This document appears to be a presentation on accessibility in web design. It includes definitions and examples for many key accessibility topics from A to Z, such as alt text, braille displays, color contrast, iframes, labels, progressive enhancement, screen readers, validation, and more. The document emphasizes the importance of following guidelines like WCAG to ensure websites are accessible to all users.
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An A-Z of Accessibility
1. An A-Z of Accessibility Tim Beadle IS Developer, IOP Publishing BarCamp Bristol 12/13 October 2007,
4. Guideline 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 requires that foreground and background colour combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having colour deficits, or when viewed on a black and white screen. Two colours provide good colour visibility if the brightness difference and the colour difference between the two colours are greater than a set range. Colour Contrast
10. When using iframes, you should ensure that the alternative content (the content between the iframe tags) is useful. In most cases, you should provide a link to the content that is presented within the iframe so that the user can access it directly. The iframe tag can be given the title and longdesc attributes (though longdesc is not yet supported) to provide additional descriptions and details of the iframe contents. <iframe>
13. Text inputs, selects etc... <label for=username>Username</label> <input type=text id=username /> Checkboxes & radio buttons... <label for=allergy> <input type=checkbox id=allergy /> Do you have a nut allergy? </label> <label for=everyone>