This summary provides the high-level information from the document in 3 sentences:
The document appears to be an issue of a magazine that includes articles on beating the holiday blues, a review of Lady Gaga's album "Joanne", and inspiration taken from the film "Hacksaw Ridge" about being your own greatest weapon. The magazine also features creative works including a short story about overcoming fear and a list of top films for the year. The issue aims to provide readers with entertainment and inspiration through its various articles and creative works.
Joyful Days eBookChukwukere EkehThis document contains a daily inspirational message written by Chukwukere Ekeh. Over the course of 22 days, each entry offers a short quote and paragraph with the goal of bringing faith, joy and optimism to the reader. The messages encourage embracing each day, overcoming obstacles, practicing forgiveness, sharing love freely and beginning new endeavors despite fears. They advise focusing on positives, living purposefully, understanding others and believing in oneself in order to experience life to the fullest.
A Look Back at IPDCIPDC FinanceFor more than 35 years, IPDC has been pioneering the financial sector of Bangladesh. Here's a brief look back at our journey.
IPDC - Giving Back to the SocietyIPDC FinanceIPDC believes in growing together. As part of our responsibility towards the society, we have taken part in various activities in the fields of education, philanthropy and more. Take a look at a few of our social activities.
Project workhalvarezr23This document provides instructions for a project presentation on a memorable film. Students must discuss the plot, main characters, setting, soundtrack, and message of the film they choose in a 5-8 minute individual presentation using materials like PowerPoint, video clips, or other realia. Their presentation will be evaluated on fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and use of materials, with a total of 20 marks possible.
IBM-Task-Force-Findings-April-1998Martin HassnerThe document summarizes findings from the IBM Task Force regarding areal density growth and its effect on error correction coding (ECC). It discusses how increasing areal density would require stronger ECC to combat worsening media noise. This technical motivation led Ed Grochowski and Martin Hassner from IBM Research to found the HDD industry-wide IDEMA 4K-Block Committee in 2000 to address ECC challenges from higher areal densities.
Antibody Aducanumab Reduces Αβ Plaques in Alzheimer’s DiseaseRiaz RahmanJournal Club presentation prepared for Stony Brook University, Department of Psychiatry. Explains findings of "The Antibody Aducanumab Reduces Αβ Plaques in Alzheimer’s Disease," Sevigny et al, Nature, Vol 537, 1 September 2016.
Task 4Teresa BenaventEste documento proporciona instrucciones para la evaluación de pares y la autoevaluación de una presentación oral sobre el arte del Renacimiento. Incluye una tabla para que los miembros del equipo califiquen el valor, la disponibilidad, el espíritu de equipo, la puntualidad y el trabajo de sus compañeros de equipo, con una puntuación máxima de 10 puntos. También incluye una lista de preguntas para que cada miembro evalúe su propia actitud, iniciativa, aportaciones de ideas, cooperación, integración y
PROJECT REPORTjasdeep SinghThis project report describes the development of a multi-utility rover. The rover was designed to assist firefighters by extinguishing fires in hard to reach places using a spray fire extinguisher controlled by an Arduino board. It can also help with household cleaning using attached brushes. The modular design allows different tasks like motor control, flame detection, and firefighting to function independently. The DC gear motors provide high torque for movement and attached wheels allow navigation. Overall, the multi-utility rover provides an effective way to assist with firefighting and cleaning activities.
Envase y embalaje de said oliverosSaid OliverosEl documento describe los tipos de envases y embalajes que utilizará la compañía discográfica Club Records. Menciona envases rígidos, semi-rígidos y flexibles, y luego detalla tres productos específicos que desarrollará: un porta CDs de acrílico, una bolsa de tela con el logo de la empresa, y una caja de madera con ventana para contener ediciones de lujo. El objetivo es brindar productos de alta calidad tanto a los artistas como a los consumidores.
Wyeth pakistanannualreport2015Kumar SunnyThe document outlines the mission, vision, values and commitments of a pharmaceutical company. The company's mission is to apply science and global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. Its vision is to work together for a healthier world. The company is committed to advancing treatments and cures, bringing scientific minds together, setting standards for quality and safety of medicines, promoting inclusion and passion for work, and ensuring affordable healthcare. The company's core values include customer focus, community, respect for people, performance, collaboration, leadership, innovation, quality and integrity.
11 prospek ukm dalam perdagangan bebas.pptxemi halimiDokumen tersebut membahas prospek pengembangan UKM di era perdagangan bebas dan otonomi daerah. Beberapa poin penting yang diangkat adalah tantangan yang dihadapi UKM seperti akses modal dan SDM, serta strategi pemberdayaan melalui kerja sama dengan perusahaan besar, pengembangan sentra industri, dan pembinaan kelompok usaha. Dokumen ini juga menyarankan pengembangan lingkungan bisnis yang kondusif, lembaga keuangan, serta al
hiQ Labs People Analytics Awards hosted at IntelDarren KaplanOn October 26, 2016 hiQ Labs and Intel hosted the inaugural HR People Analytics conference that recognized excellence in HR Data. The theme of this year's Elevate event was the Business Impact and Value of Data.
Elevate was hosted at Intel's campus and recognized Laszlo Bock for his groundbreaking work in HR Data and People Analytics. We also recognized Linkedin, Pepsi, Scottrade, Chevron, Domo and Nestle.
For more information about hiQ labs and our SaaS people analytics retention and skills solutions please visit
JEM MTBE artikel b305187kPepijn MorgensternThis document summarizes a survey conducted in the Netherlands to investigate the presence of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in drinking water sources and drinking water. 71 sites that produce drinking water were sampled over two seasons in 2001, analyzing 156 samples total of groundwater, surface water, bank filtrate water, and drinking water. Samples were analyzed using purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry, which enabled analysis of over 40 samples per day with a detection limit of 2 ng/L. MTBE was detected between <10 ng/L to 420 ng/L in raw water samples, with a median below 10 ng/L. The median concentration in 45 drinking water samples was 20 ng/L. One location had MT
Lilacs y MendeleybelencieroEste documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo realizar una búsqueda en la base de datos LILACS para artículos en español sobre el tratamiento de fisioterapia durante el embarazo, parto y posparto, exportar los resultados a un formato RIS, importarlos a Mendeley Desktop, y citar y crear una bibliografía de cinco artículos seleccionados en Word usando Vancouver como estilo.
Las tic nadia liliana mina bedoya.pptx28nadialilianaminabedoyaEste documento define las TIC (tecnologías de la información y comunicación) como tecnologías que permiten la creación, modificación, almacenamiento y recuperación de información usando computadoras y programas. Destaca que las TIC permiten la interacción entre usuarios y el acceso a nuevas formas de comunicación. También señala que las TIC tienen mayor influencia en el área educativa, permitiendo el aprendizaje interactivo y la educación a distancia, e impartiendo conocimientos para la empleabilidad. Finalmente, concluye que las
Cbs Stress TipscynthiastotlarThe document provides 52 tips to help reduce stress organized into four categories: heart-healthy ideas, fun-filled ideas, relaxation ideas, and organization ideas. Some of the tips include getting enough sleep, deep breathing exercises, spending time with family and friends, pet therapy, regular exercise, and taking short breaks during the day for activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. The tips are intended to help trainers supplement stress management training sessions or have "lunch and learn" discussions on stress reduction techniques.
How to be happyStream GroupA great presentation about, how to be happier during un unhappy time. It was really usefull for me, so I hope it will be so for you. : )
Positive Power Lokman Hakim IsmailPositive thinking involves training the mind to change perceived reality by making positive mental statements. It is a type of attitude where people look on the bright side. The document provides 30 exercises and suggestions for developing positive thinking, such as only using positive words, pushing out negative feelings, practicing positive affirmations, and surrounding yourself with positive people and images. The goal is to rid oneself of negative thoughts and develop habits that focus on solutions and opportunities.
Zes depressionDr.Felicia ChangDepression is a common mental health condition that is often hidden by those experiencing it. While outwardly some people with depression may appear normal, internally they are suffering greatly. It is important to learn the signs of depression, such as feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and changes in sleep or appetite. If left untreated, depression can have serious consequences like suicide. Seeking help from friends, focusing on gratitude, spending time with God, and professional treatment can all help manage depression.
Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma Book ReviewM. Usama BashirThis book review summarizes Robin Sharma's book "Who Will Cry When You Die" which provides 101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems. It discusses topics like discovering your calling, writing a legacy statement, focusing on developing your talents, getting good at asking for things, and being humble. The book encourages readers to live fully and leave a lasting legacy so that the world cries when they die. It offers gentle reminders and strategies to look forward and envision the whole package of one's life.
Who will cry, when you dieAliAhmad410It's a book review. The book is from the series "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" and the book title says, "Who will cry when you die" b Robin Sharma.
A - Z of relaxation JessBringThe document provides an A-Z guide of relaxation techniques. It suggests that aromatherapy, candles, bathing, exfoliation, herbal tea, imagination, journaling, laughter, meditation, napping, volunteering, planning ahead, quiet time, refreshing surroundings, sounds, therapy, unwinding on the sofa, walking, yoga and achieving a zen-like state of mind can all help with relaxation. A variety of relaxing activities are described ranging from scents, bath products, food and drinks to mindful practices and spending time in nature.
How To Handle DepressionAbility Skills Knowledge FraternityDepression is a very common and serious illness in now a days it effects your way of thinking, sleeping eating and every action in a negative way!
The main purpose of this webinar is to aware the people that how to fight with this disease because it is effecting our youth very negatively and how can we treat it and which medications are best for this disease.
Ppda lecture 6 mental health and the artistWilfred Dexter TanedoThis document discusses the relationship between creativity, mental illness, and art. It notes that while the myth that one needs madness to be creative has been disproven, many artists and creative individuals have experienced mental illness. Common illnesses for artists include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. The document provides tips on taking care of mental health, such as talking about feelings, staying active, eating well, spending time with others, asking for help, taking breaks, pursuing hobbies, accepting oneself, and caring for others.
Positive Thoughts And How To Get Past NegativityindneaglThis document discusses how to overcome negative thoughts and promote positivity. It recommends several techniques, such as not dwelling on problems first thing in the morning, recognizing negative thought patterns, visualizing positive outcomes, being persistent in cultivating optimism, and making time each day to dream about happiness. The overall message is that positive thinking can help solve problems and lead to a happier life by focusing on solutions rather than getting stuck in negativity.
personality developmentramanbnThis document contains a report on communication skills and personality development. It discusses the characteristics of a gentleman, including chivalry, values, etiquette, ambition, and honesty. It also provides tips for self-improvement, happiness, learning to love yourself, and increasing brain power. Self-improvement tips include meditation, sleep, and avoiding complaints. Happiness tips include forgiveness, helping others, self-affirmation, and maintaining health. Tips for brain power include proper posture, deep breathing, writing, sleep, and exercise.
dec mag finalShelley BrienzaThis document provides an overview of the December 2014/January 2015 issue of the Sacandaga Sun Holistic Digest. It includes editor's notes, articles from various contributors on topics like intuitive guidance, empowerment, and doll furniture crafting. It also outlines the purpose and details of the digest publication. The editor expresses hopes for a happy holiday season and looks forward to sharing more content in the new year through the digest's expanded coverage.
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Task 4Teresa BenaventEste documento proporciona instrucciones para la evaluación de pares y la autoevaluación de una presentación oral sobre el arte del Renacimiento. Incluye una tabla para que los miembros del equipo califiquen el valor, la disponibilidad, el espíritu de equipo, la puntualidad y el trabajo de sus compañeros de equipo, con una puntuación máxima de 10 puntos. También incluye una lista de preguntas para que cada miembro evalúe su propia actitud, iniciativa, aportaciones de ideas, cooperación, integración y
PROJECT REPORTjasdeep SinghThis project report describes the development of a multi-utility rover. The rover was designed to assist firefighters by extinguishing fires in hard to reach places using a spray fire extinguisher controlled by an Arduino board. It can also help with household cleaning using attached brushes. The modular design allows different tasks like motor control, flame detection, and firefighting to function independently. The DC gear motors provide high torque for movement and attached wheels allow navigation. Overall, the multi-utility rover provides an effective way to assist with firefighting and cleaning activities.
Envase y embalaje de said oliverosSaid OliverosEl documento describe los tipos de envases y embalajes que utilizará la compañía discográfica Club Records. Menciona envases rígidos, semi-rígidos y flexibles, y luego detalla tres productos específicos que desarrollará: un porta CDs de acrílico, una bolsa de tela con el logo de la empresa, y una caja de madera con ventana para contener ediciones de lujo. El objetivo es brindar productos de alta calidad tanto a los artistas como a los consumidores.
Wyeth pakistanannualreport2015Kumar SunnyThe document outlines the mission, vision, values and commitments of a pharmaceutical company. The company's mission is to apply science and global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. Its vision is to work together for a healthier world. The company is committed to advancing treatments and cures, bringing scientific minds together, setting standards for quality and safety of medicines, promoting inclusion and passion for work, and ensuring affordable healthcare. The company's core values include customer focus, community, respect for people, performance, collaboration, leadership, innovation, quality and integrity.
11 prospek ukm dalam perdagangan bebas.pptxemi halimiDokumen tersebut membahas prospek pengembangan UKM di era perdagangan bebas dan otonomi daerah. Beberapa poin penting yang diangkat adalah tantangan yang dihadapi UKM seperti akses modal dan SDM, serta strategi pemberdayaan melalui kerja sama dengan perusahaan besar, pengembangan sentra industri, dan pembinaan kelompok usaha. Dokumen ini juga menyarankan pengembangan lingkungan bisnis yang kondusif, lembaga keuangan, serta al
hiQ Labs People Analytics Awards hosted at IntelDarren KaplanOn October 26, 2016 hiQ Labs and Intel hosted the inaugural HR People Analytics conference that recognized excellence in HR Data. The theme of this year's Elevate event was the Business Impact and Value of Data.
Elevate was hosted at Intel's campus and recognized Laszlo Bock for his groundbreaking work in HR Data and People Analytics. We also recognized Linkedin, Pepsi, Scottrade, Chevron, Domo and Nestle.
For more information about hiQ labs and our SaaS people analytics retention and skills solutions please visit
JEM MTBE artikel b305187kPepijn MorgensternThis document summarizes a survey conducted in the Netherlands to investigate the presence of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in drinking water sources and drinking water. 71 sites that produce drinking water were sampled over two seasons in 2001, analyzing 156 samples total of groundwater, surface water, bank filtrate water, and drinking water. Samples were analyzed using purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry, which enabled analysis of over 40 samples per day with a detection limit of 2 ng/L. MTBE was detected between <10 ng/L to 420 ng/L in raw water samples, with a median below 10 ng/L. The median concentration in 45 drinking water samples was 20 ng/L. One location had MT
Lilacs y MendeleybelencieroEste documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo realizar una búsqueda en la base de datos LILACS para artículos en español sobre el tratamiento de fisioterapia durante el embarazo, parto y posparto, exportar los resultados a un formato RIS, importarlos a Mendeley Desktop, y citar y crear una bibliografía de cinco artículos seleccionados en Word usando Vancouver como estilo.
Las tic nadia liliana mina bedoya.pptx28nadialilianaminabedoyaEste documento define las TIC (tecnologías de la información y comunicación) como tecnologías que permiten la creación, modificación, almacenamiento y recuperación de información usando computadoras y programas. Destaca que las TIC permiten la interacción entre usuarios y el acceso a nuevas formas de comunicación. También señala que las TIC tienen mayor influencia en el área educativa, permitiendo el aprendizaje interactivo y la educación a distancia, e impartiendo conocimientos para la empleabilidad. Finalmente, concluye que las
Cbs Stress TipscynthiastotlarThe document provides 52 tips to help reduce stress organized into four categories: heart-healthy ideas, fun-filled ideas, relaxation ideas, and organization ideas. Some of the tips include getting enough sleep, deep breathing exercises, spending time with family and friends, pet therapy, regular exercise, and taking short breaks during the day for activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. The tips are intended to help trainers supplement stress management training sessions or have "lunch and learn" discussions on stress reduction techniques.
How to be happyStream GroupA great presentation about, how to be happier during un unhappy time. It was really usefull for me, so I hope it will be so for you. : )
Positive Power Lokman Hakim IsmailPositive thinking involves training the mind to change perceived reality by making positive mental statements. It is a type of attitude where people look on the bright side. The document provides 30 exercises and suggestions for developing positive thinking, such as only using positive words, pushing out negative feelings, practicing positive affirmations, and surrounding yourself with positive people and images. The goal is to rid oneself of negative thoughts and develop habits that focus on solutions and opportunities.
Zes depressionDr.Felicia ChangDepression is a common mental health condition that is often hidden by those experiencing it. While outwardly some people with depression may appear normal, internally they are suffering greatly. It is important to learn the signs of depression, such as feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and changes in sleep or appetite. If left untreated, depression can have serious consequences like suicide. Seeking help from friends, focusing on gratitude, spending time with God, and professional treatment can all help manage depression.
Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma Book ReviewM. Usama BashirThis book review summarizes Robin Sharma's book "Who Will Cry When You Die" which provides 101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems. It discusses topics like discovering your calling, writing a legacy statement, focusing on developing your talents, getting good at asking for things, and being humble. The book encourages readers to live fully and leave a lasting legacy so that the world cries when they die. It offers gentle reminders and strategies to look forward and envision the whole package of one's life.
Who will cry, when you dieAliAhmad410It's a book review. The book is from the series "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" and the book title says, "Who will cry when you die" b Robin Sharma.
A - Z of relaxation JessBringThe document provides an A-Z guide of relaxation techniques. It suggests that aromatherapy, candles, bathing, exfoliation, herbal tea, imagination, journaling, laughter, meditation, napping, volunteering, planning ahead, quiet time, refreshing surroundings, sounds, therapy, unwinding on the sofa, walking, yoga and achieving a zen-like state of mind can all help with relaxation. A variety of relaxing activities are described ranging from scents, bath products, food and drinks to mindful practices and spending time in nature.
How To Handle DepressionAbility Skills Knowledge FraternityDepression is a very common and serious illness in now a days it effects your way of thinking, sleeping eating and every action in a negative way!
The main purpose of this webinar is to aware the people that how to fight with this disease because it is effecting our youth very negatively and how can we treat it and which medications are best for this disease.
Ppda lecture 6 mental health and the artistWilfred Dexter TanedoThis document discusses the relationship between creativity, mental illness, and art. It notes that while the myth that one needs madness to be creative has been disproven, many artists and creative individuals have experienced mental illness. Common illnesses for artists include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety. The document provides tips on taking care of mental health, such as talking about feelings, staying active, eating well, spending time with others, asking for help, taking breaks, pursuing hobbies, accepting oneself, and caring for others.
Positive Thoughts And How To Get Past NegativityindneaglThis document discusses how to overcome negative thoughts and promote positivity. It recommends several techniques, such as not dwelling on problems first thing in the morning, recognizing negative thought patterns, visualizing positive outcomes, being persistent in cultivating optimism, and making time each day to dream about happiness. The overall message is that positive thinking can help solve problems and lead to a happier life by focusing on solutions rather than getting stuck in negativity.
personality developmentramanbnThis document contains a report on communication skills and personality development. It discusses the characteristics of a gentleman, including chivalry, values, etiquette, ambition, and honesty. It also provides tips for self-improvement, happiness, learning to love yourself, and increasing brain power. Self-improvement tips include meditation, sleep, and avoiding complaints. Happiness tips include forgiveness, helping others, self-affirmation, and maintaining health. Tips for brain power include proper posture, deep breathing, writing, sleep, and exercise.
dec mag finalShelley BrienzaThis document provides an overview of the December 2014/January 2015 issue of the Sacandaga Sun Holistic Digest. It includes editor's notes, articles from various contributors on topics like intuitive guidance, empowerment, and doll furniture crafting. It also outlines the purpose and details of the digest publication. The editor expresses hopes for a happy holiday season and looks forward to sharing more content in the new year through the digest's expanded coverage.
Be strongL ESHWARWriting down your feelings, exercising regularly, and listening to upbeat music can help improve mood. Staying active through walking, jogging, or gym workouts releases feel-good chemicals in the brain. Socializing with positive people and making time each day to relax can also contribute to feeling happier. Getting enough quality sleep is important for mental well-being.
Pushing badmood upwardsPratima Nayak ,Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathansometimes when you're in a really bad mood and you're not sure why?
A bad mood could be described as restless, dull, boredom, blah, dull, listless, melancholy or being just plain sad with no real explanation.
How to improve mood which is very important for success
Ymag32Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMCYmag - Window for Action Loving Professionals
A monthly eMagazine focusing on igniting thoughts for actions amongst professionals of all kind.
THINKMAGENTA_BOOKLET_ENG.pdfssuser6711e71) The document discusses the theme of Global Wellness Day 2022, #ThinkMagenta, which encourages positive thinking amidst difficulties in the world.
2) It provides suggestions for how to think positively, including taking a deep breath and smiling, using affirming language, simplifying one's life, being open to new experiences, and sharing positivity with others.
3) The overall message is that changing one's mindset through small positive actions, like those described, can uplift oneself and others despite challenges in the world.
myarticleBebz PalomoThis document provides tips for maintaining work-life balance and reducing stress. It recommends exercising regularly, eating healthy, meditating, relaxing activities, volunteering or spending time in nature to relieve stress. It also suggests accepting what you cannot change, embracing failure as part of learning, focusing on your core values, and setting peace of mind as the highest goal. Maintaining these practices can help manage stress from work and achieve a better work-life balance.
Stress Reduction - Information Resources Staff DevelopmentCarrie Balduzzi RosivachThis document discusses various causes and effects of stress. It provides statistics showing that many Americans suffer from stress-related health issues such as high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, alcoholism, and use of tranquilizers. It then discusses definitions of stress, types of personalities and their responses to stress (type A vs type B), common stress symptoms, stress reduction techniques including diet, exercise, relaxation and attitude, creating a peaceful home environment, and foods that can help reduce stress.
When Depression hits: Meaning, History, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Trea...Now&MeDr. Saurabbh Bidani talks about the following things on :
- Will depression ever go away?
- How depression affects you?
- Where depression comes from?
- What’s not Depression?
- Different forms of Depression
- Where depression starts?
- Holistic Approach to Getting Out of Depression
- How as friends and family can we help?
- Case studies to understand depression better
Emotional triggersPS CounsellingThis document discusses identifying and addressing emotional triggers for overeating. It provides scenarios of people using food to cope with emotions like anxiety, guilt, and trauma. The stories of Rose and Kath further illustrate how emotional issues can underlie struggles with weight loss. The document recommends mapping emotional triggers, identifying the feelings that precede overeating episodes, and creating a support system to address the root causes of emotional eating.
allie chardin takes us on a tour of herglamorous life as a travel vlogger
1. December
Food, Deccor
Tired of feeling
sluggish &
Time to check-in
to Sugar Rehab
Interview with
Premire Celebrity
Stylist and Interior
Designer Kenneth
Issue IIII Vol I
2. December
13 17
Vessels Page
Tis' the Season to be
06 Ga Ga Album Review
09 Hacksaw Ridge
General Inquires:
There is No Fear Here
What you Put Your
Hands To Feature
Meet the
Sugar Rehab
Eat with Intention
7 Creative Resources
for 2017
The Climb
Photo Creds
Get Out !
You must remember to stay active.
Exercise can help you ease away the
blues. It is known to be a key element in
fighting depression. Regular exercise
can help ease depression by releasing
feel-good brain chemicals known as
neurotransmitters, endorphins, and
endocannabinoids that may ease
It’s funny how our body tells us to keep
moving iIn order to not get stuck in a head
space. In order to get over that breakup or
heart ache, keep moving. Our body sends a
signal to help us along. All we need to do is
take the first step. Don’t let life pass you by,
get moving, it will make you feel a whole lot
better. Literally.
Be Optimistic !
What we think eventually becomes who
we are. Out of the abundance of the
heart, the mouth speaks. You don’t want
to be the negative one during the
holidays. People will eventually avoid
your negative vibes. Yes, life is difficult
and you may have had some hurdles in
your way of success.
However, the more you dwell on it, the
more life you bring to it. If you let it die, it
has no power to affect you. I love the sound
of that! I must repeat it again. The longer
you dwell on that negative thing, the more
power you give to it. It now has resurrection
power to take over your life whenever it
pleases. However if you let it die, it has no
power to affect your daily living. Life and
death lies in the power of your tongue.
Think positive, speak positive, and be
positive. It is what will define you.
Set the Temp !
Ever saw someone enter into a room and
they immediately caught your attention? If
they came in negative, did that make you
feel a negative vibe? Now you walking
around upset from what they projected
on you. Have you ever witnessed
someone walk into a room and they were
all cheery and exciting? They immediately
made you light up. Your whole mood
changed, you began to laugh and it set off
this goofy mode in you? Okay, maybe that
is just me.
Family plucking your nerves? Create your
own party after dinner hours. This way
friends will be willing to spend some time
with you after they have eaten dinner
with their families. Movie night with the
ladies on your big comfy couch, recapping
about the day’s events is also a great way
to add laughter to your holiday festivities.
Forget what that ex is doing. Think about
your present and not your past. Send
yourself some flowers to sit on your
beautifully decorated table.