10. Enterprise Manager 仂亟亠仍 舒亰于于舒仆亳
EM12c Agent 亠
Oracle EM12c
Cloud Control
EM12c Agent
仍舒亞亳仆 亟仍 仂弍亠从仂于 仗舒于仍亠仆亳
Copyright 息 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
18. Real User Experience Insight
仂仆亳亞亳仂于舒仆亳亠 Siebel
弌仗亠亳亳从舒亳 亟仂仄亠仆舒
仗仗仂于亠 亳仄于仂仍
弌亠亳亳 仂仍亠亢亳于舒ム
仗仂仄仂 cookies
Copyright 息 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
19. Siebel 仗舒仆亠仍 于 RUEI
仆仂仄舒亳 仂
舒仆亳舒 Siebel
仆舒仍亳亰 仂亳弍仂从
Copyright 息 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
41. AMS for Siebel 亠
MOS notes
INFORMATION CENTER: Enterprise Manager for Siebel Plugin (Doc ID 1401251.2)
(Doc ID 1401251.2)
Application Management Suite for Siebel
Links to Refs/WP
Oracle Technology Network -> Enterprise Management -> Applications Management
Case Study: How National Government Services (NGS) monitors Siebel End-User
Activity with Real User Experience Insight (RUEI)
EM 12c - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24628_01/nav/management.htm
AMS for Siebel - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24628_01/em.121/e26046/toc.htm
Copyright 息 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
#5: [If applicable: Before we dive into discussion about a specific solution area, let me give you a quick summary of the overall solution provided by Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c]With Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c, Oracle is the only company in the industry to deliver a complete, integrated and business-driven cloud management solution, all from a single product. We call this Total Cloud Control.This slide is our solution overview. Oracle Enterprise Manage has 3 major solution areas (or pillars).Pillar #1: Complete Cloud Lifecycle Management This pillar allows you to create and manage a complete set of cloud services, including:- Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Database-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and others.In addition, you can also manage all phases of cloud lifecycle. For example, you can- Plan and setup cloud environment- Build, test and deploy business applications- Monitor, manage and support cloud operation and finally, meter, charge and optimize the business value of your cloud all from a single product, so that you can truly deliver a self-service ITPillar #2: Integrated Cloud Stack ManagementThis pillar enables integrated and automated management of the entire cloud stack all the way from application to disk, and engineered systems (Exa series), and with pre-integrated support capabilities.Resulting in significant reduction of IT complexity and costs, with improvement in service quality and performance levelsPillar #3: Business-Driven Application ManagementThis pillar provides abilities to instantly identify, understand and resolve business problems. This is made possible through unified and correlated management of User Experience, Business Transactions, and Business Services across all your packaged and custom applications.In addition, you can create application-aware and business-driven clouds that can instantly adapt to business needs, and enable IT to directly drive business innovations. This is possible because, unlike traditional IT-centric approaches that only focus on application health issues, we give you a unique new ability to instantly identify and manage the actual business services, as they are delivered by your enterprise applications to your line-of-business users and end customers.Closing CommentsNow that we have talked about solution overview, it is important to note two points:- All these 3 pillars are required to build and manage an enterprise cloud that provide significant value to Business, and- Only Oracle provides all these 3 major capabilities out-of-the box, in a single product.This completes the solution overview, now we will focus on [specific pillar/solution area]
#6: This is how you resolve the issues and answer the business questions:This slide is a focus on the topic to discuss, Oracle APM solutions are based on an integrated, best of breed number of solutions.To ensure you know what problems to investigate you need to figure out what your users are doing, when they hit problems, etc.Once a problem manifests itself you deem important enough you should be able to define what component(s) forms the bottle neck, to do so you need visibility in what services invoked, in what order and what the individual services offer in terms of performance.Finally, if youve identified the bottle neck youll need deep investigation in both jvms and DB.All these processes and capabilities are translated in the products mentioned in this slide.Well focus on the first item in this presentation: user experience, though well run through the entirely diagnostics cycle too.
#11: So what should you plan for in terms of installing Cloud Control to meet your middleware management requirements? First, deploy Cloud Control universally for plug-and-play core capabilities then expand with business-driven needs.The Oracle Management Service, or OMS, collects and stores data and renders it on the Cloud Control Console. In large production environments, as you see here, deploy multiple OMSs on WebLogic servers to spread the load and improve efficiency of data flow so you can meet your high availability requirements.Then you can use OMS to push Oracle Management Agents to all hosts that contain targets you want monitored. Agents can be pushed in a bulk manner and don't require manual effort for each install. An Agent is responsible for monitoring all services and components on its host. Core monitoring needs to be deployed and available everywhere so you can use it without worrying about scaling or overhead. The Agents send their monitoring data to the OMS which stores the collected information in the single management repository, a database, for future reference and analysis.When you install Cloud Control, a set of mandatory Oracle Management plug-ins are also deployed by default. These plug-ins include special management capabilities customized to suit Fusion Middleware target types and work in conjunction with the OMS and the Management Agents to monitor every Middleware target in your environment. The WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition and SOA Management Enterprise Edition Management Packs are also installed by default when installing Cloud Control.
#12: Oracles approach to user experience is three folded:We provide synthetic monitoring (SLM) that allows you to record your own user session and then play it back over and over, if you want from multiple locations, with different parameters (like user name, etc).Great solution for trend lining (you do the very same thing over and over if performance deteriorates youll easily catch it.But its not good as the only solution, as you cannot script every user. And each user follows their own path, does different things on the website, they use different devices, different locations, different times of the day, etc.So the only way of seeing the TRUE user experience is to monitor their every click. That is where RUEI comes in, lets look at what it does and how it does that..Then finally, nowadays not all content is delivered from a single source, so you might have some content delivered through CDN or from pure external sources you cannot place a sniffer. In those cases the browser instrumentation is the ideal add-on to complete the view and have insight in true user download times.
#18: Just a quick summary of deliveries by RUEI, dive deeper in rest of prsentation