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Alok Ranjan
Cell - 9958890596
Master of Business Administration (MBA) in HR from GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi (2006)
Total Years of Experience: 8+ years
Human Resource professional with over 8yrs experience with broad scope of my role includes Analytics, performance
management, attrition management and driving programs and processes in the areas of employee engagement amongst
other generalist HR activities along with Driving OD initiatives, Talent Management, Manpower Planning, Reward &
Recognition, New Employee Induction and Retention Strategy.
 Performance & Talent Management.
 High Potential Development Planning and Execution
 Employee Engagement, Counselling and Motivation
 Attrition Management & Retention Strategy
 Grievance Handling
 Employee Relation/Industrial Relation
 Competency Mapping
 Driving Career Development Planning strategy
 New Employee Induction.
 Driving Reward & Recognition.
 Score card
 Reward & recognition
 Talent Acquisition
Manager  HR (Business partner)
Feb, 2015  Till Date
 Business and HR strategy management: Understand business and related dimensions; Prepare a Single Frame
document; Discuss and finalise Single Frame; Agree on key focus areas & measures; Build operational plans; Setup review
mechanisms. Track progress on HR strategy in order to meet strategic objectives of the business and the HR function.
 Organization Effectiveness: Review factors affecting organization effectiveness (such as organization structure, role
clarity, cross functional integration); Guide OD Head / L&D Head & propose improvement in process, systems etc; Devise
HR initiatives and direct team on design and deployment; Monitor implementation of agreed action-plans;
 Manpower Planning & recruitment: Analyse business growth projections and manpower requirements ; Analyse
turnover; Forecast short-fall / surplus of talent availability; Devise appropriate recruitment plans ; Align recruitment and
selection process; Introduce new tools such as Assessment centers, aptitude tests etc; Identify talent pipeline gaps for
key pillar positions; Consult business heads; Initiate appropriate succession / development plans (such as Fast Track
programme) in order to prepare for adequate talent availability.
 Performance Management: Implementation of PMS; Create linkage between PMS and Value Charter; Educate HR
Committee, senior managers and employees on revised PMS & guidelines; Approve coaching programmes to guide
managers on providing feedback & recognition, managing performance issues etc in order to create a high performance
 Employee Engagement: Facilitate prioritisation of areas for improvement; action plans & HR updates; Set-up review
mechanisms to track progress; Track impact on business results and employee turn-over, over time; Conduct
communication events that explain such mechanisms, policies and procedures as needed; Seek feedback on HR policies
and systems; Review effectiveness of grievance redressal mechanism; Resolve escalated issues in order to improve
retention of talent and maintain high productivity levels.
 Rewards and recognition: Implement the R & R across the division; Chair steering-committee meetings on rewards and
recognition; Approve nominees for recognition programmes; Provide inputs to annual compensation benchmarking
survey; Analyse findings; Recommend adjustments to compensation policies, where needed; Guide managers on
deployment of compensation policy and practices.
 Talent Acquisition: Handling the complete recruitment process of our vertical which includes all level of hiring. Having
expertise in hiring of .Net/Java Architect, Infrastructure lead, Storage & Backup expert, Delivery manager, Data center
lead etc.
Page 1
GMR Airport Developers limited
Associate Manager (Human resource)
Aug 2014  Feb, 2015
 Talent Acquisition: Involved in both bulk hiring and Niche specialist hiring encompassing Senior Management hiring.
Actively involved in recruitment and selection of personnel for both Maldives and Brazil projects of GMR Airports. Closed
positions across all levels. Involved in Manpower Planning, Rationalization and Attrition Analysis.
 Business Excellence: Key member in BE application writing and Core Panel representative in assessment.
 Strategic Planning: Preparation of HR Strategic Plan in accordance with Companys Strategic Plan.
 Competency Mapping: Engineering Team of 150 employees including preparation and finalization of dictionary and
subsequent mapping.
 Extended Workforce Capability Building: Work design study & Competency Mapping of Outsource employees in
 Job Evaluation: Focal Point person for Job Evaluation Exercise conducted by HAY group aimed at Manpower
rationalization, Manpower Planning. And maintain lead position in implementation of the study results.
 Shared Services: Creation of Process Map of Talent Acquisition for transition to shared services in the group
 Talent Review: Knowledge of Talent Reviews, Professional Development, Succession Planning at GADL.
 Knowledge sharing/Training & Development: of Project Team post completion of T3 project. Exhaustive Training of DIAL
employees including training compilations, content vetting and on-site training with major contractors/Vendor partners.
 Employee Relation/Industrial Relation: Working closely with departments in handling IR issues related to contractor/Sub
Contractor @ GADL, checking and verifying the statutory compliance of vendors on monthly basis, attending conciliation
meeting. Handled flash strikes by sub-contractors. Closely working with management for preparation of preventive
ER/IR strategy for financial year 15-16.
 Performance management :Implementation of PMS; Create linkage between PMS and Value Charter; Educate HR
Committee, senior managers and employees on revised PMS & guidelines; Approve coaching programmes to guide
managers on providing feedback & recognition, managing performance issues etc in order to create a high performance
 Employee Engagement - Facilitated prioritisation of areas for improvement; action plans & HR updates; Set-up review
mechanisms to track progress; Track impact on business results and employee turn-over, over time; Conduct
communication events that explain such mechanisms, policies and procedures as needed; Seek feedback on HR policies
and systems; Review effectiveness of grievance redressal mechanism; Resolve escalated issues in order to improve
retention of talent and maintain high productivity levels.
 Reword & recognition :Implemented the R & R across the division; Chair steering-committee meetings on rewards and
recognition; Approve nominees for recognition programmes; Provide inputs to annual compensation benchmarking
survey; Analyse findings; Recommend adjustments to compensation policies, where needed; Guide managers on
deployment of compensation policy and practices.
HCL Technology, Noida
Deputy Manager (HR Cluster Manager)
July 2007  till date
Role & Responsibilities
 InstutionalizedBuddy Program for Management Trainees/Junior Management staff.
 On the sport reward initiative for all outstanding performers
 Designed and executed Pulse survey / satisfaction survey. O2O sessions, Skip Level meeting, AHM, open house.
 Drive internal communication through skip level meeting, monthly newsletter and Engagement Series.
 Designed and executed yearly Employee Engagement calendar for cluster
 Responsible for all internal & corporate sports events for HCL NCR.
Page 2
 Responsible for creating HR Deck for all LOBs for NCR.
 Responsible for creating HR performance analysis matrix.
 Managing complete Life cycle of an Employee (from Recruitment to Exit) in the organization
 Managing all employee grievances of my cluster with 7 team members.
 Handling 5000 employees as cluster Manager.
 Worked on business matrix & project margin sheet.
 Manpower optimization
 Handling complete employee BGV process.
Organization Development
 Successfully implemented program first initiative for better & transparent appraisal process.
 Created HR Manual for the Organization
 Competency Mapping strategy and Implemented Competency based Potential Appraisal System
 Bring new intervention for Recruitment, Sexual Harassment, Employee Separation, Leave, Career Development &
 Designed and executed Career development plan and succession planning framework.
 Owning the responsibility of all Sports activity in NCR from Employee Engagement prospective.
 Developed better Reward and recognition framework.
 Expertise in RIM Recruitments, Full recruitment life cycle and bulk hiring in ITES. Having the expertise in Storage (EMC,
NetApps, HP, IBM, and mainframe), UNIX (Solaris, AIX, and Linux), Database & SAP hiring.
 Currently taking care of entire storage & backup hiring for HCL across India.
 Taking care of Project Manager, Delivery & solution Architect positions.
 Leading the 7 members team
 Responsible for identifying and recruiting the candidates of various skill sets at all levels in the local and overseas arena
as per the project specifications and the manpower requirements of the company.
 Manpower Planning: Monitoring of vacancies arising in the organization and arranging to recruit new employees for the
same in consultation with the Department Heads. Anticipating future requirements of staff in consultation with
Department Heads and planning for the same.
 Screening of the resumes received through various channels (Subscribed jobsites, Email, Post, Fax, Walk In, search
engines, Vendors etc).
 Conducting HR interviews for checking out the fitment of candidates.
 Salary Negotiation: Deciding upon the Designations/Levels to be offered to the candidates depending upon their total
years of experience, relevant experience, qualification and technical ratings and accordingly based on the level, deciding
on the salary to be offered.
 Involved in communicating offers to candidates, solving queries, counseling and negotiating with them if required.
 Manage end-to-end recruitment process for all selected candidates.
 Utilize & manage maximum sources like Agencies, job portals, employee referrals along with an online system end-to-
end recruiting & build a strong pipeline for the current & future openings after analyzing & prioritizing them.
 Updating and maintaining the skill wise database of the prospective candidates regularly for the future requirements.
 Vendor Management: Identifying good vendors who can produce results within the given time. Streamlining the
consultants according to their strengths i.e. consultants who are good at niche skills, senior profiles etc. Regularly
meeting them and addressing their concerns. Giving inputs to them on positioning Agilent better in the market.
 Handling Walk-in Interviews: Organized walk-in interviews almost every weekend for various skills and locations single
Other HR Activities:
 Employee Induction Program - Redesigned and conducting weekly Induction program for new joinees.
 Reframed the feedback forms for the Induction and devised a feedback sharing system with the presenters.
 Conducting various surveys throughout the organization for better development.
 Mentor and provide guidance and direction to new recruiters.
 Best employee award 2008-2009 & 2011 -2012
 Constantly achieving more than 100% SLA.
 Got award for excellent effort towards retention.
 Spot award for consecutive quarters in HCL
 Employee of the month in GADL.
 Best Sports person of the year 2010 by HCL Sports council.
Page 3
Summer training of 8 weeks in Seitz Technology India Pvt. Ltd. (sister concern company of Escorts India Ltd) Faridabad,
Haryana work as a Management trainee (HR) .It includes
 Day to day work associated with time keeping.
 Letter drafting, maintaining the register of attendance.
 Filling the forms like PF & ESI.
 Making the schedule for Training & Development programme in the organization under the Guidance of top
management. Preparing the schedule for induction program.
 Proficient in MS office 98, 2000 & 2003, MS work Excel, Power Point, Internet, outlook and other research
 Known Language: c &c++
 Imbibing team spirit in teamwork, Analytical thinking, Promoting creativity and innovation, Respect for client
orientation, Optimizing benefits of organization, Gaining commitment; Interpersonal communication; Adaptability
and flexibility, Ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment, and Willingness to undergo extensive
research in HR field in coming future.
 Highly motivated team player with an ability to perform under pressure.
 Capable of handling responsibilities, Systematic / methodical.
 Eager to explore something new and creative.
 Sincere, Prominent, Dominant, Ambitious, and hardworking.
 Adapting quickly to new environments and new roles.
 Good in Communicating & making my colleagues comfortable working with me.
 Achievement Oriented, Confident, Persuasive, good negotiation.
 Playing Cricket and Badminton, listening light music.
Date of birth: January 1st, 1982
Fathers Name: Sri BrajKishor Singh
Nationality: Indian
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Languages Known: English, Hindi
Passport No. F2922315
Date: -
Page 4

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alok profile HR new Aug15

  • 1. Alok Ranjan Email:alok000222@yahoo.co.uk Cell - 9958890596 Education:- Master of Business Administration (MBA) in HR from GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi (2006) Total Years of Experience: 8+ years HUMAN RESOURCES BUSINESS PARTNER Human Resource professional with over 8yrs experience with broad scope of my role includes Analytics, performance management, attrition management and driving programs and processes in the areas of employee engagement amongst other generalist HR activities along with Driving OD initiatives, Talent Management, Manpower Planning, Reward & Recognition, New Employee Induction and Retention Strategy. SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES Performance & Talent Management. High Potential Development Planning and Execution Employee Engagement, Counselling and Motivation Attrition Management & Retention Strategy Grievance Handling Employee Relation/Industrial Relation Competency Mapping Driving Career Development Planning strategy New Employee Induction. Driving Reward & Recognition. Score card Reward & recognition Talent Acquisition PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Manager HR (Business partner) Feb, 2015 Till Date Business and HR strategy management: Understand business and related dimensions; Prepare a Single Frame document; Discuss and finalise Single Frame; Agree on key focus areas & measures; Build operational plans; Setup review mechanisms. Track progress on HR strategy in order to meet strategic objectives of the business and the HR function. Organization Effectiveness: Review factors affecting organization effectiveness (such as organization structure, role clarity, cross functional integration); Guide OD Head / L&D Head & propose improvement in process, systems etc; Devise HR initiatives and direct team on design and deployment; Monitor implementation of agreed action-plans; Manpower Planning & recruitment: Analyse business growth projections and manpower requirements ; Analyse turnover; Forecast short-fall / surplus of talent availability; Devise appropriate recruitment plans ; Align recruitment and selection process; Introduce new tools such as Assessment centers, aptitude tests etc; Identify talent pipeline gaps for key pillar positions; Consult business heads; Initiate appropriate succession / development plans (such as Fast Track programme) in order to prepare for adequate talent availability. Performance Management: Implementation of PMS; Create linkage between PMS and Value Charter; Educate HR Committee, senior managers and employees on revised PMS & guidelines; Approve coaching programmes to guide managers on providing feedback & recognition, managing performance issues etc in order to create a high performance culture. Employee Engagement: Facilitate prioritisation of areas for improvement; action plans & HR updates; Set-up review mechanisms to track progress; Track impact on business results and employee turn-over, over time; Conduct communication events that explain such mechanisms, policies and procedures as needed; Seek feedback on HR policies and systems; Review effectiveness of grievance redressal mechanism; Resolve escalated issues in order to improve retention of talent and maintain high productivity levels. Rewards and recognition: Implement the R & R across the division; Chair steering-committee meetings on rewards and recognition; Approve nominees for recognition programmes; Provide inputs to annual compensation benchmarking survey; Analyse findings; Recommend adjustments to compensation policies, where needed; Guide managers on deployment of compensation policy and practices. Talent Acquisition: Handling the complete recruitment process of our vertical which includes all level of hiring. Having expertise in hiring of .Net/Java Architect, Infrastructure lead, Storage & Backup expert, Delivery manager, Data center lead etc. Page 1
  • 2. GMR Airport Developers limited Associate Manager (Human resource) Aug 2014 Feb, 2015 Talent Acquisition: Involved in both bulk hiring and Niche specialist hiring encompassing Senior Management hiring. Actively involved in recruitment and selection of personnel for both Maldives and Brazil projects of GMR Airports. Closed positions across all levels. Involved in Manpower Planning, Rationalization and Attrition Analysis. Business Excellence: Key member in BE application writing and Core Panel representative in assessment. Strategic Planning: Preparation of HR Strategic Plan in accordance with Companys Strategic Plan. Competency Mapping: Engineering Team of 150 employees including preparation and finalization of dictionary and subsequent mapping. Extended Workforce Capability Building: Work design study & Competency Mapping of Outsource employees in operations Job Evaluation: Focal Point person for Job Evaluation Exercise conducted by HAY group aimed at Manpower rationalization, Manpower Planning. And maintain lead position in implementation of the study results. Shared Services: Creation of Process Map of Talent Acquisition for transition to shared services in the group Talent Review: Knowledge of Talent Reviews, Professional Development, Succession Planning at GADL. Knowledge sharing/Training & Development: of Project Team post completion of T3 project. Exhaustive Training of DIAL employees including training compilations, content vetting and on-site training with major contractors/Vendor partners. Employee Relation/Industrial Relation: Working closely with departments in handling IR issues related to contractor/Sub Contractor @ GADL, checking and verifying the statutory compliance of vendors on monthly basis, attending conciliation meeting. Handled flash strikes by sub-contractors. Closely working with management for preparation of preventive ER/IR strategy for financial year 15-16. Performance management :Implementation of PMS; Create linkage between PMS and Value Charter; Educate HR Committee, senior managers and employees on revised PMS & guidelines; Approve coaching programmes to guide managers on providing feedback & recognition, managing performance issues etc in order to create a high performance culture. Employee Engagement - Facilitated prioritisation of areas for improvement; action plans & HR updates; Set-up review mechanisms to track progress; Track impact on business results and employee turn-over, over time; Conduct communication events that explain such mechanisms, policies and procedures as needed; Seek feedback on HR policies and systems; Review effectiveness of grievance redressal mechanism; Resolve escalated issues in order to improve retention of talent and maintain high productivity levels. Reword & recognition :Implemented the R & R across the division; Chair steering-committee meetings on rewards and recognition; Approve nominees for recognition programmes; Provide inputs to annual compensation benchmarking survey; Analyse findings; Recommend adjustments to compensation policies, where needed; Guide managers on deployment of compensation policy and practices. HCL Technology, Noida Deputy Manager (HR Cluster Manager) July 2007 till date Role & Responsibilities HR - BUSINESS PARTNER InstutionalizedBuddy Program for Management Trainees/Junior Management staff. On the sport reward initiative for all outstanding performers Designed and executed Pulse survey / satisfaction survey. O2O sessions, Skip Level meeting, AHM, open house. Drive internal communication through skip level meeting, monthly newsletter and Engagement Series. Designed and executed yearly Employee Engagement calendar for cluster Responsible for all internal & corporate sports events for HCL NCR. Page 2
  • 3. Responsible for creating HR Deck for all LOBs for NCR. Responsible for creating HR performance analysis matrix. Managing complete Life cycle of an Employee (from Recruitment to Exit) in the organization Managing all employee grievances of my cluster with 7 team members. Handling 5000 employees as cluster Manager. Worked on business matrix & project margin sheet. Manpower optimization Handling complete employee BGV process. Organization Development Successfully implemented program first initiative for better & transparent appraisal process. Created HR Manual for the Organization Competency Mapping strategy and Implemented Competency based Potential Appraisal System Bring new intervention for Recruitment, Sexual Harassment, Employee Separation, Leave, Career Development & Promotions Designed and executed Career development plan and succession planning framework. Owning the responsibility of all Sports activity in NCR from Employee Engagement prospective. Developed better Reward and recognition framework. Recruitment: Expertise in RIM Recruitments, Full recruitment life cycle and bulk hiring in ITES. Having the expertise in Storage (EMC, NetApps, HP, IBM, and mainframe), UNIX (Solaris, AIX, and Linux), Database & SAP hiring. Currently taking care of entire storage & backup hiring for HCL across India. Taking care of Project Manager, Delivery & solution Architect positions. Leading the 7 members team Responsible for identifying and recruiting the candidates of various skill sets at all levels in the local and overseas arena as per the project specifications and the manpower requirements of the company. Manpower Planning: Monitoring of vacancies arising in the organization and arranging to recruit new employees for the same in consultation with the Department Heads. Anticipating future requirements of staff in consultation with Department Heads and planning for the same. Screening of the resumes received through various channels (Subscribed jobsites, Email, Post, Fax, Walk In, search engines, Vendors etc). Conducting HR interviews for checking out the fitment of candidates. Salary Negotiation: Deciding upon the Designations/Levels to be offered to the candidates depending upon their total years of experience, relevant experience, qualification and technical ratings and accordingly based on the level, deciding on the salary to be offered. Involved in communicating offers to candidates, solving queries, counseling and negotiating with them if required. Manage end-to-end recruitment process for all selected candidates. Utilize & manage maximum sources like Agencies, job portals, employee referrals along with an online system end-to- end recruiting & build a strong pipeline for the current & future openings after analyzing & prioritizing them. Updating and maintaining the skill wise database of the prospective candidates regularly for the future requirements. Vendor Management: Identifying good vendors who can produce results within the given time. Streamlining the consultants according to their strengths i.e. consultants who are good at niche skills, senior profiles etc. Regularly meeting them and addressing their concerns. Giving inputs to them on positioning Agilent better in the market. Handling Walk-in Interviews: Organized walk-in interviews almost every weekend for various skills and locations single handedly. Other HR Activities: Employee Induction Program - Redesigned and conducting weekly Induction program for new joinees. Reframed the feedback forms for the Induction and devised a feedback sharing system with the presenters. Conducting various surveys throughout the organization for better development. Mentor and provide guidance and direction to new recruiters. Achievements: Best employee award 2008-2009 & 2011 -2012 Constantly achieving more than 100% SLA. Got award for excellent effort towards retention. Spot award for consecutive quarters in HCL Employee of the month in GADL. Best Sports person of the year 2010 by HCL Sports council. Page 3
  • 4. OTHER EXPERIENCE- SI ETZ Summer training of 8 weeks in Seitz Technology India Pvt. Ltd. (sister concern company of Escorts India Ltd) Faridabad, Haryana work as a Management trainee (HR) .It includes Day to day work associated with time keeping. Letter drafting, maintaining the register of attendance. Filling the forms like PF & ESI. Making the schedule for Training & Development programme in the organization under the Guidance of top management. Preparing the schedule for induction program. COMPUTER PROFICINCY Proficient in MS office 98, 2000 & 2003, MS work Excel, Power Point, Internet, outlook and other research database. Known Language: c &c++ CORE COMPETENCIES: - Imbibing team spirit in teamwork, Analytical thinking, Promoting creativity and innovation, Respect for client orientation, Optimizing benefits of organization, Gaining commitment; Interpersonal communication; Adaptability and flexibility, Ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment, and Willingness to undergo extensive research in HR field in coming future. PERSONAL SKILL Highly motivated team player with an ability to perform under pressure. Capable of handling responsibilities, Systematic / methodical. Eager to explore something new and creative. Sincere, Prominent, Dominant, Ambitious, and hardworking. Adapting quickly to new environments and new roles. Good in Communicating & making my colleagues comfortable working with me. Achievement Oriented, Confident, Persuasive, good negotiation. HOBBIES: Playing Cricket and Badminton, listening light music. PERSONAL PROFILE: - Date of birth: January 1st, 1982 Fathers Name: Sri BrajKishor Singh Nationality: Indian Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Languages Known: English, Hindi Passport No. F2922315 PAN No. AIXPR2584D Delhi Date: - (ALOK RANJAN) Page 4