
狠狠撸Share a Scribd company logo
America Make Do is a
Southwest Louisiana-based
operation dedicated to the
cause of ethical, green,
economy-tripling, job-making
production right here on
American soil.

Founders Victoria Ellender and
Cheryl Hartley, a mother-
daughter team, believe in the
solid foundation for American
production that was established
by the hard work of our
ancestors. Our clothing is made
100% from American-made
fabrics and upcycled materials.
? Green living.
? Cottage industry.
? Ethical production.
? Beautiful fashions.
? We want these to romance Americans so much that
 the desire to have "closets full will be replaced with
 passion to exclusively support native industry.
America make do
? The Make Do and Mend movement began during World War II.
? The war caused a shortage of supplies due to the sinking of ships
  bringing supplies and the lack of clothing manufacturing because of
  the increased demand for war materials.
? The “Make Do and Mend” movement administered by the
  governments of both the United States and England encouraged
  citizens to get the last possible ounce of wear out of all their
  family’s clothing.
? People started making new clothes from old ones and from all other
  household linen.
? During the war, women became masterminds of make do and mend,
  so resourceful they fashioned up sexy knickers out of parachutes.
America make do
America make do
America make do
America make do
Some of these mending tips you may already be
familiar with, but some may be new to you. We hope
these mending tools will give you ideas on how to get
the most of your clothing and how to creatively shop
or “thrift.”
2.Sewing a button
3.Hem your pants
4.Patch your jeans
These three may seem really obvious but they will help
you extend the life of your clothes.
4. Alter a shirt--- There are many videos on the
Internet that explain the variety of ways to alter tops
to make them fit better and/or to accommodate
weather changes.

5. Removing stains naturally--- The best way to keep
your clothes looking great longer is to learn how to
effectively remove stains… lemon juice, BIZ, bleach.
? Line Dry your clothes--- Line drying your clothes is
 gentler than tumble drying (and cheaper).

? World War II Make and Mend book:
? “It’s easy to teach an old wardrobe new tricks, to
 resurrect the skeletons in your closet and bring
 them up to date. Come on, take those old
 knockabouts and turn them into knockouts…”
? Dyeing is so fun and easy to do.

? You can redye blacks to make them look fresh or
 completely change the color of something to make it
 into something new.

? Dye is cheap and can be found at any grocery store.

 It works best with natural fibers. Cotton, wool, linen.
? Stove Top Dying
? This technique delivers the best color results when dyeing with
    black or other dark colors.
?   Fill pot with enough hot water for fabric to move freely. Remember: Use 1
    package of Rit powder or 1/2 bottle of Rit liquid dye and 3 gallons of hot
    water for each pound of fabric. Pre-dissolve powder in 2 cups of hot water.
    Add pre-dissolved powder or liquid to dye bath. Stir to mix.
?   Wet fabric in hot water. Uncrumple and add to dye bath.
?   Bring dye bath to simmer. Stir constantly (back and forth, up and down) at
    least 30 minutes.
?   Rinse in warm water, then gradually cooler water until water runs clear.
    Wash item in warm water with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly in cool
?   Dry item in dryer or hang to dry.
?   Clean containers immediately with chlorine bleach. Scrub with chlorine-
    based powder, liquid, or gel cleanser.
? For Top-Loading Machines

? Fill machine with enough hot water for fabric to move freely. Refer to the
    chart below for the right amount of dye to add. Pre-dissolve powder in 2
    cups of hot water. Add pre-dissolved powder or liquid to hot dye bath.
?   Wet fabric in hot water. Uncrumple and add to dye bath.
?   Set machine for extended wash cycle. Fabric should be in dye bath for at
    least 30 minutes before rinse begins. (You can reset your washing machine
    before the rinse cycle begins for extended wash cycle.)
?   Rinse in cold water until water runs clear. Wash deep shades in warm water
    with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly in cool water.
?   Dry item in dryer or hang to dry.
?   Clean washing machine using highest water level with hot water, detergent
    and 1 cup chlorine bleach using complete wash cycle. Clean lint traps.
    Plastic or rubber machine parts may be tinted but will not stain laundry.
? Adding lace, trims, new notions to a plain top or

? Dyeing something white or plain to a whole new

? Taking scraps of fabric and stitching to make
 headbands, purses
? Using linen table cloths from Care/Help to make
 pants, tops, rompers, play suits for toddlers.

? Bed sheets make great material… No need to spend
 several dollars a yard on fabric. Just buy used
 cotton bed sheets at Goodwill, Care/Help, and start
? Take a man’s shirt and downsize into a little boy’s

? Pillow cases into little girls dresses.

? Strips of stretchy tops into the base of cute, stylish
? The possibilities are endless really…..
? AMeRicA MAke do
cheRyl gARneR-hARtley

VictoRiA ellendeR

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America make do

  • 2. America Make Do is a Southwest Louisiana-based operation dedicated to the cause of ethical, green, economy-tripling, job-making production right here on American soil. Founders Victoria Ellender and Cheryl Hartley, a mother- daughter team, believe in the solid foundation for American production that was established by the hard work of our ancestors. Our clothing is made 100% from American-made fabrics and upcycled materials.
  • 3. ? Green living. ? Cottage industry. ? Ethical production. ? Beautiful fashions. ? We want these to romance Americans so much that the desire to have "closets full will be replaced with passion to exclusively support native industry.
  • 5. ? The Make Do and Mend movement began during World War II. ? The war caused a shortage of supplies due to the sinking of ships bringing supplies and the lack of clothing manufacturing because of the increased demand for war materials. ? The “Make Do and Mend” movement administered by the governments of both the United States and England encouraged citizens to get the last possible ounce of wear out of all their family’s clothing. ? People started making new clothes from old ones and from all other household linen. ? During the war, women became masterminds of make do and mend, so resourceful they fashioned up sexy knickers out of parachutes.
  • 10. Some of these mending tips you may already be familiar with, but some may be new to you. We hope these mending tools will give you ideas on how to get the most of your clothing and how to creatively shop or “thrift.” 2.Sewing a button 3.Hem your pants 4.Patch your jeans These three may seem really obvious but they will help you extend the life of your clothes.
  • 11. 4. Alter a shirt--- There are many videos on the Internet that explain the variety of ways to alter tops to make them fit better and/or to accommodate weather changes. 5. Removing stains naturally--- The best way to keep your clothes looking great longer is to learn how to effectively remove stains… lemon juice, BIZ, bleach.
  • 12. ? Line Dry your clothes--- Line drying your clothes is gentler than tumble drying (and cheaper). ? World War II Make and Mend book: ? “It’s easy to teach an old wardrobe new tricks, to resurrect the skeletons in your closet and bring them up to date. Come on, take those old knockabouts and turn them into knockouts…”
  • 13. ? Dyeing is so fun and easy to do. ? You can redye blacks to make them look fresh or completely change the color of something to make it into something new. ? Dye is cheap and can be found at any grocery store. It works best with natural fibers. Cotton, wool, linen.
  • 14. ? Stove Top Dying ? This technique delivers the best color results when dyeing with black or other dark colors. ? Fill pot with enough hot water for fabric to move freely. Remember: Use 1 package of Rit powder or 1/2 bottle of Rit liquid dye and 3 gallons of hot water for each pound of fabric. Pre-dissolve powder in 2 cups of hot water. Add pre-dissolved powder or liquid to dye bath. Stir to mix. ? Wet fabric in hot water. Uncrumple and add to dye bath. ? Bring dye bath to simmer. Stir constantly (back and forth, up and down) at least 30 minutes. ? Rinse in warm water, then gradually cooler water until water runs clear. Wash item in warm water with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly in cool water. ? Dry item in dryer or hang to dry. ? Clean containers immediately with chlorine bleach. Scrub with chlorine- based powder, liquid, or gel cleanser.
  • 15. ? For Top-Loading Machines ? Fill machine with enough hot water for fabric to move freely. Refer to the chart below for the right amount of dye to add. Pre-dissolve powder in 2 cups of hot water. Add pre-dissolved powder or liquid to hot dye bath. ? Wet fabric in hot water. Uncrumple and add to dye bath. ? Set machine for extended wash cycle. Fabric should be in dye bath for at least 30 minutes before rinse begins. (You can reset your washing machine before the rinse cycle begins for extended wash cycle.) ? Rinse in cold water until water runs clear. Wash deep shades in warm water with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly in cool water. ? Dry item in dryer or hang to dry. ? Clean washing machine using highest water level with hot water, detergent and 1 cup chlorine bleach using complete wash cycle. Clean lint traps. Plastic or rubber machine parts may be tinted but will not stain laundry.
  • 16. ? Adding lace, trims, new notions to a plain top or skirt ? Dyeing something white or plain to a whole new color ? Taking scraps of fabric and stitching to make headbands, purses
  • 17. ? Using linen table cloths from Care/Help to make pants, tops, rompers, play suits for toddlers. ? Bed sheets make great material… No need to spend several dollars a yard on fabric. Just buy used cotton bed sheets at Goodwill, Care/Help, and start sewing.
  • 18. ? Take a man’s shirt and downsize into a little boy’s shorts. ? Pillow cases into little girls dresses. ? Strips of stretchy tops into the base of cute, stylish headbands.
  • 19. ? The possibilities are endless really…..
  • 20. ? AMeRicA MAke do cheRyl gARneR-hARtley 337-302-0894 VictoRiA ellendeR 337-853-4404