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#public relations
Prostor agency was founded in 2013 on the platform
and as the part of the multimedia-design studio
Radugadesign. We are constantly using our experience
and expertise for 鍖nding and developing the best possible
interractive solutions for Your business. Not only we provide
the multimedia 束decor損 of Your event, but we are turning
it into the sales tool which generates Your real pro鍖t. We do
not limit the scope of your imagination by our capabilities.
Creative Public Relations Production
2 3
and 鍖exibility
By combing the expertise of the
best specialists on the market
we are ready to implement any
project from the very beginning.
You create the KPIs  we will 鍖nd
the best possible solution.
Innovatios  is the key
to everything
For each stage of the project
we have all necessary resources
and network chain. Which means
we can offer you the most
interesting and 鍖nancially 鍖exible
We blur the lines between online
and offline communication.
Our integrated solutions combine
the strategy, creativity, digital
tools and events mechanisms.
For us  nothing is impossible,
hence nothing is impossible for
You too.
Angels Charity
10th December 2015
Modniy season shopping mall, Moscow
For the third time the celebrity acknowledged charity sale
Angels Charity Sale  took place in Moscow and attracted
many star guests and friends of the Glamour magazine.
Agency provided the full technical support and produced
the decoration of the set.
8th November 2015
束Stadium Live損 club, Moscow
Bloggers United
The largest video bloggers festival took place during the fall
season. More than 50 Youtube stars with total followers of
more than 10000000 people gathered in one place.
Entertainment included the concert and 束fan-zone損
29th October 2015
Tsvetnoy concept store, Moscow
Traditional 束Shopping week損 by Glamour magazine in
Tsvetnoy department store. Agency provided the full
technical support and produced the decoration of the set.
The Anniversary
of the
Beauty day
10th October 2015
Kazan Tandem Gallery mall
Rostov-on-Don Megazentr Horizont mall
The fifth anniversary of the Cosmopolitan Beauty day,
which was celebrated by all fashionistas, with the help
of the Agency took place in Kazan and Rostov-on-Don
In 5 Riv Gauch shops all around the cities the agency
created the Beauty Day entertainment program with
stylists and beauty specialists master-classes, lotteries,
presentations and beauty bars.
VK Fest
18-19th July 2015
Saint-Petersburg, park 300 years of StP
The agency was responsible for the full circle creative
concept of the Fashion and beauty area development
decor, design and the full production of the 1200 sq m floor
set. End users activations realization, master classes
organization, pop-up store and market place development,
bloggers zone creation.
Delivery Club
23th May 2015
06-07th June 2015
13-14th June 2015
20-21th June 2015
18-19th July 2015
Moscow, Art&Science Space, Birthday Party by Kate Clapp
Moscow, VDNX, Vidfest
Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya park, Geek Picnic
StP, Central Park, Geek Picnic
StP, 300 anniversary park , VK Fest
The agency created the BTL activations and integrations
of the online/mobile brand into the offline Moscow and
Regional large format BTL events. Main task was to acquire
the offline audience and push lead generation into the
mobile app. Instagram activation via prize drawing and
other competitions.
14th May 2015
Tsvetnoy concept store, Moscow
The finale party of the 2 projects  Spring Shopping week
and the Week of the Fashion series. DJs Vitaly Kozak and
Mark Shchedrin with Mana Island and SBP4 as headliners.
Agency provided the full technical support and produced
the decoration of the set.
May Day
1th May 2015
Luzhniki, Moscow
On the very entrance of the Luzhniki area showcase
Lamoda was mounted, where all guests could get
acquainted with online-shopping and at the same time to
purchase the street fashion line apparel and by gathering
the look  participate in the Hip Hop photo activation.
New Year
Comic Con
19th December 2014
仂从于舒, Gipsy
The event was taken place when the club was officially
closed and out of business, and specially for Lamoda the
owners allowed the Agency to prepare the New Year party
for the 1000 employees  the Super Heroes Party.
The main concept was based on the specially developed
projection and mapping. Entertainment included sets by
Djs Zeskullz, Swanky Tunes and the Voice winner
Alexandra Belyakova.
Lost INK
24th November 2014
Restaurant Fahrenheit, Moscow
Official and first-ever presentation of the newly launched
London brand Lost Ink took place in the brand new
restaurant which by that was not opened of the full public.
150 guests  media representatives, fashion bloggers, TV
personalities and celebrities like Laura Dzhugelia, Anastasia
Vinokur, Avrora, Yulianna Karaulova had a chance to see
the fashion show and trunk show of the brand.
07  11th November 2014
Moscow, VDNX, expo Metall Expo
Specially for the exhibition Metal Expo the agency created
the interactive multimedia installation which was
demonstrating the technological process of pipes
production in the special lab Hight 239.
9th October 2014
Volgograd, Volgograd City business center
In the Volgograd city business center the agency organized
the official opening of the Lamoda call-center with high
ranked guests like Deputy of the Mayer of Volgograd and
all regional media representatives. The event consisted of
the excursion and the official ground breaking ceremony.
3th October 2014
Moscow, Loft 1905
The second edition of the IT Girls edition 2:2014 welcomed
all leading IT companies 束Yandex損, Google, Ozon.ru,
Microsoft, LovePlanet, Apps For All, Mail Group, Oborot
and many others.
The agency was responsible for the concept development,
runway show production of the best IT-girls of Russia.
As well as the production of the entertainment Maiden
Obey, band EASY M, Vladlena Varlamova 亳 DJ SOLIDSKY.
31th August 2014
Moscow, PM loft
Lamoda Bloggers Day gathered all top fashion bloggers
with more than 2 mln total followers 束We were all exctatic
due to the level of organization and the format of the party.
It was one of the most unforgettable events of this summer
and we have forgot about the coming Fall season while
posting our positive pictures from this party in Instagram
#lamodabloggersday.損 () Elena Mc.Sudy
Road Show
July - September 2014
Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Saint-Petersburg,
Moscow - central parks
Lamoda formed the Fashion area of the event. Specially for
the Road Show the agency created the unique showcase,
aiming to present all processes of the online shopping and
recruit the brand ambassadors from the offline audience.
The concept included the operated on the touch screens
online shop, lectures area, beauty make over zone and
runway for the fashion show.
Rating Award
16th April 2014
Moscow, CHA
The agency created the scenario of the ceremony
Creativity Rating Award for the Advertising agencies.
February - November 2014
Moscow, Volgograd, Novosibirsk
12th February 2014
Moscow, Di Telegraph, Marie claire
Prix d'Excellence de la Beaute
15th May 2014
Moscow, Fisherman house (Horky
Park), Fashion bloggers
7th September 2014
Volgograd, Central embankment,
Day of the city
20th September 2014
Moscow, Flacon, Admitad Expert
20th September 2014
Moscow, Stadium Live, Radio Record
20th September 2014
Novosibirsk, R-club, Radio Record
20th September 2014
Moscow, Vegas, Vegas Crocus
20th September 2014
Moscow, Olympic Stadium, Armin
Only Moscow
19th November 2014
Moscow, St.Regis Hotel, Grazionista
28 - 29th November 2014
Moscow, Evropeiskiy shopping mall
Marie Claire Prix d'Excellence de la
The agency recommended and integrated the brand
Lamoda into the local offline BTL activities.
July-August 2013
Kazan, Universiade
Self rental VeliK service was lauched in Kazan by the
largest outdoor advertising provider Russ Outdoor and the
local government. The agency created the opening concept
and the format of an operation of the project during 2
Design & Production
+7 (495) 585 34 17
Vorontsovskaya Str., 36, k. 1

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  • 2. Prostor agency was founded in 2013 on the platform and as the part of the multimedia-design studio Radugadesign. We are constantly using our experience and expertise for 鍖nding and developing the best possible interractive solutions for Your business. Not only we provide the multimedia 束decor損 of Your event, but we are turning it into the sales tool which generates Your real pro鍖t. We do not limit the scope of your imagination by our capabilities. 3 4 5 7 68 67 2
  • 3. 3 Services Creative Public Relations Production EventDesignInteractive
  • 4. 2 3 Advantages Exlusivity and 鍖exibility By combing the expertise of the best specialists on the market we are ready to implement any project from the very beginning. You create the KPIs we will 鍖nd the best possible solution. Innovatios is the key to everything For each stage of the project we have all necessary resources and network chain. Which means we can offer you the most interesting and 鍖nancially 鍖exible cooperation. Turnkey projects 1 We blur the lines between online and offline communication. Our integrated solutions combine the strategy, creativity, digital tools and events mechanisms. For us nothing is impossible, hence nothing is impossible for You too. 4
  • 5. 5 Angels Charity Sale 10th December 2015 Modniy season shopping mall, Moscow
  • 6. 6 For the third time the celebrity acknowledged charity sale Angels Charity Sale took place in Moscow and attracted many star guests and friends of the Glamour magazine. Agency provided the full technical support and produced the decoration of the set.
  • 7. "VIDEOFAN" Videobloggers Festival 8th November 2015 束Stadium Live損 club, Moscow Bloggers United 7
  • 8. 8 The largest video bloggers festival took place during the fall season. More than 50 Youtube stars with total followers of more than 10000000 people gathered in one place. Entertainment included the concert and 束fan-zone損 photoshooting.
  • 10. Traditional 束Shopping week損 by Glamour magazine in Tsvetnoy department store. Agency provided the full technical support and produced the decoration of the set. 10
  • 11. The Anniversary of the Cosmopolitan Beauty day 10th October 2015 Kazan Tandem Gallery mall Rostov-on-Don Megazentr Horizont mall 11
  • 12. The fifth anniversary of the Cosmopolitan Beauty day, which was celebrated by all fashionistas, with the help of the Agency took place in Kazan and Rostov-on-Don In 5 Riv Gauch shops all around the cities the agency created the Beauty Day entertainment program with stylists and beauty specialists master-classes, lotteries, presentations and beauty bars. 12
  • 13. VK Fest 18-19th July 2015 Saint-Petersburg, park 300 years of StP 13
  • 14. The agency was responsible for the full circle creative concept of the Fashion and beauty area development decor, design and the full production of the 1200 sq m floor set. End users activations realization, master classes organization, pop-up store and market place development, bloggers zone creation. 14
  • 15. Delivery Club Sponsorship 23th May 2015 06-07th June 2015 13-14th June 2015 20-21th June 2015 18-19th July 2015 Moscow, Art&Science Space, Birthday Party by Kate Clapp Moscow, VDNX, Vidfest Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya park, Geek Picnic StP, Central Park, Geek Picnic StP, 300 anniversary park , VK Fest 15
  • 16. 16 The agency created the BTL activations and integrations of the online/mobile brand into the offline Moscow and Regional large format BTL events. Main task was to acquire the offline audience and push lead generation into the mobile app. Instagram activation via prize drawing and other competitions.
  • 18. The finale party of the 2 projects Spring Shopping week and the Week of the Fashion series. DJs Vitaly Kozak and Mark Shchedrin with Mana Island and SBP4 as headliners. Agency provided the full technical support and produced the decoration of the set. 18
  • 19. Hip-Hop May Day 1th May 2015 Luzhniki, Moscow 19
  • 20. 8 On the very entrance of the Luzhniki area showcase Lamoda was mounted, where all guests could get acquainted with online-shopping and at the same time to purchase the street fashion line apparel and by gathering the look participate in the Hip Hop photo activation. 20
  • 21. New Year Comic Con 19th December 2014 仂从于舒, Gipsy 21
  • 22. The event was taken place when the club was officially closed and out of business, and specially for Lamoda the owners allowed the Agency to prepare the New Year party for the 1000 employees the Super Heroes Party. The main concept was based on the specially developed projection and mapping. Entertainment included sets by Djs Zeskullz, Swanky Tunes and the Voice winner Alexandra Belyakova. 22
  • 23. Lost INK launch 24th November 2014 Restaurant Fahrenheit, Moscow 23
  • 24. 24 Official and first-ever presentation of the newly launched London brand Lost Ink took place in the brand new restaurant which by that was not opened of the full public. 150 guests media representatives, fashion bloggers, TV personalities and celebrities like Laura Dzhugelia, Anastasia Vinokur, Avrora, Yulianna Karaulova had a chance to see the fashion show and trunk show of the brand.
  • 25. White Metallurgy 07 11th November 2014 Moscow, VDNX, expo Metall Expo 25
  • 26. Specially for the exhibition Metal Expo the agency created the interactive multimedia installation which was demonstrating the technological process of pipes production in the special lab Hight 239. 26
  • 27. 弌all-center Launch 9th October 2014 Volgograd, Volgograd City business center 27
  • 28. In the Volgograd city business center the agency organized the official opening of the Lamoda call-center with high ranked guests like Deputy of the Mayer of Volgograd and all regional media representatives. The event consisted of the excursion and the official ground breaking ceremony. 28
  • 30. The second edition of the IT Girls edition 2:2014 welcomed all leading IT companies 束Yandex損, Google, Ozon.ru, Microsoft, LovePlanet, Apps For All, Mail Group, Oborot and many others. The agency was responsible for the concept development, runway show production of the best IT-girls of Russia. As well as the production of the entertainment Maiden Obey, band EASY M, Vladlena Varlamova 亳 DJ SOLIDSKY. 30
  • 32. 32 Lamoda Bloggers Day gathered all top fashion bloggers with more than 2 mln total followers 束We were all exctatic due to the level of organization and the format of the party. It was one of the most unforgettable events of this summer and we have forgot about the coming Fall season while posting our positive pictures from this party in Instagram #lamodabloggersday.損 () Elena Mc.Sudy
  • 33. Cosmopolitan Road Show July - September 2014 Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow - central parks 33
  • 34. Lamoda formed the Fashion area of the event. Specially for the Road Show the agency created the unique showcase, aiming to present all processes of the online shopping and recruit the brand ambassadors from the offline audience. The concept included the operated on the touch screens online shop, lectures area, beauty make over zone and runway for the fashion show. 34
  • 35. Creativity Rating Award 16th April 2014 Moscow, CHA 35
  • 36. The agency created the scenario of the ceremony Creativity Rating Award for the Advertising agencies. 36
  • 37. Lamoda Sponsorship Events February - November 2014 Moscow, Volgograd, Novosibirsk 37
  • 38. 12th February 2014 Moscow, Di Telegraph, Marie claire Prix d'Excellence de la Beaute 15th May 2014 Moscow, Fisherman house (Horky Park), Fashion bloggers 7th September 2014 Volgograd, Central embankment, Day of the city 20th September 2014 Moscow, Flacon, Admitad Expert 20th September 2014 Moscow, Stadium Live, Radio Record B-day 20th September 2014 Novosibirsk, R-club, Radio Record B-day 20th September 2014 Moscow, Vegas, Vegas Crocus Launch 20th September 2014 Moscow, Olympic Stadium, Armin Only Moscow 19th November 2014 Moscow, St.Regis Hotel, Grazionista party 28 - 29th November 2014 Moscow, Evropeiskiy shopping mall Marie Claire Prix d'Excellence de la Beaute 38
  • 39. The agency recommended and integrated the brand Lamoda into the local offline BTL activities. 39
  • 41. Self rental VeliK service was lauched in Kazan by the largest outdoor advertising provider Russ Outdoor and the local government. The agency created the opening concept and the format of an operation of the project during 2 month. 41
  • 43. 43
  • 44. 44
  • 45. 45
  • 46. 46
  • 48. +7 (495) 585 34 17 info@prostorcrew.com Vorontsovskaya Str., 36, k. 1 prostorcrew.com 48