As Co-Founder and Chairman of KBS Branding Committee, we were involved with many projects that helped students identify their brand and provide exposure of their personal brand while building the program awareness. One great way to do that is through LinkedIn, so this seminar helped students get on LinkedIn and begin networking!
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Amin Shawki Kolodzik Business Scholars Branding Linked In Presentation
1. KBS
Professional Branding
Build your LinkedIn Profile Page
Presented By: Amin Shawki,
On behalf of the KBS Branding Committee
2. Professional Branding
1. What it means to be KBS.
2. What does your ________ say about you as a KBS
- affiliations
- brand identity
- social media presence/image
3. KBS Brand
- The Kolodzik Business Scholars are a community of
students that capitalize the opportunities both in the
university and professional setting by surpassing
expectations fueled by administrative support. KBS
Students are highly self-motivated to become specialized
in their field of concentration, to pursue higher academic
standards, and to enhance their reputation. Building a
more creative and collaborative network in Cincinnati and
extending globally is a fused ambition of the KBS
Community. The Flexibility of the KBS program allows
energized, enthusiastic students to be innovative in
creating their own career path and a well-rounded
university experience.
4. KBS Brand
Everyone contributes and will see the KBS brand
Unity of KBS 5-pillars, core values, perceptions
and attitudes of students
Fuel for promotion
Outward Awareness
Extend prestige of program
5. KBS Affiliation
Branding will provide tools for identity expression
In the University
In the College of Business
At co-ops, internships, and other jobs
Contribution to elevator speech: KBS Style
Innovation, Globalization, Specialization,
Collaboration, and Flexibility
6. KBS Development
All in it together
Need Feedback, ideas, questions, concerns etc.
We cant tell you what its like to be a Kolodzik
Business Scholar, we can only give you a general
picture and the tools to have you define it yourself
7. KBS Brand Identity
Create your KBS Brand Identity:
1. Who are you in relation to KBS?
2. What skills do you bring because of KBS?
3. What are your goals/what are you looking for?
8. Social Media in Hiring Practices
Fact: Employers will Google you
What pops up when you type your name?
9. Social Media in Employment Practices
SHRM Article on Social Media HR Rules in relation to:
1. Hiring
2. Harassment
3. Disparagement
4. Relationships
10. Social Media Presence/Image
LinkedIn - Build your brand via online profile and
make it public:
- Summary
- Contact Settings
- Work Experience
- Personalized link
- Recommendations
- Groups and Associations
- Additional Info
11. Social Media Presence/Image
Once you have your profile built
1. Make connections (different levels)
2. Get connected well in groups/associations
3. Start researching companies and jobs
4. Reach out to mutual connections for an in.
12. Keys To Maximizing LinkedIn
Establish a hub for your professional presence online
Build, grow and maintain your professional network
Research people & companies
Locate job opportunities
Share your expertise/learn from others
13. LinkedIn Creation Time
The steps we will cover today
Sign up:
Build your profile, upload picture and experience
Build Connections, See who you know
Get Connected to groups and organizations
Follow Companies
Interact and Contribute
Advanced set up
14. Signing Up
Log on to
Click Join Today
Email verification and personal info (6 quick
steps), you may skip any step
Will ask to sync/invite contacts
Basic Account is Free
15. Settings
Privacy and profile accessibility
Email Preferences: CONSIDER THIS!
Announcements, notifications, and frequency
Groups, Companies, and Applications for later use
Overall account settings (familiarize)
16. Build your profile
Profile-> Edit profile
Add content!
Update Picture
Ask for Recommendations
Add Websites
Facebook, twitter, and others if professional
Change public profile name
17. Build your profile more
Add summary and specialties
Professional mission statement- Personal Brand
Specialties should be keywords, searchable
Rearrange sections shown on profile
18. Get Connections
My Connections
Finds contacts through email
Add connections
Classmates at UC College of Business
Colleagues at previous work
People you may know
Connect with Amin Shawki
After connected, check out my connections!
Joining groups and associations..
20. Groups and Associations
Crucial to learn more about industry or field
Groups you may like
Group Search
Group Directory
Find groups from your connections
Connect with Kolodzik Business Scholars!
22. Other uses
LinkedIn Functionality based on your needs
Jobs and Company searches
Advanced people search
News and relevant content
More applications!
30. Social Media Presence/Image
1. Build your career brand online
2. Make connections with those that can benefit your
3. Tweet about relevant industry trends knowledge
4. Join job lists/Professional lists