1) Amrapali Bhowmik introduces herself to her engineering drawing professor and asks if using her initials or first name will be sufficient for assignments instead of writing out her full name due to its length.
2) Amrapali is described as correcting her interview panel on the proper pronunciation of her long name.
3) Details are provided about Amrapali's eating habits including her preference for potatoes and chili peppers as vegetables and only occasionally eating fruits in the form of pickles.
2. 貹…
Amrapali to NIT Rourkela Engineering Drawing Prof…
Sir do I need to draw my “whole”
name? Wont A. Bhowmik or Amrapali
B. be enough... God! how will I finish
the problem sheet !!!
WTF !!!
3. 貹… contd.
Was found correcting her interview panel… about the correct
pronunciation of her loooooooooooooong name…
WTF !!! “please note that
its aam-ro-paali…
not om-ro-paali
nor om-ra-
palli, and defitely
not aamar-palli
4. Amrapali & her eating habits
Doesn’t remember An offical fast every
the last time she had monday...
lunch at IIMB mess. and an unofficial can
Dinner is welcome be any day of the
(if and only if there week (depending on
are enough sweets her mood)!
The only vegetable
Vegetarian mood
she likes is Potato !
never lasted more
and of course chilly –
than 3 months
both green and red!
And rest of the times
Fruits are welcome
… God help those
only when in the
form of a pickle