The Amma Seva Society launched a new website to better share information about their goals of helping poor students, supporting the community, providing medical assistance and emergency aid, facilitating marriages, and distributing bedsheets and food. The website will make it easier for donors to learn about the organization and its impact, and will serve as a central place for citizens to find important contact details and volunteer opportunities. It features information, photos, donor profiles, beneficiary lists, member profiles, and allows users to register as volunteers or view statistics.
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Amma Web Site launch
Sriram Angajala, Banana Apps -
2. About Amma
 Goals
 Help Poor Students
 Support Community
 Medical Health
 Emergency Cases
 Marriages
 Bedsheet and Food Distribution
3. Why we need website
 Share information across world
 Help donors to find about value for money
 One stop shop for Information for citizens
 Emergency contact information
 Volunteer information
4. What is in website
 What to expect in new website(demo)
 Information
 Photos
 Donors information
 Beneficiary list
 Members
 Register as volunteer
 Statastics