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The new model of contracting:
Why COOs should partner with a full-service
GC for building and maintenance
CSA: What
should be top of
mind for a COO,
or an operations
director, when
approaching store
remodels or a
facilities mainte-
nance plan?
WZ: The op-
erations leaders
typically know everything the retailer
is planning for the whole year and be-
yond. They know the number of stores
theyre going to close. They know
which ones need to be built and which
remodeled. They know all the budgets.
And these stores can be in several
different locations with any manner of
specifications unique to the region.
There are two ways to approach these
projects: at the regional level or at the
national accounts level.
CSA: What is the difference between
working with regional contractors
versus a GC with national accounts
WZ: A contractor with a national ac-
counts presence is your single point
of contact for a roll-out of larger chain
portfolios. Rather than dealing with
multiple contractors over multiple re-
gions and locations, the responsibility
falls on one group, a group that knows
your needs, your business, and your
goals inside and out. Im speaking with
bias, of course, because thats what
we do at All-Rite, but I do strongly
believe its a very critical advantage
for the retail brand to fulfill the needs
of the whole chain, and not just the
region. It also makes the jobs of the
operations directors that much easier,
with peace of mind knowing theres
reliable, credible service always just a
single contact away.
It comes down to this: You can call
me, Warren, anytime, about any store
 or you could pull up a spread-
sheet and find out which contractor
is responsible for what store, in what
area, and what time zone theyre in,
and hope they pick up the phone. And
then do the same for the next store.
Call me, and well talk about the whole
CSA: Not all contractors offer
facilities management solutions.
What is the advantage of a company
that can provide 360-degree services,
from building to remodeling to daily
WZ: We know the guts of your stores,
and we know the guts of your brand.
Once we complete your building or
your remodeling project, its a seam-
less transfer for us to take on the
maintenance. You dont have to bid
it out to someone else and then get
them up to speed. You dont have
to have someone train them on the
property, on the brand, and you dont
need to worry about qualifications.
We already know everything and we
already have all the qualifications.
And we have more skin in the game
because we want to protect our work.
Of course, we want to make you look
good, but we also want to make our
work stand out!
CSA: Retailers often dread building in
the Northeast, specifically the tri-state
area. How do you help?
WZ: This is our backyard  our home
turf! Weve been doing this a long
time, we know the major pain points,
and we know the complex permitting
structure. Its a key advantage of ours
and a reason why many of our clients
have chosen to work with us. If you
have projects going up in the North-
east, you want to go with someone
who speaks the language, and thats
what we do. Its the most complex
building environment in the country,
but its where we built our roots.
Weve expanded greatly over the
years, but first we had to master our
home region, so in that sense, we
have a leg up on anyone else because
were like family with all the trades,
all the government agencies. Others
might dread it, but to us its second
For more information about
All-Rite Construction, visit
or call 800-255-7483.
All-Rite Construction
All-Rite Warren Zysman 02_2015.indd 28 2/25/15 3:04 PM

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  • 1. FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS: Q&A WITH WARREN ZYSMAN, PRESIDENT, ALL-RITE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE The new model of contracting: Why COOs should partner with a full-service GC for building and maintenance CSA: What should be top of mind for a COO, or an operations director, when approaching store remodels or a facilities mainte- nance plan? WZ: The op- erations leaders typically know everything the retailer is planning for the whole year and be- yond. They know the number of stores theyre going to close. They know which ones need to be built and which remodeled. They know all the budgets. And these stores can be in several different locations with any manner of specifications unique to the region. There are two ways to approach these projects: at the regional level or at the national accounts level. CSA: What is the difference between working with regional contractors versus a GC with national accounts capabilities? WZ: A contractor with a national ac- counts presence is your single point of contact for a roll-out of larger chain portfolios. Rather than dealing with multiple contractors over multiple re- gions and locations, the responsibility falls on one group, a group that knows your needs, your business, and your goals inside and out. Im speaking with bias, of course, because thats what we do at All-Rite, but I do strongly believe its a very critical advantage for the retail brand to fulfill the needs of the whole chain, and not just the region. It also makes the jobs of the operations directors that much easier, with peace of mind knowing theres reliable, credible service always just a single contact away. It comes down to this: You can call me, Warren, anytime, about any store or you could pull up a spread- sheet and find out which contractor is responsible for what store, in what area, and what time zone theyre in, and hope they pick up the phone. And then do the same for the next store. Call me, and well talk about the whole chain. CSA: Not all contractors offer facilities management solutions. What is the advantage of a company that can provide 360-degree services, from building to remodeling to daily maintenance? WZ: We know the guts of your stores, and we know the guts of your brand. Once we complete your building or your remodeling project, its a seam- less transfer for us to take on the maintenance. You dont have to bid it out to someone else and then get them up to speed. You dont have to have someone train them on the property, on the brand, and you dont need to worry about qualifications. We already know everything and we already have all the qualifications. And we have more skin in the game because we want to protect our work. Of course, we want to make you look good, but we also want to make our work stand out! CSA: Retailers often dread building in the Northeast, specifically the tri-state area. How do you help? WZ: This is our backyard our home turf! Weve been doing this a long time, we know the major pain points, and we know the complex permitting structure. Its a key advantage of ours and a reason why many of our clients have chosen to work with us. If you have projects going up in the North- east, you want to go with someone who speaks the language, and thats what we do. Its the most complex building environment in the country, but its where we built our roots. Weve expanded greatly over the years, but first we had to master our home region, so in that sense, we have a leg up on anyone else because were like family with all the trades, all the government agencies. Others might dread it, but to us its second nature. For more information about All-Rite Construction, visit www.all-riteconstruction.com or call 800-255-7483. CHAINSTOREAGE.COM / JUNE/JULY 2014 13 ADVERTORIAL WARREN ZYSMAN President All-Rite Construction All-Rite Warren Zysman 02_2015.indd 28 2/25/15 3:04 PM