The document discusses America Saves Week 2012 in New Mexico. America Saves is a national campaign that helps individuals save money and build wealth rather than debt. America Saves Week involves state proclamations, media coverage, and financial education events to encourage saving. Individuals can sign up as savers on the America Saves website or through local campaigns. Savers receive newsletters, webinars, and saving tips. The presentation outlines how New Mexico can build on existing partnerships with banks, schools, and other groups to promote America Saves Week and encourage more residents to sign up as savers. Input from attendees is requested on potential participating organizations in New Mexico.
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America Saves 2012 in NM
1. America Saves速 in NM:
America Saves Week 2012
Fahzy Abdul-Rahman
Centra Training
September 15, 2011
4. 1. Introduction
America Saves is a national campaign that helps
individuals save money and take positive financial
Main goals: Help individuals of all income levels
save money and
build wealth, not debt
Launched 2001 in Cleveland
A Non-profit Consumer Federation of America
(CFA) program.
CFA is comprised of over 270 consumer
education, advocacy, and cooperative organizations
5. 2. America Saves速 Week
Vs. America Saves速
Week- vs. Year-round activities
America Saves速 Week
Activities: State capital proclamation, public serve
announcement, media coverage, e-mail blasts,
brochures, Chamber of Commerce Saves
celebration, piggy bank decoration, coupon
workshop, financial fair, university/company
president speech, plastic surgery
6. The Idea
Individuals can join as a Saver with their
local campaign or at the America Saves website or
Paper-and-pencil enrolment.
Once signed up, they receive regular
support, encouragement and advice from the
American Saver newsletter,
the monthly e-Wealth Coach series, and
access to saving tips and advice
9. The Idea: Action-Based
Open a saving account
or other wealth building product
Save automatically
Pay Yourself First (PYF)
Set aside money for an emergency fund
E.g. a car repair or trip to the emergency room
If none, Predatory Lending
Payday Lending: 390%
10. General Approach
Community-wide, for example, through local
news coverage, radio ads, and transit posters;
Institutionally, for example, through
employers, schools, churches, community
groups, and financial institutions; and
Personally through
relatives, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
11. Common Strategy
Through appropriate
messaging, outreach, opportunities, and
Signing up individuals as members of the
Participating in America Saves Week (ASW) on
an annual basis
Working with financial institutions
Becoming the recognized expert on savings
12. What America Saves速 Provide:
Printing of the basic brochure and possibly a
The quarterly American Saver newsletter to all
your Savers.
Mailing this if you so desire.
Evaluation: Maintenance of your data-base of
Your own web-site.
Opportunity to participate in the National Forum
to Promote Lower-Income Household Savings
17. 3. NM Saves Effort
Build from the existing networks:
With banks, CU, schools, churches, companies
Invite them to join on collaboration efforts
E-mail and article template provided
Well work from there
Media exposure: TV, radio, newspaper
Social Media Marketing
19. In the Chat Box
Please jolt down in the chat box:
Existing parties in your
state/county networks who are
very likely to get involved in NM
Please be specific
E.g. First light CU, Clayton HS, Lovington
Workers Union
21. America Saves速 in NM:
America Saves Week 2012
Fahzy Abdul-Rahman
Centra Training
September 15, 2011
Editor's Notes
#4: Slow U.S. economic growth: GDP growth < 2%Low single-digit average annual stock returnsStubbornly high unemployment levels: 9.1%Precarious job security (public and private sector)Youth, <25: 24%College debt --- Next financial crisis waveTightened credit standards Declining asset values (e.g., housing)Increased precautionary household savings and debt repaymentDecreased household spending
#10: We work with our partners to deliver these key messages to individuals: Open a saving account, or other wealth building product. Having a dedicated savings account helps keep your savings separate from money for day-to-day expenses. Save automatically. The most successful savers arrange to have a portion of their paycheck automatically withheld and transferred to a savings or retirement account. Set aside money for an emergency fund. Unexpected expenses like a car repair or trip to the emergency room can turn into financial nightmares, but by setting aside as little as $500, you can weather these difficulties without resorting to short term, high-cost and high-risk loans.Highest concentration of predatory lending stores tend to be in smaller cities and cities with high minorities and/or high poverty rate concentrations such as Gallup (880), Grants (881), andFarmington (1,647), which collectively represent six times the rate in the rest of New Mexico in2000.
#12: Using the principles of social marketing, the development of a community-based America Saves campaign is a partnership between the local organization(s) and the national America Saves team. The campaign encourages good saving behavior throughout the community and motivates and supports individuals and families to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth.America Saves campaigns play a key role in creating a culture of saving that focuses on financial actionby:Promoting savings throughout the community through appropriate messaging, outreach, opportunities, and support. Expanding the America Saves local campaign brand by using common messages, graphics, and marketing material.Campaigns will clearly identify themselves as a part of the national campaign by using America Saves-provided logo and tag lines.The savings messages need to be comprehensive so that individuals begin to think like a saver in all areas of their financial life. These messages need to promote lifelong saving strategies and be based on research provided by America Saves or other recognized savings experts.Campaigns will maintain a campaign working group in a manner that is sustainable and beneficial for all participating organizations.Signing up individuals as members of the campaign.Signing up savers is a year-round effort with special emphasis put on America Saves Week. Campaigns will attempt to get feedback from savers about the campaign.Campaigns will recruit other organizations to help sign up savers.Savers will receive information about other asset-building opportunities such as savings bonds, IDAs, IRAs, and free tax preparation services.Participating in America Saves Week (ASW) on an annual basis.The campaigns will use resources provided by America Saves that encourage and facilitate participation in ASW such as media releases, social media material, national contacts, key messaging, national press conference, and research press release.Local campaigns will participate in the national America Saves Week, use ASW to recruit new partners, promote ASW on the local level, and provide feedback on local participation to America Saves.Working with financial institutions to provide savings accounts that support saving even small amounts on a regular basis.Campaigns will develop partnerships with local financial institutions to offer appropriate, accessible savings accounts and ensure that they market them.Local campaigns will work to ensure the availability of savings accounts with low opening ($25 or less) balances and no fee to support making automatic and direct deposits as the best strategy to build savings. To promote automatic savings, these accounts can be tied to a safe and appropriate checking account.Campaigns will provide Savers opportunities to use financial tools, America Saves resources, monthly communications, and opportunities to open or add to savings accounts.Serving as the local/region/state-wide presence of America Saves and becoming the recognized expert/authority on savings information, motivation, and opportunity.America Saves will provide resources that help position local campaigns as experts. Campaigns will distribute information about saving throughout the year including research and other messaging from America Saves.Campaigns will develop a media strategy to build awareness of campaign initiatives, content, and support.