed to store gain in Silo bags ? Depending on the grain, calculate 3 - 5,000 per hectare. if same commodity than upto 5000 mt per hectare What is the limit of grain that can be stored in Silo bags ? None! With available land, just fill more bags. There are grain 'parks' in South Africa that hold more than 50,000 mt of grains and sudan have more than 200000 mt. ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 14. Scientific bulk storage & preservation. Economic solution as compared to conventional warehouses/Silo storage. It is versatile storage system which can be deployed at farm level, mandi level and any suitable location. The lead time for the mobilization for storage is just 4-5 weeks. Silo bag can be kept in open field. Quality and quantity remains intact same during the storage period. Long- term storage solution (more than 2 years) No fumigation required upto 24 months of continuous storage Silo Bag hermetically sealed storage system which perpetually produce 17% of carbon dio- oxide within 30 days , thus inhibits any kind of incest and micro biological. The storage capability during the procurement season can be scaled from 200 tons per hour and onwards because it handles the grains mechanically at very fast and efficient way. Storing near to the farm level enables farmers to bring his produce quickly. The system allows appropriate price at appropriate time to farmers. Silo Bag has been tried and tested under weather conditions of -40 degree C to +55 degree C in various countries. The system tangibly saves the recurring cost of wooden crates, tarpaulin, gunny bags and fumigation cost Manual handling is optimized It is the most suitable and convenient backward integration for completing cycle of bulk supply chain Being chemical free storage avoid further loss of nutrition ContinueAbout Silo Bag
  • 15. Each Machine has its own operating Manual. Please Note Operator safety is of the utmost concern. A great percentage of accidents occur by the neglect or incorrect operation of the machinery. A good operator of machinery will use and maintain the machine adequately, taking the maximum precautions to avoid accidents. The decals referring to safety, precautions and safety defaces as well as other safety protections measures, which has been incorporated into the machines, are there for your safety, as well as all others persons. Do not paint over them Maintain them in a clean and legible state In case of deterioration, please contact authorized dealer for replacement decals General Safety Principles
  • 16. Business Consortium of India The first two layers act as a UV filter. The third layer is black and is designed to keep out the sunlight. The bags are designed to stretch by a maximum of 10%. This is measured during filling and must be observed to prevent overfilling the bag. A polyethylene bag 60 meters long and 2.75 meters in diameter for storing grain in the open. It is suitable for storing wheat ( up to 220 tons) wheat, maize, barley, paddy, mustard, soya and other commodities. The bag is sealed and airtight. It has a life of 12 - 18 months in the open. A 60 meter bag holds around 220 tones of wheat or around 180 tones of barley. You can store any amount of grain in the bag by simply cutting the bag and resealing it again. The bag is sealed storing the grain in an airtight environment, preventing the development and reproduction of fungi and insects. This environment can eliminate the need for chemicals. The Silo Bag is a laminated mix of three layers of PE (polyethylene). Bag Specification
  • 17. www.silobagindia.com Site Selection When Selecting your site, it is important to look to the further and those conditions when extracting the grains. While it is hot and dry during the bagging season, it maybe wet and cold when extracting. These conditions may be cause access problem for trucks and other machinery that Is being utilized to transport the grains away from the site. It may be advisable in such conditions to locate beside a formed road/track, allowing the easy movement of loaded trucks/trolleys. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 18. www.silobagindia.com Ground Conditions It is important for good grain storage and conservation that the ground for bag filling is to be prepared in anticipation, with following characteristics High and Dry The best results are found by having the bags located on a slightly raised, hard base. By forming these beds and stabilizing them in advance of the harvest, the forward thinjing Silo Bagger will be well rewarded. High ground and an area that does not flood. Select an area away from trees Select hard ground, not soft. Ground that does not mark from the footprints of both the tractor and bagger. Make sure the ground id free from weeds and sharp stubbles that might pierce the bag. Also make sure that the ground does not contain sharp stones, sticks and/or other objects that pierce the bag. it is best to keep the perimeter of each individual bag free from vegetation. An application of chemical to control the weeds/grasses around the perimeters of the bag is a advisable This procedure and maintenance helps in the control of rodent attack and damage from animals that may graze next to the bag Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 19. www.silobagindia.com Ideal Slope If possible, it is preferable to bag downhill, as this helps to prevent moisture entry to the bag via the end opening. An ideal slope would be a slight inclination of 1- 3% It is not recommended to work across slopes. This overload one side of the bag causing it to over stretch the plastic. This may possibly result in the premature failure of the bag. If livestock are grazing in adjoining paddocks (or in the same paddock but with a fence around the silo bag ) it is advisable to keep the bags away from the fenceline by 2 meters fo 6 fee. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 20. www.silobagindia.com Tree Issues Tree drop limbs These limbs can strike the bag on the to of it, where the most stretch and strain is found on bag. This sudden impact on the bag at this point cause the bags to split open along its entire length Please be aware of this potential hazard selecting your site Secure The Site Once the bags are made, perimeter wire fence should be constructed to prevent damages from animals. Prevent attack from rodents as they can damage the bags. Keep the site clear and use baits when necessary. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 21. www.silobagindia.com Separation Between Bags When placing bags side, it must be remembered that they have to be emptied one day! With this in mind, please allow enough room between the bags to allow easy and unrestricted loading the X-tractor and associated grain carts and /or trolleys. It is suggested that the distance the bags be enough to allow the grains carts or trolleys to pass between the bags while unloading with an x-tractor. Our recommended is a distance of 5 meters /16.5 feet. Bag Placement Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 22. www.silobagindia.com Bag Placement for Silo Grain Park Pathway 5 MtPathway 5Mt Pathway 5 Mt Pathway 5 Mt Pathway8Mt Pathway 5 MtPathway 5 Mt Pathway8Mt 1. 5 Mt 1. 5 Mt 1. 5 Mt 1. 5 Mt This will allow enough space for the x-tractor to work without rupturing the adjacent bag and enough space to create a pathway where an operator could control the integrity of the bag during storage. It is important to leave a path of at least 5 meters wide on the side that the x- tractor works so there is room for the transport vehicle. Thebagsshouldbebaggedinanend-to-end situation,indifferentdirections.Thesebags shouldbe1.5metersapart. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 23. www.silobagindia.com North - South North South. Important It is recommended to place the bags NORTH/SOUTH because it is desirable for the sun to hit both sides of the bag evenly. Uneven Exposure to the sun may result in: Potential damage to the materials of the bags if the sun is always only on the same side some discoloration of the grain may occur on that side as a result. more condensation can occur on that side if you have bagged the grain with high moisture content. Downhill bagging vs. Uphill Bagging If machine is correctly and adequately barked for the bag stretching desirable (10%) then it is safe to bags downhill. However it may be more appropriate to bag upslope, because in this way the slope helps the machine brake which assists in a more uniformly filled bags. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 24. www.silobagindia.com Filling the Bag Keep the Bag Straight For best result, when bagging, the mainero bagger should be kept working in a straight line. Handy Hint It is important to keep the bag straight. However, slight deviations may occur before you notice it. Therefore to assist you in keeping your bag aligned in a straight line, we strongly suggest that you lay a string line the bagging pad, with the front wheel of the tractor running along the string line. You will quickly notice if the tractor is deviating from the straight line. Please keep a constant eye on this important point, and correct when, and if necessary. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 25. www.silobagindia.com Bag Stretching The Silo Bag is designed to stretch. This stretching helps expel the oxygen and make a compacted, tight bag. The healthy and dry grains that are placed inside the silo bags tend to behave like a liquid. This liquid nature of the grains has an impact on the interior of the Silo Bag. The Grains do not cling together, and as a result, they tend to scatter towards the sides of the Silo Bag. Different grains types react differently within the silo bag. Some grains becomes more liquid and thus the silo bag will be in a more flattened and oval shape, while other grains types will make the silo bag more upright and round. At a higher hectoliter weight , better grain cleanliness in the sample and lower moisture contact of the sample will mean that the grains in the silo bags will have a higher tendency to flow. This will lead, in in turn, to a higher stretching and deformation of the bag. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE BAG NOT BE STRETCHED BY MORE THAN 10% Note; when adjusting the braking pressure , it should be done in small progressions of a recommended 10- 15KG/CM2 {140-210 PSI} Usually as the day hotter, the bag will stretch more, requiring LESS braking pressure, likewise in the cool of the evening, the bag may require more stretching and the bagging machine require MORE braking pressure Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 26. www.silobagindia.com Protecting the Silo Bag Rodent Control MICE If you are concerned with mice attacking the bags, then it has been found that a light application Urea on the site where the bags are to laid us a well wroth while task. Others have found that by applying some light soil along the edge of the bags (along its side) and filling in the curve at ground level help prevent mice from burrowing in under the bag. Another simple idea that had been found effective is the placement of a pipe at the sealed end of the bag. The rodents will travel trough this section and it is found that this pipe makes a great location for a bait station We keep stressing the importance of good house keeping, most problems can be prevented with good house keeping and regular checking and maintenance of the bags and sites . The Steps to take are the followings: the ground over which the bags are to placed must be free of grass and undergrowth Do not leave loose grains around the nags because they are very appealing to the rodents If a mouse got into the bag, the best thing to do is to introduce by the same hole, a foxtoxin pill (aluminum phosphor) and seal the hole with tape that is sent with the bag it is possible, lay the bags parallel to the main winds. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 27. www.silobagindia.com Fire Danger/Fire Breaks It must be remembered that Silo Bags are made from PVC (plastic material). As such, if exposed to extreme heat from a close fire, it may in fact melt, or catch fire. In position you bags. It is best to be mindful of this fact to allow maximum protection of your assets. Fire Extinguishers / Sand Bucket You should always have a fully charged fire extinguisher and fully filled sand buckets close at hand when working around machinery. This is a sensiable precaution, and a legal requirement. The operator must know how to operate this fire extinguisher before any machinery is started up or worked on. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 28. www.silobagindia.com Please read carefully all decals attached so you fully understand their meanings, and their importance. If you not understand any aspects of the decals, or operations of the machine, please contact authorized dealer for a clear interpretation and understanding. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE Before the operation of any of these machines, or any machine for the matters, it is essential that EVERY operator and supervisor read and learn thoroughly the contents of each separate manual applicable to that machine. This way, most hazardous situations will be avoided for the operator, for the parties and for any goods placed near the area. To achieve this, it is fundamental that all operators and supervisors WITHOUT EXCEPTION read and undersigned clearly the manual relating to each machine individually. The training should include every details of the machines operation, and should also be lacked by written records. Any guards that are placed on the machine are there for a reason; to protect if any guard becomes lost or damaged, please have it replaced before continuing to operate the machine. Continue. Simple Rules to get the most from Silo Bag
  • 29. www.silobagindia.com Continue. About Silo Bag Inspect after Storms A sudden storm could occur at any time. Please seal the bag before leaving unattended over night to prevent rain damage to the bagged grain. Hail: after a hail storm the bags must be checked immediately to see if any damage has occurred. If the damage is light, it can be repaired with appropriate tape. If it is serious then the only safe solution is to empty and place anew bag. Remember that a higher stretch of the bag, increase the risk to hail damage. Regular Inspections The success of your Silo Bag system will largely depends on your level of house keeping once the bags are filled. It is important that all possible efforts are taken to maintain the integrity of the plastic membrane, or repair it quickly if found damaged and /or perforated. Remember that holes in the membrane can cause material degradation Responsibility & Efficiency Awarene ss Consistency