1. The document outlines a three-phase campaign strategy to shame Shell in front of shareholders through advertising and media engagement in order to pressure Shell to reduce gas flaring in the Niger Delta.
2. The first phase involves mobilizing supporters through online outreach to raise funds for advertising. The second phase places ads in major newspapers to further shame Shell at their AGM. The third phase continues engagement through press releases, films and social media.
3. The results included public commitments from Shell to reduce gas flaring, significant media coverage, fundraising success exceeding targets, and perception that the brand revitalized through a bold, confrontational approach.
2. Objectives: Shame Shell in front of shareholders Campaign awareness Raise funds for cost of media Generate additional media coverage and other exposure for campaign Empower our supporters, giving them a clear role and amplify their voice through the campaign Revitalise perception of AIUK brand image Shame Shell: invest now
3. Strategy 3 phase approach Phase 1 - Mobilise Target: Supporters and social consumers Objectives: Engage supporters. Raise funds for cost of media. Disseminate ad as far and wide as possible online How: Email, social networks, blogs, media sites and press release. Shame Shell: invest now
4. Strategy 3 phase approach Phase 2 - Shame Target: Shell Investors, Shell executives, their peers and financial workers Objective: Campaign awareness. Shame Shell. Engage Shell How: Full page ad in Financial Times and Evening Standard and 48 sheet Advan driving around AGM and the city Shame Shell: invest now
5. Strategy 3 phase approach Phase 3 - Spark debate Target: Shell Investors, Shell executives and financial workers and Shell consumers Objective: Campaign awareness. Shame Shell. Engage Shell How: Press release, film, blogs, media and social networks Shame Shell: invest now
6. Shame Shell: invest now 2 dimensional gift optimisation Maximise Gift Maximise click thrus
14. the response on Twitter & Facebook has been exceptional. Biggest online 'splash' weve had. Fiona, Amnesty Online Communities Editor
15. Targets: Engagement/agreement from Shell Additional media exposure 1, 250 people donating average gift of 贈16 = 贈20,000 30% of donors to be new donors 100 prospects converted to financial giving 50 lapsed members reactivated 100 new contacts/donors Shame Shell: invest now Results: Public commitment from Shell to reduce gas flaring in Niger Delta. Guardian, bloggers and trade media (70+ online pick ups in total) 2,285 people donating average gift of 贈17.65 = 贈40,330 (inc Gift Aid) 32% of donors never donated before 256 prospects converted 91 lapsed reactivated 564 new contacts/donors
16. Shell has announced that they are committing $2 billion to reducing gas flaring in the Niger Delta in the coming years. 8:1 return on investment. A new model for integration of campaigning and fundraising. Perception of brand image revitalised seen to be more innovative, bold, confrontational, relevant and dynamic. Could this be the rebirth of Amnesty an emergence from the shadows of letter-writing and reactive press releases? Fryingpanfire.com Tested the potential of online mobilising and fundraising. Outcomes
17. Why did it work? Chased the media energy around oil spills. Radical and confrontational tacticfor Amnesty! Gave the movement something to move against Put supporters at the heart of the campaign We really need you to make this happen Fresh engagement mechanisms buy your share (1cm square), 贈30+ gets your name in the paper. Specific tangible ask Exciting and eventful narrative Strong ad gives people something to forward on see it before you buy it. Honest and transparent. Updates, comments etc. Empower, thank, value and inform at every stage. Shame Shell: invest now
18. Learnings We had good contingency planning Not enough funds Too much funds Ad being pulled Libel case from Shell Shell ad same in paper IS vs UK approvals process Need Paypal Tracking social network, bloger etc donations Chase energy e.g. Gulf of Mexico oils spill Specific ask e.g. 1cm square Time sensitive Donations come in quickly, hit 贈20k target in 24 hours. Therefore no need to start fundraising too early Show people the ad theyre paying for Incentivise bigger gifts, e.g. 贈30 gets you name in the paper. Internal excitement, from fresh idea and self created crisis Shame Shell: invest now
19. It's been one of those days when I really really love working here. It's been a fantastically joined up piece of work - Head of Campaigns
Editor's Notes
#7: We hypothesised that this type of ask was more a a micro giving ask, whereby we plan to get as many people as possible giving us small gifts, but then we thought how can we get people to give us even more. 12% open rate, 23% CT.
#16: The most wed ever raised online was 贈13,000 2 years ago.