Amnesia refers to a condition involving short-term memory loss and inability to imagine the future. It can be caused by physical factors like head injuries or diseases that damage the brain, or psychological factors like trauma. Symptoms include problems with forming new memories, recalling past events, confusion, and not recognizing people or places. Amnesia can affect anyone and is often seen in middle-aged persons. Home remedies for amnesia include herbal teas and consuming nuts, spices, and honey which may help boost memory.
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4. Amnesia refers to a condition in which the patient is subject to
short-term memory loss. Inability to imagine the future is one of
the after effects of amnesia. The major causes of amnesia
include physical and functional factors. While the former causes
dysfunction of the brain due to any kind of physical injury or by
the ingestion of a toxic substance, the latter is based on
psychological factors, like trauma or emotional incidents.
Amnesia can affect anyone, men, women or child, and can occur
at any age, though it is mostly seen in middle aged persons.
Given below is a list of the causes and symptoms of amnesia.
5. Ageing
Head injury, in which the brain gets
Deterioration of the brain cells, due to
infections of the brain
Drug abuse
Traumatic incident
Degeneration of brain cells
Brain infections such as herpes,
encephalitis, etc
Severe emotional trauma and seizures
Alzheimer's disease
Certain metabolic diseases
Brain tumor
6. Amnesic shellfish poisoning
Lack of adequate oxygen in the brain
Bleeding between the brain and skull
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Long-term alcohol abuse
7. Impaired ability to learn new information,
following the onset of amnesia (anterograde
Impaired ability to recall past events and
previously familiar information (retrograde
False recollections (confabulation), either
completely invented or made up of genuine
memories misplaced in time
Neurological problems, such as uncoordinated
movements or tremors
Confusion or disorientation
Problems with short-term memory
Partial memory loss
Total memory loss
Inability to recognize familiar faces or places
8. Rosemary is the best home remedy for amnesia. Known
as the herb of remembrance, it can effectively cure
mental fatigue and forgetfulness. Prepare rosemary tea
by adding 1-2 teaspoons of the herb to a cup (225ml) of
boiling water. Let it steep for 5 minutes, strain the
decoction and add a squirt of lime juice. Drink the tea
once or twice, on a daily basis.
Perennail booti is also helpful in curing forgetfulness.
Dry about seven grams of this herb in a shady place.
Grind it, along with seven kernels of almonds and half a
gram of pepper. Add water to form a decoction. Strain
the decoction and add twenty-five gm sugar. Drink this
mixture, on an empty stomach, every morning, for
about a fortnight.
Walnuts work as effective memory enhancers.
Consuming 20 gm walnuts everyday, in the morning,
will prove to be highly beneficial. This home remedy can
be made more effective if you add 10 gm of raisins or
figs to walnuts.
9. Almonds are, traditionally, considered to be the best
and the most effective memory booster. Soak about 10
almonds overnight. Peel off the brown skin in the
morning and make a paste of it. Intake this paste, along
with a tsp of butter, every morning. This works as a
powerful memory enhancer and reduces needless
Holy basil leaves prove to be an effective memory
enhancer. Boil the leaves in water and strain the
decoction. Drink the decoction, after it cools down. You
can also eat the leaves directly, after washing them with
Another very popular home remedy for amnesia
comprises of the herb, Brahmi. Prepare a decoction of
the herb, by steeping it in boiling water and straining
the water. Let it cool down and consume it in the
morning, on an empty stomach.
For treating amnesia, biofeedback has proved to be a
useful technique. In this process, the patient is made
10. aware of his quantifiable bodily functions such as blood
pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and skin temperature.
This raises the patient's awareness as well as his
conscious control of the involuntary physiological
Patients suffering from amnesia can also retort to
writing their routine in a notebook. They should try to
memorize this and recall everything, first thing in the
morning, without looking at the notebook.
The right diet also acts as a memory booster. Include a
lot of phosphorous-rich fruits in your diet, such as
dates, oranges, figs, grapes, apple, almonds and
walnuts. They help activate the brain cell and reduce
The most simple of all home remedies for amnesia is to
have a tsp of honey, sprinkled with finely grounded
black pepper, once a day. This would help enhance