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Curriculum Vitae
Miss AmrutaD.Joshi (B.A , BJC,MJC,MSW (MPSW)
2202 B Vishnu krupa near gandhrvamahavidyalaBrahmanpuri,
Mobile: 7709687880/8446839713
Personal Details-
Date of Birth : 12th
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status: Single
Blood Group: B-ve
Permanent Address- 2202 B Vishnu krupa near GandharvaMahavidyalaBrahmanpuri ,
Phone no- 7709687880
Professional Experience-
Organization  Sangli Mission Society, Kolhapur
Project  HITGUJ.Adolescent Counseling Program
Duration: July, 2014 to present.
Designation: Social Worker.
Work profile:
 School counselor with experience working with children, adolescents and adults using a
variety of theoretical perspectives in individual, family and group sessions with a
specialization in Medical& Psychiatric Social Work.
 Working with 15,000 students and providing supervision on counseling the youth.
 Plan Conduct and Coordinate activities (awareness programs, sessions, etc.) with community
volunteers, childrens groups and other community groups on various topics related to
health, education and Life skill education.
 Coordinate activities of Ummid, Chidline and Hitgujprojects in the assigned geographical
 Solving daily queries from the students regarding their behavior.
 Helping students to overcome their anxiety and in bringing the focus.
 Conduct one on one talks with youngsters with psychological and developmental problems
 Conducted parents talk and took them into confidence in the process of treating adolescents
for their betterment.
 Time to time attend assigned meetings, programs and events organized by other
 Monthly reporting and documentation of various activities
Education Details-
 Master of Social Work (Medical and Psychiatric Social Work) with Second class
(63.75%)Csiber College Kolhapur in 2014.
 Bachelor of Arts (Marathi) with Second class (50.56%): Shivaji University, Kolhapur in 2008.
 Passed HSC from Maharashtra Board with Second Class (58.66%) in 2005
 Passed SSC from Maharashtra Board with 2st
Class (58.00%) in 2003.
Computer Courses - MS-CIT (68%)
Diploma in graphic Designing
Language known: English, Hindi, Marathi
Professional Details-
I. Medical Social Work
 Adolescent Counseling
 Family Counseling
 Community Awareness Programmer
II. Psychiatric Social Work-
 Case History Taking
 Mental Status Examination.
 Therapeutic Intervention
 Psycho-Social Rehabilitation
Education Practicum-
I. During MSW-
Rural Camp in Village Danoli, Tal.Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur
Field Work 
Year: Field work practicum at SJSRY (SWARNA JAYANTI SHAHARI ROJGAR YOJNA) programmed
implemented Kolhapur Municipal Corporation
Year:Field work practicum at Kolhapur Cancer center and Goheen psychiatric center in Medical and
Psychiatric social work for the academic year 2013-2014.
 One month block placement training atNIMHANS, Bangalore department of psychiatric social
May to 17th
June 2014
Research Projects Handled-
A study on Reproductive Health of Adolescents.With special reference to New College, Kolhapur.
MSW Csiber collage, Kolhapur.
 Case work
 Psychosocial Assessment
 Adolescent Counseling.
 Case history taking
 Understanding Role of medical and psychiatric social worker
 Maintains registers.
Co-Curricular Activities-
 Actively Participated in various College activities.
 Arranged and Participated in street plays
 Volunteer participated at the blood donation camp organized by CSIBER institute.
 Attended one day workshop on Rational emotive behavior therapy.AtShushrusha foundation
 Attended one day workshop on Adolescents problems at D.D. Shinde Sarkar College Kolhapur.
 Attended work shop on recent trends in neuro psychiatric social work at NIMHANS Bangalore.
 Attended three day work shop on Psychotherapy practice in medical and psychiatric social
work settings held from 31st
July 2014 to 2nd
august 2014.
 Activity NSS volunteer of KanyaMahavidyalayaMiraj college has completed
Two years of N.S.S. activities from the academic years 2006-07 to 2007- 08.
 Completed district level N.S.S. camp at Islampur in 2006-07
 Certificate of excellence awarded for securing consolation prize in university
level essay competition on  THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN HIV/AIDS CONTROL held
on February 27th
& 28th
2006 at Tatyasahebkore institute of engineering &
technology, warnanagar.
 Participated in Avishkar 2007 ( runner up-  Personality of the day)
 Attended International Youth Fellowship Camp at Thane
My Core Strength-
1. Self-motivated and hard worker with a high level of integrity to meet deadlines.
2. Willing to learn new skills and share acquired and inherited skills.
Enthusiastic and committed to all types of work initiatives.
Areas of interest
 Corporate social responsibility
 Community psychiatric social work
 Child and adolescent psychiatric social work
 Adolescent psychiatric social work
 School counseling
 Psychiatric Social Work
Competencies & Skill
 Decision making
 Dedication towards work
 Rapport building
 Flexible as per work
 Listening Music
Declaration -
I hereby declare that the above information given by me is true to the best my knowledge
and belief.
Thank you
Amruta Joshi
Place: Kolhapur.

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Miss AmrutaD.Joshi (B.A , BJC,MJC,MSW (MPSW) 2202 B Vishnu krupa near gandhrvamahavidyalaBrahmanpuri, Miraj-416410. Mobile: 7709687880/8446839713 E-Mail-joshiamrutad@gmail.com Personal Details- Date of Birth : 12th November,1987 Nationality : Indian Marital Status: Single Blood Group: B-ve Permanent Address- 2202 B Vishnu krupa near GandharvaMahavidyalaBrahmanpuri , Miraj-416410 Phone no- 7709687880 Professional Experience- Organization Sangli Mission Society, Kolhapur Project HITGUJ.Adolescent Counseling Program Duration: July, 2014 to present. Designation: Social Worker. Work profile: School counselor with experience working with children, adolescents and adults using a variety of theoretical perspectives in individual, family and group sessions with a specialization in Medical& Psychiatric Social Work. Working with 15,000 students and providing supervision on counseling the youth. Plan Conduct and Coordinate activities (awareness programs, sessions, etc.) with community volunteers, childrens groups and other community groups on various topics related to health, education and Life skill education. Coordinate activities of Ummid, Chidline and Hitgujprojects in the assigned geographical area. Solving daily queries from the students regarding their behavior. Helping students to overcome their anxiety and in bringing the focus. Conduct one on one talks with youngsters with psychological and developmental problems Conducted parents talk and took them into confidence in the process of treating adolescents for their betterment. Time to time attend assigned meetings, programs and events organized by other organizations. Monthly reporting and documentation of various activities
  • 2. Education Details- Master of Social Work (Medical and Psychiatric Social Work) with Second class (63.75%)Csiber College Kolhapur in 2014. Bachelor of Arts (Marathi) with Second class (50.56%): Shivaji University, Kolhapur in 2008. Passed HSC from Maharashtra Board with Second Class (58.66%) in 2005 Passed SSC from Maharashtra Board with 2st Class (58.00%) in 2003. Computer Courses - MS-CIT (68%) Diploma in graphic Designing Language known: English, Hindi, Marathi Professional Details- I. Medical Social Work Adolescent Counseling Family Counseling Community Awareness Programmer Reporting II. Psychiatric Social Work- Case History Taking Mental Status Examination. Therapeutic Intervention Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Counseling. Education Practicum- I. During MSW- Rural Camp in Village Danoli, Tal.Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur Field Work 1st Year: Field work practicum at SJSRY (SWARNA JAYANTI SHAHARI ROJGAR YOJNA) programmed implemented Kolhapur Municipal Corporation 2nd Year:Field work practicum at Kolhapur Cancer center and Goheen psychiatric center in Medical and Psychiatric social work for the academic year 2013-2014. One month block placement training atNIMHANS, Bangalore department of psychiatric social Work Duration-15th May to 17th June 2014 Research Projects Handled- A study on Reproductive Health of Adolescents.With special reference to New College, Kolhapur. MSW Csiber collage, Kolhapur.
  • 3. Work-Profile- Case work Psychosocial Assessment Adolescent Counseling. Case history taking Understanding Role of medical and psychiatric social worker Maintains registers. Co-Curricular Activities- Actively Participated in various College activities. Arranged and Participated in street plays Volunteer participated at the blood donation camp organized by CSIBER institute. Attended one day workshop on Rational emotive behavior therapy.AtShushrusha foundation Islampur. Attended one day workshop on Adolescents problems at D.D. Shinde Sarkar College Kolhapur. Attended work shop on recent trends in neuro psychiatric social work at NIMHANS Bangalore. Attended three day work shop on Psychotherapy practice in medical and psychiatric social work settings held from 31st July 2014 to 2nd august 2014. Activity NSS volunteer of KanyaMahavidyalayaMiraj college has completed Two years of N.S.S. activities from the academic years 2006-07 to 2007- 08. Completed district level N.S.S. camp at Islampur in 2006-07 Certificate of excellence awarded for securing consolation prize in university level essay competition on THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN HIV/AIDS CONTROL held on February 27th & 28th 2006 at Tatyasahebkore institute of engineering & technology, warnanagar. Participated in Avishkar 2007 ( runner up- Personality of the day) Attended International Youth Fellowship Camp at Thane My Core Strength- 1. Self-motivated and hard worker with a high level of integrity to meet deadlines. 2. Willing to learn new skills and share acquired and inherited skills. Enthusiastic and committed to all types of work initiatives. Areas of interest Corporate social responsibility Community psychiatric social work Child and adolescent psychiatric social work Adolescent psychiatric social work School counseling Psychiatric Social Work
  • 4. Competencies & Skill Communication Decision making Dedication towards work Rapport building Flexible as per work Hobbies Travelling Listening Music Writing Reading Declaration - I hereby declare that the above information given by me is true to the best my knowledge and belief. Date: Thank you Amruta Joshi Place: Kolhapur.