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Presented by
Gajendra C.V
Allelopathy  Meaning and definition
 Coined by Hans molisch (1937), In Greek, Allelo and Pathos
literally Mutual suffering
 Definition: Allelopathy as any direct or indirect positive or
negative effect of one plant on the other (including the
microbes) through the release of chemicals into the
Allelopathy perspectives and
 Lack of adequate field studies
 Difficulties in determining the critical concentrations of allelo-
chemicals in soil
 Inappropriate bio-assay models
 Difficulty in establishing the role of microbes in litter
decomposition, release of allelo-chemicals and subsequent
Roles of microbes in modulating the interaction of allelopathic
donor-receiver species
Allelochemicals  Diversity , Nature, Mode of
Release and Significance
 In, general the chemicals responsible for the phenomenon of allelopathy is
called allelochemicals
Allelopathic classes of chemical interactions
1. Antibiotic - (Microorganism to Microorganism
2. Koline - (Plants to Plants)
3. Marsmin  (Microorganisms to Plants)
4. Phytoncide - (Plants to Microorganisms)
Based on type of donor
Plant eco-chemicals (Sapro- inhitors and phyto  inhibitors)
 The plant phenolics and Terpenoides show great chemical diversity
 These phytochemicals synthesized as 20
metabolites  have no direct effect function in
growth and development of plant - Defensive
Release of allelo-chemicals
 Root exudates
 Decomposition of plant parts
Induction of allelochemical production by the plant
itself and environmental factors
Plant factors
Environmental factors
Biotic factors
Methods study the Allelopathy
 Plot box method
 Sandwich method
 Stair-step method
 Revised substitutive design (to descriminate the
allelopathic contribution o field condition)
 New sloped box method (allelopathy under competitive
 A dish pack method (Volatile allelo-chemicals)
A New sloped box method to study allelopathic
effects of Acacia dealbata under competitive
interactions (Lorenzo et al., 2012)
A dish pack method - (Fang Cheng and Zhihui
Cheng, 2015)
Major pathway leading to production of
allelochemicals  (Wang et al., 2006)
Shikimmic acid pathway, Acid mevalanonate pathway
Chemical Warfare in the Plant Kingdom
Allelopathic Species Type of Chemical Affected Species
Sugar Maple Phenolics Yellow Birch, White Spruce
Hackberry Coumarins Herbs, grasses
Eucalyptus Phenolics Shrubs, herbs, grasses
Black Walnut Juglone (Quinone)
Pines, Apple, Birch, Black
Alder, Hackberry, Basswood,
Juniper Phenolics Grasses
Sycamore (Planetree) Coumarins Yellow Birch, herbs, grasses
Black Cherry Cyanogenic glycosides Red Maple, Red Pine
Oaks Coumarins, Herbs, grasses
Other phenolics
Sassafras Terpenoids Elm, Silver Maple, Boxelder
Balsam Poplar Green Alder
Southern Red Oak Sweetgum
Allelopathic problems associated with
Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry
1) Soil sickness
2) Auto toxicity under same crop mono - cropping.
3) Increased crop- weed interference
4) Growing susceptibility of plants to disease/ pests
5) Reduced nitrification and biological nitrogen fixation
6) Reduced nutrient uptake
7) Weed seed decomposition delayed/ prevented
8) Poor success on replanting of tree crops
9) Failure of vegetative propagation (e.g. grafting, budding)
10) Suppression effect from trees
 Application of allelopathy in sustainable developmental
agriculture, especially as natural herbicide and pesticide
1. Allelopathy in sustainable and organic agriculture
2. Allelopathy in natural ecosystems
3. Allelopathy in soil sickness
4. Chemistry of alleochemicals
5. Molecular biology and genetics of allelopathy
6. Physiology and biochemistry of allelopathy
7. Allelopathy mechanisms and interactions
8. Alleopathy methodologies and modelling
Allelopathy for sustainability
November 16th -19th ,2016 Tunisia

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  • 2. Allelopathy Meaning and definition Coined by Hans molisch (1937), In Greek, Allelo and Pathos literally Mutual suffering Definition: Allelopathy as any direct or indirect positive or negative effect of one plant on the other (including the microbes) through the release of chemicals into the environment
  • 3. Allelopathy perspectives and problems Lack of adequate field studies Difficulties in determining the critical concentrations of allelo- chemicals in soil Inappropriate bio-assay models Difficulty in establishing the role of microbes in litter decomposition, release of allelo-chemicals and subsequent transformation
  • 4. Roles of microbes in modulating the interaction of allelopathic donor-receiver species Marsmin
  • 5. Allelochemicals Diversity , Nature, Mode of Release and Significance In, general the chemicals responsible for the phenomenon of allelopathy is called allelochemicals Allelopathic classes of chemical interactions 1. Antibiotic - (Microorganism to Microorganism 2. Koline - (Plants to Plants) 3. Marsmin (Microorganisms to Plants) 4. Phytoncide - (Plants to Microorganisms) Based on type of donor Plant eco-chemicals (Sapro- inhitors and phyto inhibitors) The plant phenolics and Terpenoides show great chemical diversity
  • 6. Nature These phytochemicals synthesized as 20 metabolites have no direct effect function in growth and development of plant - Defensive adapation
  • 7. Release of allelo-chemicals Lechation Volatilization Root exudates Decomposition of plant parts
  • 8. Induction of allelochemical production by the plant itself and environmental factors Plant factors Environmental factors Biotic factors
  • 9. Methods study the Allelopathy Plot box method Sandwich method Stair-step method Revised substitutive design (to descriminate the allelopathic contribution o field condition) New sloped box method (allelopathy under competitive interactions) A dish pack method (Volatile allelo-chemicals)
  • 10. A New sloped box method to study allelopathic effects of Acacia dealbata under competitive interactions (Lorenzo et al., 2012)
  • 11. A dish pack method - (Fang Cheng and Zhihui Cheng, 2015)
  • 12. Major pathway leading to production of allelochemicals (Wang et al., 2006) Shikimmic acid pathway, Acid mevalanonate pathway
  • 13. Chemical Warfare in the Plant Kingdom Allelopathic Species Type of Chemical Affected Species Sugar Maple Phenolics Yellow Birch, White Spruce Hackberry Coumarins Herbs, grasses Eucalyptus Phenolics Shrubs, herbs, grasses Black Walnut Juglone (Quinone) Pines, Apple, Birch, Black Alder, Hackberry, Basswood, Azalea, Juniper Phenolics Grasses Sycamore (Planetree) Coumarins Yellow Birch, herbs, grasses Black Cherry Cyanogenic glycosides Red Maple, Red Pine Oaks Coumarins, Herbs, grasses Other phenolics Sassafras Terpenoids Elm, Silver Maple, Boxelder Balsam Poplar Green Alder Southern Red Oak Sweetgum
  • 14. Allelopathic problems associated with Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry 1) Soil sickness 2) Auto toxicity under same crop mono - cropping. 3) Increased crop- weed interference 4) Growing susceptibility of plants to disease/ pests 5) Reduced nitrification and biological nitrogen fixation 6) Reduced nutrient uptake 7) Weed seed decomposition delayed/ prevented 8) Poor success on replanting of tree crops 9) Failure of vegetative propagation (e.g. grafting, budding) 10) Suppression effect from trees
  • 15. Recommendation Application of allelopathy in sustainable developmental agriculture, especially as natural herbicide and pesticide models
  • 16. 2nd AFRICA - INTERNATIONAL ALLELOPATHY CONGRESS Topics 1. Allelopathy in sustainable and organic agriculture 2. Allelopathy in natural ecosystems 3. Allelopathy in soil sickness 4. Chemistry of alleochemicals 5. Molecular biology and genetics of allelopathy 6. Physiology and biochemistry of allelopathy 7. Allelopathy mechanisms and interactions 8. Alleopathy methodologies and modelling Allelopathy for sustainability November 16th -19th ,2016 Tunisia