AMM/Vizeum has 10 years of experience in media and has held key positions among media agencies in Ukraine since 2002. Since 2007, it has represented the Vizeum network in Ukraine as part of the Aegis media group, which was ranked #3-4 in the Ukrainian market in 2008-2009. AMM/Vizeum aims to provide the best buying conditions for clients by leveraging its united buying force. In 2010, AMM/Vizeum joined the European Business Association and continued its active start through media trainings and opening its 9th season of the AMM/Vizeum Ad College.
2. We have 10 years media history
Since 2002 we hold key position
among Media Agencies
Since 2007 we represent Vizeum
network in Ukraine
We are the part of Aegis family
4. Aegis Media 2008 #4
on Ukrainian market
Aegis Media 2009 #3-4
on Ukrainian market
Positions 2008-2009
5. &
are getting united BUYING FORCE
to win over the BEST buying conditions
for our clients
Aegis Ukraine news:
2010 active start
6. AMM/Vizeum widens
the horizons: weve
joined European
Business Association
Aegis Ukraine news:
2010 active start
7. Aegis Network Media Trainings Lists 2010 are already
available (by Network professional Leaders)
4 Annual Trainings for Clients: Communicational innovations, Integrated
Communications Planning (ICP), Digital innovations & Worldwide Social
Marketing, Worldwide Consumer-oriented Media Trends
6 Annual Training for Ukrainian branch Aegis Agencies
AMM/Vizeum Ad College opened 9th trainings season
(founded in 2006)
You may visit our trainings & lections: AMM/Vizeum Office, School of
Advertising Technologies, Ukrainian Marketing Association
AMM/Vizeum celebrates
innovations & improvements
8. Mitsubishi J&J Eldorado Sandoz Fulda
banner and banner banner +
special project BTL activity
context activity activity context+ special
for online store support
Digital activity
9. Involving communication
TA Brand Consumer Media Dialogue
understanding value insight choice in media
Media ideas Estimation
AMM: communication media planning
10. 3. Media
2. Connection
1. Motivation Plan and execute our
strategy and ideas with
Discover insights and
the maximum efficacy
generate ideas for the
Bring people to life and and efficiency
brand to connect with
understand what
them at the right time
motivates them about
in the right place
their lives, brands and
Key AMM/Vizeum Tool
11. Media campaigns effectiveness of key Agency
Clients are tested by audit monitoring - Kwendi
2007 2008 successful audit of
Obolon and Johnson&Johnson
2009 Sandoz project: day to day work with audit
campaign Kwendi
Double control of media effectiveness
12. Need more information?
Please contact us,
We are answering all
044 494 07 17