The document discusses Emmanuel Hospital Association's (EHA) efforts to promote disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction in hospitals in India and neighboring countries. It describes EHA piloting disability-inclusive hospital disaster preparedness and response modules starting in 2009 in several of its hospitals. Over 1200 healthcare leaders have been trained through this initiative. Barriers to inclusive approaches are also identified, such as attitudinal, communication, mobility, and policy barriers. The document advocates for improving access to quality and affordable healthcare for people with disabilities through initiatives like EHA's that aim to make hospitals and disaster response more accessible and inclusive.
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AMCDRR 2016 EHAs experiences in delivering Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Hospitals Resized
EHAs experiences in delivering Disability-
inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Hospitals
Thematic Session-20 Disability inclusive DRR
Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
4 November 2016
Peniel Malakar
Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA), India
EHAs journey toward Disability inclusive Hospital
Disaster Preparedness & Response (DiHDPR) modules
? 2009: Hospital DRR Pilot with DIPECHO in 2 hospitals
(implementing HFA-I & MDGs)
? 2010: Di HDPR presented & piloted in 1 hospital
? 2009 C till date: more than 14 hospitals undergone (4 in
? More than 1200 h/c leaders received training across
India and Nepal (government & voluntary)
? 300+ hospitals sensitized on inclusive DRR
? 15 hospitals queued up for DiHDPR for 2017 in India & a
few South Asian countries (Nepal; Myanmar; Bangladesh)
Common barriers to Inclusive approach
? Attitudinal C complacency/stereotype (a bn &
? Communication C health info/promo
? Mobility/physical C its ok stretchers/wheel chairs
? Programmatic C time/eqpt or faci design (welfare vs.
? Socio-economic/stigma C education
? Policy/legislation C buildings/transport/risk cover
? Prohibitive costs C additional costs for low-Y
Governments can improve health outcomes for people with disabilities by
Improving ACCESS to QUALITY, AFFORDABLE healthcare services.
EHAs initiative toward inclusive DRR in hospitals
Piloted (Assam) in one of its 20 hospitals in India,2010
Comprehensive approach through DiHDPR modules -
1. Prelude activities C GB adopts/sensitzn at all levels
2. Assessments C barrier free (b/f) faci
3. Team Formation C people with disabilities included
4. iHospital Disaster Management Plan C
Inclusion; Alarm/EWS; Training; Evacuation; Eqpt;
Safety level scoring
1. Training & Capacity Building C include/use vari tools
2. Audit C proactively looking at b/f access
3. Unified Response Mechanism ensures all DPOs
Some important realization by h/care fraternity
Hospitals are a high capital-intensive spcl instns
Disaster impacts on a hosp has a larger collateral impacts
Patients admitted with critical conditions require special
assistance even though they do not have any disability
(ortho, post surgical, weak & pregnant)
H/care (Medical & Nursing) fraternity are found least preferred
for non-medical life-saving skills & vice versa (disasters donot
No priority treatment observed dg a disaster event for
h/care fraternity (evacuation)
Hospitals are the temple of hope for a disaster victim
Most of the essential areas are not barrier-free
Availability of dis-aggregate data at the village level
Village level DMP must include mapping of people
with disabilities for quick evacuation
Continuation of medication is critical
EHA developed a Specialized Relief Kit for First
Responders: Dos & Donts/Basic set of questions
Recommend all Response Task Forces
Awareness & Sensitization at the school level
Hospital Safety Guidelines must include Di approaches
(worst case scenario!)
Availability of Di experts essential for practical