This document discusses ways to save energy in heating and cooling homes. It recommends using geothermal heat pumps, passive solar heating, and high efficiency furnaces to heat homes more efficiently. Insulating roofs, walls, attics and crawl spaces can also help stop heating and cooling losses. Installing solar hot water heaters or tankless instant water heaters can heat water more efficiently. Saving energy helps reduce costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution so future generations have access to resources.
2. Why do we need to save energy?
Saving energy plays a big role in saving the money
used in energy extraction.(2)
Helps reducing green house emission as well as
reduction of air pollution (from burning coal or fossil
We should consume less energy and use it more
efficiently so that the future generations can use it as
Non-renewable resources last longer.(2)
3. Heat houses more efficiently
Using a geothermal heat pump that transfers the heat
stored in the earth to our houses (heat transferred
from the ground.(3)
Passive solar heating(Energy extracted from the sun).3
Using a high efficiency natural gas furnace (about 85-
98% more efficient.(3)
4. Heating houses more efficiently
Advantage: Clean source of heating.(3)
1)Expensive to purchase and install.(3)
2)Depending on model ,efficiency drops when the
outside temperature is very low.(3)
5. Stop other heating and cooling
Insulating our roofs and walls.(5)
Draw unwanted moisture from the crawl spaces
beneath the house.(5)
Get rid of the cooling ducts in our attics( Attic
insulation should be at least 30 centimeters)-(5)
Advantages: 1)The heat now is more efficiently
2)Less running cost.(5)
Disadvantage: Cost of installation.(5)
6. Heat water more efficiently
Installing a mounted solar hot water heater.(6)
Use a tankless instant water heater which uses natural
gas or LPG.(6)
Heating water directly is better than indirectly.(6)
Advantage: Less heat is used to heat our water.(6)
Disadvantage: Cost of installation(6)