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Allison Campbell Jensen 1200 Eldridge Avenue West
Roseville, MN 55113
651-492-5931; allisoncampbelljensen@gmail.com
Skillful communications professional, experienced with strategic communications planning and
execution; public and media relations; writing, editing and producing print and electronic
publications; websites and social media; and, project management. Regularly use Adobe
Creative Suite programs such as InDesign and Photoshop. Interests include bird-watching,
ecology, social justice, and spirituality.
Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, Director of Communications
ï‚· Develop and implement strategic communications plans for Plymouth Church, in concert
with clergy and lay leaders
ï‚· Responsible for public relations, media relations and advertising
ï‚· Edit, copy-edit, proofread, lay out and produce the annual report (2015 report linked to
the website news page), monthly newsletter, weekly e-blast, and Sunday bulletin
ï‚· Collaborate with clergy members, staff, lay leaders and congregation members on
annual fund-raising campaigns and recent capital campaign
 Manage the church’s Facebook pages for the church and the interim senior minister, as
well as its Twitter account (@PCCmpls)
ï‚· Currently collaborating with a committee of church members to launch a new website,
while maintaining the current site (www.plymouth.org)
Freelance writer and editor
ï‚· Wrote articles and edited for Minnesota Medicine, MSP Communications, Minnesota
magazine, as well as producing a booklet for Presbyterian Homes
MSP Communications Senior Editor
ï‚· Custom publications senior editor duties included line editing, copy editing and oversight
of production
University of Minnesota Medical School Director of Communications
ï‚· Implemented strategic communications targeting internal and external audiences
ï‚· Worked closely with the Dean of the Medical School on speeches, internal
communications, and media interviews
ï‚· Wrote news items and feature stories; managed and edited all print and electronic
communications to external audiences
 Promoted the Medical School in accordance with the University’s brand, in collaboration
with U of M and health sciences communications team members in public relations,
media relations, community affairs, and public affairs
 Facilitated collaborative meetings of editors and writers from four related organizations—
Fairview, University of Minnesota Physicians, University of Minnesota Medical
Foundation—to encourage sharing material to promote our organizations
Allison Campbell Jensen 1200 Eldridge Avenue West
Roseville, MN 55113
651-492-5931; allisoncampbelljensen@gmail.com
Page 2
University of Minnesota Academic Health Center Office of Communications, Publications Manager
ï‚· Edited a quarterly 16-page magazine distributed to 11,000 constituents and opinion
leaders; developed story ideas; assigned stories and photographs; worked closely with
 Wrote and edited reports to support the university’s strategic initiatives at the Minnesota
State Legislature
St. Paul Pioneer Press, Features Writer
 Weekly features and short articles on food and recipes—trends, home cooking,
cookbooks, profiles; also a weekly reader-requested recipes column
ï‚· Initiated weekly natural history featurette, Spot it!, introducing urbanites to nature;
occasional nature-oriented features
MSP Communications, Managing Editor (positions of increasing responsibility)
ï‚· While managing editor of Mpls.St.Paul Magazine, coordinated production, wrote articles,
aided with planning, supervised three people and directed restaurant section
ï‚· While managing editor at Twin Cities Business, responsible for production, wrote
features, supervised one person and, with editor, planned issues; also supervised
Minnesota Business Almanac. Started as associate editor; promoted after six months
ï‚· Assistant editor, Mpls.St.Paul, compiled calendar, wrote feature articles, proofread and
checked facts
ï‚· Hired as intern for Mpls.St.Paul; became editorial assistant, US Art magazine
Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development, Director of Communications
ï‚· Media relations, speechwriting, research on economic issues
Graduate course work, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Master’s degree, East Asian Studies, Yale University
Bachelor’s degree, Political Science, Central Washington University
Awards and Service
Received Award of Excellence for Pictures of Health magazine from the Association of
American Medical Colleges
Member of Green Team at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Roseville; previously served as
Senior Warden (chief lay leader) and as member of the Vestry (lay governing board).

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  • 1. Allison Campbell Jensen 1200 Eldridge Avenue West Roseville, MN 55113 651-492-5931; allisoncampbelljensen@gmail.com Skillful communications professional, experienced with strategic communications planning and execution; public and media relations; writing, editing and producing print and electronic publications; websites and social media; and, project management. Regularly use Adobe Creative Suite programs such as InDesign and Photoshop. Interests include bird-watching, ecology, social justice, and spirituality. Experience Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, Director of Communications ï‚· Develop and implement strategic communications plans for Plymouth Church, in concert with clergy and lay leaders ï‚· Responsible for public relations, media relations and advertising ï‚· Edit, copy-edit, proofread, lay out and produce the annual report (2015 report linked to the website news page), monthly newsletter, weekly e-blast, and Sunday bulletin ï‚· Collaborate with clergy members, staff, lay leaders and congregation members on annual fund-raising campaigns and recent capital campaign ï‚· Manage the church’s Facebook pages for the church and the interim senior minister, as well as its Twitter account (@PCCmpls) ï‚· Currently collaborating with a committee of church members to launch a new website, while maintaining the current site (www.plymouth.org) Freelance writer and editor ï‚· Wrote articles and edited for Minnesota Medicine, MSP Communications, Minnesota magazine, as well as producing a booklet for Presbyterian Homes MSP Communications Senior Editor ï‚· Custom publications senior editor duties included line editing, copy editing and oversight of production University of Minnesota Medical School Director of Communications ï‚· Implemented strategic communications targeting internal and external audiences ï‚· Worked closely with the Dean of the Medical School on speeches, internal communications, and media interviews ï‚· Wrote news items and feature stories; managed and edited all print and electronic communications to external audiences ï‚· Promoted the Medical School in accordance with the University’s brand, in collaboration with U of M and health sciences communications team members in public relations, media relations, community affairs, and public affairs ï‚· Facilitated collaborative meetings of editors and writers from four related organizations— Fairview, University of Minnesota Physicians, University of Minnesota Medical Foundation—to encourage sharing material to promote our organizations
  • 2. Allison Campbell Jensen 1200 Eldridge Avenue West Roseville, MN 55113 651-492-5931; allisoncampbelljensen@gmail.com Page 2 University of Minnesota Academic Health Center Office of Communications, Publications Manager ï‚· Edited a quarterly 16-page magazine distributed to 11,000 constituents and opinion leaders; developed story ideas; assigned stories and photographs; worked closely with designer ï‚· Wrote and edited reports to support the university’s strategic initiatives at the Minnesota State Legislature St. Paul Pioneer Press, Features Writer ï‚· Weekly features and short articles on food and recipes—trends, home cooking, cookbooks, profiles; also a weekly reader-requested recipes column ï‚· Initiated weekly natural history featurette, Spot it!, introducing urbanites to nature; occasional nature-oriented features MSP Communications, Managing Editor (positions of increasing responsibility) ï‚· While managing editor of Mpls.St.Paul Magazine, coordinated production, wrote articles, aided with planning, supervised three people and directed restaurant section ï‚· While managing editor at Twin Cities Business, responsible for production, wrote features, supervised one person and, with editor, planned issues; also supervised Minnesota Business Almanac. Started as associate editor; promoted after six months ï‚· Assistant editor, Mpls.St.Paul, compiled calendar, wrote feature articles, proofread and checked facts ï‚· Hired as intern for Mpls.St.Paul; became editorial assistant, US Art magazine Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development, Director of Communications ï‚· Media relations, speechwriting, research on economic issues Education Graduate course work, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota Master’s degree, East Asian Studies, Yale University Bachelor’s degree, Political Science, Central Washington University Awards and Service Received Award of Excellence for Pictures of Health magazine from the Association of American Medical Colleges Member of Green Team at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Roseville; previously served as Senior Warden (chief lay leader) and as member of the Vestry (lay governing board).