The document provides examples of alliteration from poems, sayings and phrases. It includes the poem "Betty Botter" which uses alliteration with B sounds. It also lists common phrases that use alliteration, such as "fall head over heels" and "fan the flames". The document concludes by encouraging the reader to create their own alliterative work by writing a poem or sentence using repetitive sounds.
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2. Examples of Alliteration¡
? Betty Botter by Mother
Betty Botter bought some
butter, Cory collected cola cans counting continuously
but, she said, the butter¡¯s
if I put it in my batter
it will make my batter Peter Piper picked a peck of
but a bit of better butter pickled peppers.
will make my batter
So she bought a bit of
A peck of pickled peppers Peter
better than her bitter
Piper picked.
and she put it in her If Peter Piper picked a peck of
and the batter was not pickled peppers
So ¡¯twas better Betty How many pickled peppers did
bought a bit of better Peter Piper pick?
3. ? baby blues ? fall head over heals
? baby boomer ? fan the flames
? back breaker ? fickle finger of fate
? bad blood ? fuss and feathers
? belle of the ball ? green as grass
? best buddies ? hale and hearty
? bite the bullet ? hard headed
? blind as a bat ? have a heart
? bounce back ? have high hopes
? by the book ? hit the hay
? cat cries ? live and learn Dr. Seuss Poem¡
? cut corners ? make merry Through three cheese trees three free fleas
? cash cow money makers
? flew.
? close call ? more the merrier While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
? cold as a cucumber ? poor but proud
? crack the code Freezy breeze made these three trees
? sink or swim
? cream of the crop freeze.
? watchful waiting
? cuts to the core ? weary warriors Freezy trees made these trees¡¯ cheese
? dead as a doornail freeze.
? do or die That¡¯s what made these three free fleas
4. Create your own Alliteration¡
You may write a Poem and
illustrate it, a Sentence and
illustrate it, then we are going to
make a video of you reading
it, acting it out or a powerpoint
animating it ?