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recruitment specialists

                                                   recruitment specialists
peace of mind

Ambridge Harris not only abides by the       Data protection - Our consultants exercise
industry code of practice, we go above and   complete discretion and confidentiality.
beyond it to minimise the risks associated   You can feel secure that cutting edge IT
with recruiting a new member of staff.       systems and robust business controls
                                             protect your data. One of our key strengths
Our candidates are thoroughly                is our speed of response, achieved through
interviewed and referenced with              this careful data maintenance
professional qualifications verified.        and management.

Accessibility - Our office locations         Our contracts - We have adopted the
are carefully selected to ensure easy        contracts drafted by REC, which are
accessibility for the majority of our        compliant with the most recent EAA
candidates and clients.                      legislation. Our clients and candidates
                                             can rest assured that they are working
                                             with a commercially sound business.


welcome to ambridge harris	             2-3
accountancy and finance	                4-5
commercial and contract management	     6-7
procurement and supply chain	           8-9
human resources	                      10-11
legal	                                12-13
information technology	               14-15
sales and marketing	                  16-17
financial services and insurance	     18-19
social media	                         20-21
our services and partnerships	        22-23
contact	                                24
2                                                                                                                                        3

              accountancy and finance

    accountancy and finance

    commercial and contract management
                                         welcome to
                                         ambridge harris
    procurement and supply chain

                                         Ambridge Harris specialises in the           With offices in Bristol, Cardiff and
    human resources                      recruitment of high calibre personnel;       Southampton - we cover the South West,
                                         recruiting accountancy, commercial and       Wales, Western Home Counties, West
                                         contract management, procurement and         Midlands and South Coast, providing
                                         supply chain, human resources, financial     innovative and cost effective solutions
    legal                                services and insurance, marketing,           tailored to suit various assignments in
                                         information technology and legal             temporary, permanent, contract and
                                         staff. We have a proven track record of      interim roles. In an ever-changing work
                                         successful recruitment campaigns. From       environment, specialist market knowledge
    information technology               multiple vacancies to individual headhunt    is essential. The consultants at Ambridge
                                         assignments, at Trainee to Board level, we   Harris are trained to develop a focused
                                         are renowned for delivering unparalleled     approach, concentrating on specific
                                         levels of customer service - offering        industry sectors. This enables them to
    sales and marketing
                                         testimonials and references from some of     become experts in their chosen market
                                         the countries most prestigious companies.    allowing them to provide unparalleled
                                                                                      levels of service and professionalism.
    financial services and insurance

                                                                                                               recruitment specialists
4                                                                                                5

                         and finance

                         Ambridge Harris is the regions foremost
                         specialist accountancy and finance
                         recruiter. We recruit for companies
                         from SME to FTSE 100 across industry,
                         commerce, professional practice, public
                         sector and not for profit. Our consultants
                         provide candidates from part qualified to
                         Board level on a temporary, interim and
                         permanent basis. Bespoke recruitment
                         solutions are also available, utilising the
                         national press and our comprehensive
                         search and selection service.

                                                                       accountancy and finance
6                                                                                                           7

                         commercial and
                         contract management

                         Commercial and Contract departments
                         are fundamental in driving business
                         growth and delivering increased
                         profitability. Ambridge Harris has a
                         unique understanding of this specialist
                         sector - appreciating the importance
                         that companies recruit and retain the
                         very best employees - from Commercial
                         Administrator to Director. We have
                         the ideal specialist knowledge and
                         resources to serve this sector with offices
                         strategically located to recruit for the
                         major businesses in the South West, Wales,
                         Western Home Counties, West Midlands
                         and South Coast.

                                                                       commercial and contract management
8                                                                                                  9

                         and supply chain

                         Specialising in procurement and supply
                         chain - our consultants add real value
                         throughout the whole lifecycle of the
                         recruitment process with their insight
                         and knowledge; uniquely possessing
                         professional experience relating to
                         their recruiting sector. Our specialist
                         procurement resource adheres to rigid
                         measurable standards, whilst focusing on
                         a broad business base that includes both
                         public and private sectors. We are able
                         to supply professional candidates across
                         direct and indirect purchasing, supply
                         chain managers and analysts, interim
                         consultants, quality control, warehouse
                         / logistics, production and operations
                         management, and project managers.

                                                                    procurement and supply chain
10                                                                                      11

                          human resources

                          Ambridge Harris delivers a bespoke,
                          service-driven recruitment offering to
                          our candidates and clients, providing
                          immediate and strategic resourcing
                          solutions. We understand the critical
                          business value of long-term relationships
                          and are experts at working in close
                          partnership. We recruit across all human
                          resources disciplines. From generalist HR
                          business partners, change managers and
                          learning and development specialists - to
                          resourcing, diversity and compensation
                          professionals on both a permanent and
                          interim basis

                                                                      human resources
12                                                                               13


                          Ambridge Harris specialises in recruiting
                          mid to senior-level lawyers across the South
                          West, Wales, Western Home Counties, West
                          Midlands and South Coast for FTSE250
                          companies, SMEs and UK law firms.
                          Our consultants strive to foster positive,
                          long-lasting relationships with both
                          candidates and clients, leading to a high
                          level of referrals. Regular contact with
                          market leaders allows Ambridge Harris
                          to proactively seek potential vacancies,
                          while enabling us to brief candidates
                          and clients on market trends.

14                                                                        15


                          Technology plays an important role in
                          all modern businesses. No longer just a
                          support function; this area of expertise adds
                          value, reduces costs, drives compliance
                          and improves sales. We recognise that
                          identification of IT professionals who are
                          working at the forefront of technology
                          is essential to giving your business a
                          competitive advantage. Whether you
                          require a specific temporary/project based
                          skill set or an individual to administer,
                          manage or develop your infrastructure, we
                          can assist. Many of our consultants have
                          worked within the industry so have a first
                          hand, expert understanding of their chosen
                          recruitment specialism.

16                                                                        17

                          sales and

                          Ambridge Harris has built strong
                          relationships with many market leading UK
                          companies. Association with these brands
                          has helped us grow our business and build
                          our reputation as a trusted supplier. We
                          recognise the need to identify the most
                          innovative marketeers that can drive
                          bottom line growth and brand recognition.

                          We are also able to provide sales
                          professionals to support marketing activity.
                          This is one of the most difficult disciplines
                          within which to identify true talent. We
                          often use our social networks to identify
                          sales professionals with very specific, niche
                          skill sets.

18                                                                         19

                          financial services
                          and insurance

                          Services and operations - this is a key
                          part to any Financial Services / Insurance
                          organisation providing an essential and
                          critical part to the business. Our consultants
                          within the financial services and insurance
                          division are specialists within the industry
                          providing expert and local knowledge. We
                          can offer candidates who are registered
                          solely with Ambridge Harris due to our
                          strong reputation within the industry. With
                          offices situated in prime locations that
                          are hubs for the insurance and financial
                          services industry we believe we can provide
                          valuable local expertise. By getting to know
                          your business trends and departments
                          we provide a seamless extension to
                          your company by recruiting high calibre
                          personnel every time.

20                                                                                                                            21

                          social media

                          Ambridge Harris is always seeking             Social media is a huge and an ever growing
                          new methods to identify the very best         market; LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
                          candidates. With advances in 3G and 4G        have over 535 million combined users and
                          mobile technology, it opens further sources   are constantly growing. Ambridge Harris
                          of communication for generating and           already has over 20,000 connections on
                          attracting candidates into the job market.    LinkedIn opening a wider target audience
                          Whether it is tweet updates on Twitter or   for our candidates and clients. Use of social
                          status updates on LinkedIn, Ambridge        media enables us to react quickly to skill
                          Harris is increasing not only its brand       specific campaigns to target unusual skill
                          awareness but also its candidate              sets. It also helps us keep in regular contact
                          pool by using these new candidate             with our networks thus providing excellent
                          generation methods.                           customer service.

                                                                        Ambridge Harris is committed to seeking
                                                                        alternative and innovative solutions to
                                                                        finding you the right candidate in an ever
                                                                        competitive market place.

                                                                                                    recruitment specialists
22                                                                                                                                                   23

 Some of the companies we have recruited for:

                                                our services and partnerships
 AXA Wealth
 Babcock                                        No matter which recruitment solution           the most effective, efficient and exemplary
 BDO                                            you require, you can rest assured that         service. Unlike many of our competitors,
 Bishop Fleming                                 Ambridge Harris will thoroughly interview,     each of our consultants provides both
 Bradfords Building Supplies                    reference and verify the qualifications of     temporary and permanent recruitment
 British Energy                                 the candidates you meet. Ambridge Harris       solutions - creating one point of contact
 Capita Group Plc                               is uncompromising in its observance of         working closely with you to understand
                                                Best Recruitment Practice.                     more about your business requirements.
 Danone                                         Recruitment Solutions                          Our State of the Art database, interactive
 Everything Everywhere                                                                         website, and IT infrastructure enables
 Friends Life                                   Database selection                             fast, accurate and detailed candidate
 GIST                                           Identifying relevant job seekers from our      searches to be conducted - ensuring that
 GKN Aerospace                                  extensive candidate database.                  job opportunities are marketed to a wide
 Grant Thornton                                                                                target audience.
 HBOS                                           Retained advertising and selection
 Honeywell                                      Bespoke and extremely cost effective           Salary surveys and market trend analysis
 Intel                                          recruitment solutions targeting a specific     are available to assist you in clarifying your
                                                audience of jobseekers via mail shots,         needs and requirements.
                                                advertisements or the Internet (with
 JP Morgan                                      advertising design and type set included       Legal advice and guidance are available
 Kohler Mira                                    in the overall cost).                          on recruitment related legislative changes
 Lloyds TSB and Insurance                       Retained Search                                Psychometric profiling and assessment
 Mazars                                         Executive selection involving research,        services can be provided to assist with
 Nationwide                                     networking and proactive head hunt             candidate selection.
 New Look                                       to identify senior management and
 PHS Group                                      directors. With consultants focusing on        Web based advertising - As an independent
 Princess Yachts                                specific industry sectors, we offer targeted   recruitment business we do not rely solely
                                                and cost effective head hunt solutions.        on our own web site for Internet branding.
                                                Identification and mapping of target           We are constantly reviewing the Internet
 RBS                                            companies and individuals can also be          jobs boards to ensure our customers have
 RNLI                                           carried out within minimal timescales.         the maximum coverage for each vacancy
 Rolls Royce                                                                                   we are instructed upon. Our complimentary
 RWE                                            Additional Services                            web based advertising package is the most
 Screwfix                                                                                      efficient and effective in the industry.
 St James Place                                 Our consultants are provided with the
 TD Packaging                                   training and tools to enable them to offer
 Threadneedle Asset Management
 Various Public Sector and
 Not For Profit Clients
 WH Smith

                                                                                                                           recruitment specialists

 At Ambridge Harris we recruit across the
 South West, Wales, Western Home Counties,
 West Midlands and South Coast.

 Our offices are situated as follows:

 Bristol Office
 4 Blenheim Court
 Beaufort Park
 BS32 4NE

 Tel. 01454 456 300

 Cardiff Office
 Sophia House,
 28 Cathedral Road
 CF11 9LJ

 Tel. 02920 660 286

 Southampton Office
 Enterprise House
 Ocean Village
 SO14 3XB

 Tel. 02380 488 712
 Web. www.ambridgeharris.com
 Email. info@ambridgeharris.com


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Ambridge Harris Corporate Brochure (Hi Res)

  • 2. peace of mind Ambridge Harris not only abides by the Data protection - Our consultants exercise industry code of practice, we go above and complete discretion and confidentiality. beyond it to minimise the risks associated You can feel secure that cutting edge IT with recruiting a new member of staff. systems and robust business controls protect your data. One of our key strengths Our candidates are thoroughly is our speed of response, achieved through interviewed and referenced with this careful data maintenance professional qualifications verified. and management. Accessibility - Our office locations Our contracts - We have adopted the are carefully selected to ensure easy contracts drafted by REC, which are accessibility for the majority of our compliant with the most recent EAA candidates and clients. legislation. Our clients and candidates can rest assured that they are working with a commercially sound business.
  • 3. 1 contents welcome to ambridge harris 2-3 accountancy and finance 4-5 commercial and contract management 6-7 procurement and supply chain 8-9 human resources 10-11 legal 12-13 information technology 14-15 sales and marketing 16-17 financial services and insurance 18-19 social media 20-21 our services and partnerships 22-23 contact 24
  • 4. 2 3 accountancy and finance accountancy and finance commercial and contract management welcome to ambridge harris procurement and supply chain Ambridge Harris specialises in the With offices in Bristol, Cardiff and human resources recruitment of high calibre personnel; Southampton - we cover the South West, recruiting accountancy, commercial and Wales, Western Home Counties, West contract management, procurement and Midlands and South Coast, providing supply chain, human resources, financial innovative and cost effective solutions legal services and insurance, marketing, tailored to suit various assignments in information technology and legal temporary, permanent, contract and staff. We have a proven track record of interim roles. In an ever-changing work successful recruitment campaigns. From environment, specialist market knowledge information technology multiple vacancies to individual headhunt is essential. The consultants at Ambridge assignments, at Trainee to Board level, we Harris are trained to develop a focused are renowned for delivering unparalleled approach, concentrating on specific levels of customer service - offering industry sectors. This enables them to sales and marketing testimonials and references from some of become experts in their chosen market the countries most prestigious companies. allowing them to provide unparalleled levels of service and professionalism. financial services and insurance www.ambridgeharris.com recruitment specialists
  • 5. 4 5 accountancy and finance Ambridge Harris is the regions foremost specialist accountancy and finance recruiter. We recruit for companies from SME to FTSE 100 across industry, commerce, professional practice, public sector and not for profit. Our consultants provide candidates from part qualified to Board level on a temporary, interim and permanent basis. Bespoke recruitment solutions are also available, utilising the national press and our comprehensive search and selection service. www.ambridgeharris.com accountancy and finance
  • 6. 6 7 commercial and contract management Commercial and Contract departments are fundamental in driving business growth and delivering increased profitability. Ambridge Harris has a unique understanding of this specialist sector - appreciating the importance that companies recruit and retain the very best employees - from Commercial Administrator to Director. We have the ideal specialist knowledge and resources to serve this sector with offices strategically located to recruit for the major businesses in the South West, Wales, Western Home Counties, West Midlands and South Coast. www.ambridgeharris.com commercial and contract management
  • 7. 8 9 procurement and supply chain Specialising in procurement and supply chain - our consultants add real value throughout the whole lifecycle of the recruitment process with their insight and knowledge; uniquely possessing professional experience relating to their recruiting sector. Our specialist procurement resource adheres to rigid measurable standards, whilst focusing on a broad business base that includes both public and private sectors. We are able to supply professional candidates across direct and indirect purchasing, supply chain managers and analysts, interim consultants, quality control, warehouse / logistics, production and operations management, and project managers. www.ambridgeharris.com procurement and supply chain
  • 8. 10 11 human resources Ambridge Harris delivers a bespoke, service-driven recruitment offering to our candidates and clients, providing immediate and strategic resourcing solutions. We understand the critical business value of long-term relationships and are experts at working in close partnership. We recruit across all human resources disciplines. From generalist HR business partners, change managers and learning and development specialists - to resourcing, diversity and compensation professionals on both a permanent and interim basis www.ambridgeharris.com human resources
  • 9. 12 13 legal Ambridge Harris specialises in recruiting mid to senior-level lawyers across the South West, Wales, Western Home Counties, West Midlands and South Coast for FTSE250 companies, SMEs and UK law firms. Our consultants strive to foster positive, long-lasting relationships with both candidates and clients, leading to a high level of referrals. Regular contact with market leaders allows Ambridge Harris to proactively seek potential vacancies, while enabling us to brief candidates and clients on market trends. www.ambridgeharris.com legal
  • 10. 14 15 information technology Technology plays an important role in all modern businesses. No longer just a support function; this area of expertise adds value, reduces costs, drives compliance and improves sales. We recognise that identification of IT professionals who are working at the forefront of technology is essential to giving your business a competitive advantage. Whether you require a specific temporary/project based skill set or an individual to administer, manage or develop your infrastructure, we can assist. Many of our consultants have worked within the industry so have a first hand, expert understanding of their chosen recruitment specialism. www.ambridgeharris.com
  • 11. 16 17 sales and marketing Ambridge Harris has built strong relationships with many market leading UK companies. Association with these brands has helped us grow our business and build our reputation as a trusted supplier. We recognise the need to identify the most innovative marketeers that can drive bottom line growth and brand recognition. We are also able to provide sales professionals to support marketing activity. This is one of the most difficult disciplines within which to identify true talent. We often use our social networks to identify sales professionals with very specific, niche skill sets. www.ambridgeharris.com
  • 12. 18 19 financial services and insurance Services and operations - this is a key part to any Financial Services / Insurance organisation providing an essential and critical part to the business. Our consultants within the financial services and insurance division are specialists within the industry providing expert and local knowledge. We can offer candidates who are registered solely with Ambridge Harris due to our strong reputation within the industry. With offices situated in prime locations that are hubs for the insurance and financial services industry we believe we can provide valuable local expertise. By getting to know your business trends and departments we provide a seamless extension to your company by recruiting high calibre personnel every time. www.ambridgeharris.com
  • 13. 20 21 social media Ambridge Harris is always seeking Social media is a huge and an ever growing new methods to identify the very best market; LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter candidates. With advances in 3G and 4G have over 535 million combined users and mobile technology, it opens further sources are constantly growing. Ambridge Harris of communication for generating and already has over 20,000 connections on attracting candidates into the job market. LinkedIn opening a wider target audience Whether it is tweet updates on Twitter or for our candidates and clients. Use of social status updates on LinkedIn, Ambridge media enables us to react quickly to skill Harris is increasing not only its brand specific campaigns to target unusual skill awareness but also its candidate sets. It also helps us keep in regular contact pool by using these new candidate with our networks thus providing excellent generation methods. customer service. Ambridge Harris is committed to seeking alternative and innovative solutions to finding you the right candidate in an ever competitive market place. www.ambridgeharris.com recruitment specialists
  • 14. 22 23 Some of the companies we have recruited for: AgustaWestlands Aon our services and partnerships Apetito AXA Wealth Babcock No matter which recruitment solution the most effective, efficient and exemplary BDO you require, you can rest assured that service. Unlike many of our competitors, Bishop Fleming Ambridge Harris will thoroughly interview, each of our consultants provides both Bradfords Building Supplies reference and verify the qualifications of temporary and permanent recruitment British Energy the candidates you meet. Ambridge Harris solutions - creating one point of contact Capita Group Plc is uncompromising in its observance of working closely with you to understand Best Recruitment Practice. more about your business requirements. Clarks Danone Recruitment Solutions Our State of the Art database, interactive Everything Everywhere website, and IT infrastructure enables Friends Life Database selection fast, accurate and detailed candidate GIST Identifying relevant job seekers from our searches to be conducted - ensuring that GKN Aerospace extensive candidate database. job opportunities are marketed to a wide Grant Thornton target audience. HBOS Retained advertising and selection Honeywell Bespoke and extremely cost effective Salary surveys and market trend analysis Intel recruitment solutions targeting a specific are available to assist you in clarifying your audience of jobseekers via mail shots, needs and requirements. Invensys advertisements or the Internet (with JP Morgan advertising design and type set included Legal advice and guidance are available Kohler Mira in the overall cost). on recruitment related legislative changes KPMG Lloyds TSB and Insurance Retained Search Psychometric profiling and assessment Mazars Executive selection involving research, services can be provided to assist with Nationwide networking and proactive head hunt candidate selection. New Look to identify senior management and PHS Group directors. With consultants focusing on Web based advertising - As an independent Princess Yachts specific industry sectors, we offer targeted recruitment business we do not rely solely and cost effective head hunt solutions. on our own web site for Internet branding. PWC Identification and mapping of target We are constantly reviewing the Internet RBS companies and individuals can also be jobs boards to ensure our customers have RNLI carried out within minimal timescales. the maximum coverage for each vacancy Rolls Royce we are instructed upon. Our complimentary RWE Additional Services web based advertising package is the most Screwfix efficient and effective in the industry. St James Place Our consultants are provided with the TD Packaging training and tools to enable them to offer Threadneedle Asset Management Various Public Sector and Not For Profit Clients WH Smith www.ambridgeharris.com recruitment specialists
  • 15. 24 At Ambridge Harris we recruit across the South West, Wales, Western Home Counties, West Midlands and South Coast. Our offices are situated as follows: Bristol Office 4 Blenheim Court Beaufort Park Woodlands Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4NE Tel. 01454 456 300 Cardiff Office Sophia House, 28 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9LJ Tel. 02920 660 286 Southampton Office Enterprise House Ocean Village Southampton SO14 3XB Tel. 02380 488 712 Web. www.ambridgeharris.com Email. info@ambridgeharris.com www.ambridgeharris.com