BTree, Data StructuresJibrael Jos1. The document discusses B-trees, which are tree data structures used to store data in external storage like disks.
2. B-trees allow for efficient retrieval of data by keeping the tree balanced and all leaves at the same depth. They support insertion and deletion of keys in logarithmic time.
3. The process of deleting a key from a B-tree involves searching for the key, deleting the entry, and reflowing nodes or combining nodes if underflows occur to maintain the B-tree properties.
B trees in Data StructureAnuj ModiB-Trees are tree data structures used to store data on disk storage. They allow for efficient retrieval of data compared to binary trees when using disk storage due to reduced height. B-Trees group data into nodes that can have multiple children, reducing the height needed compared to binary trees. Keys are inserted by adding to leaf nodes or splitting nodes and promoting middle keys. Deletion involves removing from leaf nodes, borrowing/promoting keys, or joining nodes.
B treeTech_MXB+ trees are balanced search trees where all data records are stored in the leaf nodes and internal nodes store only keys. Records are accessed faster through linked leaf nodes. Nodes must be at least half full, and internal nodes have between n/2 and n child nodes. Search, insertion, and deletion operations may cause nodes to split or combine to maintain balance. B+ trees are commonly used to index large files to enable efficient retrieval of records.