1. An activity book 旅硫了溜凌 隆留侶旅凌流僚
亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留 ..
The man with the Green Suitcase
The characters - 旅留留虜流竜 凌亮慮凌
The Lion 里凌 了旅凌僚略旅
The mouse 里凌 凌僚溜虜旅
The setting - 里凌 虜侶僚旅虜
The Lion and the mouse
里凌 了旅凌僚略旅 虜留旅 凌 凌僚溜虜旅
2. Lions Problem 里凌 硫了侶亮留 凌 了旅凌僚留旅凌
Mouses Problem 里凌 硫了侶亮留 凌 凌僚旅虜旅凌
The solution 了侶
3. Write lion or mouse.
略竜 了旅凌僚略旅 流 凌僚溜虜旅
1. The is sleeping. 6. The is big.
里凌 ξ採仁肯赦留僚. 里凌 ..竜溜僚留旅
2. The is sorry. 7. The runs away.
里凌 ξ留僚 了侶亮劉僚凌. 里凌 .劉竜両竜
3. The is angry. 8. The chews the net.
里凌 ..流留僚 略粒旅凌,. 里凌 ξ捨穎略竜旅 凌
4. The is hungry. 9. The makes a big
里凌 .流留僚 竜旅僚留亮劉僚凌. 里凌 ,ξ虜留僚竜 亮溜留
亮竜粒略了侶 留
5. The is scared. 10. The is kind.
里凌 ξ留僚 凌硫旅亮劉僚凌. 里凌 .流留僚
Tick a true or
false box.
true false
1. One day the mouse is
溜留 亮劉留 凌 凌僚溜虜旅
2. The lion is surprised to see the
里凌 了旅凌僚略旅 両留僚旅略侶虜竜 亮了旅 竜溜隆竜 凌 凌僚溜虜旅.
3. The mouse is
里凌 凌僚溜虜旅 流留僚 了侶亮劉僚凌.
4. "Don't eat me," says the
侶 亮竜 留 ,竜溜竜 凌 凌僚溜虜旅,
4. 5. The lion eats the
里凌 了旅凌僚略旅 劉留粒竜 凌 凌僚溜虜旅.
6. The mouse runs
里凌 凌僚溜虜旅 劉竜両竜 亮留虜旅略.
10. The mouse helps the
里凌 凌僚溜虜旅 硫凌流慮侶竜 凌 了旅凌僚略旅,
Comprehension questions. Choose the
best answer.
1. What is a lion doing one day?
2. Who is running in front of him?
3, Who wakes up?
4. Who is angry?
5, Is the lion hungry?
6. Does the lion eat the mouse?
7.Where is the lion walking one day?
8. What falls over him?
9. What does he roar?
10. Who hears him?
11. What does the mouse chew?
12. Who is kind?
Arrange the numbers so that they
tell the story.- 略了竜 侶 竜旅略 旅
凌略竜旅 虜留旅 隆旅侶粒流凌 侶僚 旅凌溜留
1."Don't eat me," says the mouse.
1.侶 亮竜 留, 竜溜竜 凌 凌僚溜虜旅.
2.One day a net falls over the lion.
5. 2.溜留 亮劉留 劉僚留 隆溜 劉竜竜 略僚 凌 了旅凌僚略旅.
3"Help!" roars the lion.
3. 凌流慮竜旅留 , 硫流慮侶虜竜 凌 了旅凌僚略旅.
4.The mouse makes a hole in the net.
4.里凌 凌僚溜虜旅 劉虜留僚竜 亮溜留 留 凌 隆溜.
5.One day a lion is sleeping.
5. 溜留 亮劉留 凌 了旅凌僚略旅 虜凌旅亮留僚.
6.A mouse wakes him up.
6 僚留 凌僚溜虜旅 凌僚 両僚侶竜.
7.The lion is angry and hungry.
7. 里凌 了旅凌僚略旅 竜溜僚留旅 慮亮亮劉僚凌 虜留旅 竜旅僚留亮劉僚凌.
8.The lion lets the mouse go.
8. 里凌 了旅凌僚略旅 略侶竜 凌 凌僚溜虜旅 僚留 粒竜旅.
9."You are little but kind ,"says the lion .
9. 溜留旅 亮旅虜 虜留旅 竜粒竜僚旅虜.
Colorand write your opinion.
Which is the meaning of the story?