Project for Stanford's Technology Entrepreneurship Venture Lab 2012, consistent of presenting an idea* created by another team.
*The idea was conceived as a "Worst Idea", on purpose.
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Altme. The new/old online profile.
1. Member of the Asscoiated
Press . Aenean commodo ligula eget
dolor. Aenean. Aenean commodo ligula
eget dolor. Aenhswse. Cejhciebce
Est. 2012 Sunday, April 21st , 2012 Price 6$
Because Twitter is too LinkedIn works
Facebook is way massified and fine, but I dont
too mainstream. superficial. have a decent
Blah, blah, blah, bleh , How the hell am I
supposed to post all of
bleh, irrelevant discourse
Well, Ive worked in
about why Facebook is, oh my super-deep feelings
my uncles bar for a
so old and deceiving, blah in just 160 characters?
couple of summers, but I
blah, Farmville, blah, Thats just too short for
dont know how to turn
blah, inconceivable lack of all I have to exp[...]
my amazing beer
decency, blah, blah, no
serving skills into
dislike button, blah, blah,
something valuable for a
potential employer.
2. Set up a(nother) personal profile
on the web, with the good old taste
of the past!
The latest trend in online profiles: Old is the
new new!
- Ye Olde Telegraph-
Perfect to surprise all of your hipster friends,
and keep them jealous about your extravagant
-The Ancient Courier-
bercool! ALTME
- Die Uralte Zeitung-
3. 1. Write your ideas
and publish them your
grannys way
Dear public diary:
Mood: apathetic.
I cant stop wondering why that
girl at the art performance the other
day didnt ring me yet.
4. Post your pictures with one of the filter
Western Saloon, Interwar Period, Soviet,
nd many more!
5. 4. Edit your profile and
st it to your regular social networks!
Dear public diary:
Mood: apathetic.
I cant stop wondering why that
girl at the art performance the other
day didnt ring me yet.
Lorem ipsum aliquet nec, vulputate Dolor sit amet, Curabitur ullamcorper
dolor sit amet, eget, arcu. Etiam consectetuer ultricies nisi. Nam eget
ultricies nisi vel augue. dui. Etiam rhoncus.
consectetuer Curabitur ullamcorper adipiscing elit. Donec vitae sapien ut
ultricies nisi. Nam eget Aenean commodo ligula libero venenatis
adipiscing elit. dui. Etiam rhoncus. eget dolor. faucibus.