This document discusses how ambassador programs can be an effective marketing tool for economic development organizations. It provides the following key points:
1. Ambassador programs recruit local leaders and influencers to promote the community and share success stories with their professional networks. This provides a more credible endorsement than typical marketing materials.
2. Effective programs strategically select ambassadors who are well-connected locally and beyond. They provide ambassadors with tools and opportunities to represent the community at events and online.
3. Programs involve ambassadors in prospecting and networking with potential investors. Ongoing communication and recognition keeps ambassadors engaged. When implemented well, ambassador programs can significantly expand the reach of an economic development organization's messaging.
2. Introduction to formally promote the community via a
consistent set of tools and events. These
are people who are prominent among their
The idea behind any ambassador program is peers, actively involved in their networks and
simple: In a world of too much information, are already influencing your communitys
a message delivered by a trusted source is image and potential for investment, albeit
the most effective. Think about it. If you were informally. Why not work with them to
considering relocating or expanding, would ensure they are sharing a consistent
you be more interested in: message?
a) A generic information package? According to Placebrands, an international
b) A pitch from city officials with an consultancy that ranks how cities are doing
obvious stake in your decision?, or at projecting a unified vision and image:
c) A qualified recommendation from
someone who knows your business A place brand strategy requires a realistic,
because it is their business too? competitive and very compelling strategic
vision for a city, region, or country, and
The answer of course is c). The best way to needs to ensure that it is supported,
lend immediate credibility to an investment reinforced and enriched by every act of
location and make it stand out from the communication between that place and
crowd is with a recommendation or success the rest of the world. Every government
story from a peer. A U.S. consultancy, and municipal department or local agency,
Development Counsellors Inc., has surveyed local people and local companies must
top executives responsible for site selection consistently communicate and demonstrate
five times since 1996. They asked the the same carefully developed brand.2
question What sources of information
influence your perception of a citys business This unified voice is the goal of ambassador
climate? The most recent survey saw programs. They marry pride in a community
dialogue with industry peers as the top with tangible investment results. The
response, at 61%.1 mandate for each ambassador is to promote
the community as a place in which to invest
That helps to explain why so many and live, share success stories and personal
communities are turning to ambassador experience, and to promote specific
programs as critical elements of their programs and incentives that are attractive
marketing and communications strategies. to their industry networks.
This white paper will discuss how these
programs work and how you can create an Because of all the choices and marketing
effective ambassador initiative in your own messages out there, an economic
municipality or region. development brochure or a DVD has
maximum impact when it is being handed
over by a trusted source. Ambassadors
How do ambassador bring a new level of credibility to your
economic development efforts. They
programs work? harness word-of-mouth potential to
more effectively bring your brand to other
These programs recruit leaders from businesses and skilled workers.
business, government and community, as
well as past citizens now living elsewhere,
3. Ambassador Implementing your
Recruitment Program
When recruiting your ambassadors, it is A good ambassador program involves six
critical to ensure that the number of people key ingredients:
is large enough to have significant reach
from a networking standpoint, but small 1. The strategic recruitment of high-profile
enough to lend exclusivity and credibility leaders and influencers as discussed above.
to the program participants. Ambassadors
should be identified and invited to become 2. The development of tools that will enable
part of the program, perhaps using these leaders to present a compelling and
through a peer nomination process. It is consistent case for investment in your city.
important that members feel chosen as
representatives and leaders in order to These may include:
garner their commitment and passion.
Orientation and training materials. Clarify
Specifically, you should target the following for your ambassadors what it means to
types of ambassadors: be an ambassador, what is expected
of their role, and what tools are available
Leaders from business and the to help them.
community with strong affiliations with Online resources that can be
provincial, national or international accessed remotely when your
industry associations and organizations. ambassadors are traveling to
You want to leverage their contacts, tradeshows and conferences.
membership privileges and attendance Ambassador kits that include key facts
at trade shows and events to increase and figures about the community. It
the reach of the program. is critical that your ambassadors are
High-profile community members, past educated and can speak about specific
and present, with recognition and programs and incentives that may be of
credibility beyond the community. interest to their peers.
Former residents who can leverage Apparel, a lapel pin or some
networks in their new place of other means to identify them as
residence to promote the benefits of ambassadors. These also serve as
your community. conversation starters with their peers.
Leaders in sectors that are a strategic
focus for your community. 3. The identification of opportunities for
Most importantly, each member must ambassadors to use these tools in a
have a passion for your community. networking and educational capacity. The
They must demonstrate a commitment ambassadors themselves should identify
to the community through their these opportunities and commit to their role
involvement and support for initiatives. in these situations. These can include trade
shows, conferences, online peer networking
forums, social networking tools and industry
4. 4. Involving the ambassadors throughout the The time it takes to develop and nurture
prospecting process. Providing economic ambassador relationships is significant,
developers with leads is fantastic. Assisting but the payoff is immense. They truly are
with meetings, introductions and tours your secret marketing weapon, and one
is even better. Prospective investors will that you should seriously consider adding
feel comfortable with a friendly face to your arsenal.
participating in the process, and will be able
to ask direct and industry-specific questions
of your ambassadors on the spot.
About the Author
5. Ongoing communication with your On Three Communication Design Inc. is a creative agency
ambassadors can help to keep the specializing in promoting places not products. For more
program top-of-mind for them. Be sure information and insight, visit them at
to inform ambassadors about new or read the blog at
programs, developments and incentives
that may be of interest to their peers.
You can do this effectively through periodic
email communications. You may also wish
to share ambassador success stories
with other ambassadors as inspiration
and motivation.
6. Finally, recognizing your ambassadors
is critical. Their participation in the program
should be publicly acknowledged and
celebrated, through the media, recognition
events and special opportunities to network
and be involved in the community. Help
ambassadors to see the impact they
are making.
In Closing
Ambassador programs can provide
economic developers with reach into
networks that may not otherwise be
possible. Further, this reach will involve
conversations between trusted peers,
rather than a pitch from a city official.
Ambassadors can share success stories
and improve your communitys perception in
national and international markets through
simple networking activities.
5. Endnotes
Find a Vision and Dump the Spinning(emphasis added by M. Thususka)
About this White Paper Series
EDAC is pleased to announce a new service for our members to support your
communications activities.
Over the next year, EDAC will release a series of white papers that explore current issues
in marketing and communication as they relate to economic development.
You can access our white papers at