Its easy to miss the point of Kanban and agile unless you understand some of the context in which it exists. This talk is a brief tour around Systems Thinking, Complexity Theory, Agile Practices, Change Management , Continuous improvement, and Cognitive Neuroscience to explain why Kanban and Agile practices work, and in some cases dont work.
8. dan brown @kanbandan
Making sense of what we are trying to do
Allows us to plan for success
Allows us to be comfortable in changing contexts
11. dan brown @kanbandan
Top down doesnt work
Bottom up doesnt work
Inside out doesnt work
Outside in doesnt work
Everyone has to work together
Kaizen Culture
Top down
Bottom up
Inside out
Outside in
12. dan brown @kanbandan
Cognitive Neuroscience
If we do Cognitive work, maybe we should
know more about how our brains work
Pairing / Swarming
Homo Sapiens is extinct, we are now
Homo Narans the story telling ape
13. dan brown @kanbandan
Hands up if you ever mentioned Multi-
tasking on your CV?
How about in a Job Description?
Sorry to bring bad news
You cant.
Really, your brain cannot multi-task
Task switching is probably the most
expensive activity at Barclays
14. dan brown @kanbandan
Lets WIP up some Flow
Work should flow through our system
Traffic should flow through our roads
What can we do when it doesnt?
16. dan brown @kanbandan
If we do Cognitive work,
maybe we should know more
about how our brains
Thinking Fast and Slow
System 1 and system 2
Cognitive Biases
The Belief Barrier
17. dan brown @kanbandan
(oh yes, I went there)
Simple maths can give you better
forecasts than estimates
You dont need to understand it from first
principles for it to work
18. dan brown @kanbandan
Agile & Lean Kanban can work just fine if
you dont understand the context
But they have a better chance if you do