1. AMBASTHA EDUTECH PRIVATE LIMITED was incorporated on July 16, 2012 under the Companies Act of 1956 as a private limited company based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
2. The company was issued a certificate of incorporation by the Registrar of Companies for the state of Gujarat.
3. The company's registered office is located at F-05, Aditya Raj Complex, Near Seema Hall, 100 Feat Anandnagar Road, Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat, India.
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Ambastha EduTech Pvt Ltd
1. p`a$p 1
pMjaIkrNa p`maaNa–p~
ka^pao-roT phcaana saM#yaa : U80903GJ2012PTC071147 2012 - 2013
maOM etdWara sa%yaaipt krta hU^ ik maOsasa-
ka pMjaIkrNa‚ kmpnaI AiQainayama‚ 1956 (1956 ka 1) ko AMtga-t Aaja ikyaa jaata hO AaOr yah
kmpnaI p`a[vaoT ilaimaToD hO.
yah inagamana–p~ Aaja idnaaMk saaolah jaulaa[- dao hjaar baarh kao Ahmadabaad maoM jaarI ikyaa jaata hO.
Form 1
Certificate of Incorporation
Corporate Identity Number : U80903GJ2012PTC071147 2012 - 2013
I hereby certify that AMBASTHA EDUTECH PRIVATE LIMITED is this day
incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (No. 1 of 1956) and that the company
is private limited.
Given at Ahmedabad this Sixteenth day of July Two Thousand Twelve. Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by Mishra Shyam
Date: 2012.07.16 16:05:11
Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Havelli
kmpnaI rijasT/ar‚ gaujarat‚ dadra evaM nagar hvaolaI
*Note: The corresponding form has been approved by SUBHASH CHANDRA PINDIDEV CHUGA, Deputy Registrar of
Companies and this certificate has been digitally signed by the Registrar through a system generated digital signature
under rule 5(2) of the Companies (Electronic Filing and Authentication of Documents) Rules, 2006.
The digitally signed certificate can be verified at the Ministry website (www.mca.gov.in).
kmpnaI rijasT/ar ko kayaa-laya AiBalaoK maoM ]plabQa p~acaar ka pta :
Mailing Address as per record available in Registrar of Companies office:
F-05, Aditya Raj Complex, Near Seema Hall,, 100 Feat Anandnagar Road,
Ahmedabad - 380015,
Gujarat, INDIA