It's an Express Guide to "Basic & Secure Setup of SNMP with purpose of Remote Resource Monitoring" ~~~~~ described here with a use-case of setting it up for monitoring availability of Network Connection on a remote machine and Trap notification in case the link goes down ~~~~~ for both Linux & Windows platforms
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An Express Guide ~ SNMP for Secure Rremote Resource Monitoring
1. Express-Guide
Basic & Secure Setup of
with Remote Resource Monitoring
by, ABK ~
::Task Detail::
Implementing SNMP service on a machine monitoring it's connection on two NICs of a
Raising a trap sending SNMP message if any of the link goes down.
Its a UDP-based service for Network Management inclusive of an Application Layer
Protocol, database schema and set of objects. Typically 161/udp for Agent and
162/udp for manager. Master could either query from slave's Agent or Agent could
generate Trap/Inform messages for Master. Master could also set some information on
Remote System and change its behavior.
SNMP service is quite famous in vulnerability world to reveal loads of secrets about
a machine, if not implemented properly. Secured SNMPv3 service available for remote
resource monitoring.
Difference between different implementations:
SNMP v1 has simple application-wide data types; has poor security being
authorized by Community String
SNMP v2 has MIB models, Compliance Statements (describing requirements for
agents) and Capability Statements (describing permissions for agents)
Improved performance and security; has two versions v2c and v2u due to
complexities; Incompatible with SNMPv1
SNMP v3 primarily added Message Integrity, Authentication and Encryption
Possible Attacks
SNMP v1 and v2c are subjected to Packet Sniffing due to clear-text community
string being passed in the data packets
All versions are subjected to Brute Force Attack as they don't implement a
2. Challenge-Response Handshake, so to be secure on users part using Entropy in
Community String is suggested.
All of them are vulnerable to IP Spoofing.
::Execution Method::
Setting up SNMP Traps Monitor for specific events.
On Windows
Insert your Windows Installation Disc or get a folder sharing its files, would be
Go to 'Control Panel' > 'Add or Remove Programs' > 'Add or Remove Windows
Component' > 'Management and Monitoring Tools' > 'Details' >'Simple Network
Management Protocol' > 'OK' > 'Next' > follow the instructions ahead
Starting Services
'Start Menu' > 'Run' > 'Services.msc'
{or get it from Control Panel, As You Like It}
Double Click 'SNMP Service' entry, select 'Security' in dialog box Opened here
remove the default community name if any and add a new name Secure
enough, but not your common password. Then add machines that can access it
in the list, don't go for 'all' option. Then 'Start' it.
If you wanna raise Traps, also start 'SNMP Trap Service' entry.
Note: you could install Net-SNMP port for Windows to use instead of default
Microsoft Implementation. Also, if you don't have access to Windows Installation
Disc/Content, this option works.
On Linux
these commands are tested for a Fedora/CentOS based machine; for other platforms
also the net-snmp binaries are available
#yum install net-snmp
#yum install net-snmp-utils
#yum install net-snmp-perl
Starting Services
#service snmpd start
#service snmptrapd start
Setting up SNMPv3
on Fedora/CentOS location of files is /etc/snmp/ in other versions it may be
3. /root/.snmp/ or else {thing to check}
#cd /etc/snmp
and remove snmp.conf, snmpd.conf, snmptrapd.conf (better to
configure from scratch), so
#rm snmp*.conf
create a new "snmp.conf" with following content
#######start of file: snmp.conf##############
defversion 3
defsecuritylevel authPriv
defauthtype MD5
defprivtype AES
#######end of file: snmp.conf################
create a new "snmpd.conf" with following content
#######start of file: snmpd.conf#############
createUser <snmpUserName> MD5 <snmpPassword> AES
rouser <snmpUserName> priv
agentuser <AgentName>
agentgroup <AgentGroupName>
syscontact <SNMPAdmin's_E-MailID>
########end of file: snmpd.conf###############
create a new "snmptrapd.conf" with following content
########start of file: snmptrapd.conf#########
ignoreauthfailure 0
########end of file: snmptrapd.conf###########
Restart Services
#service snmpd restart
#service snmptrapd restart
Checking if its implemented correctly
#snmpget -v 3 -u <snmp_User> -l authPriv -a MD5 -A -x AES
-X sysUpTime.0
if this gives an output like below; its setup correctly
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (8680198) 1 day,
if output is like following, some Authorization problem; anything
changed from CONF to SNMPGET command can create this
"Timeout: No Response from <IPAddress>"
4. "Error in packet"
"Reason: authorizationError (access denied to that
for following output, check the MBIOID value provided, like
sysUpTime.0 here
"the given OID is not supported"
"No Such Instance currently exists at this OID"
"Error building ASN.1 representation (Can't build OID
for variable)"
Configuring TRAP Daemon on a Linux Box
Open 'snmptrapd.conf' file in an editor, and create from scratch with
following content
#######start of file: snmptrapd.conf#######
syslocation anyPlace
syscontact Admin'sEmailID
sysservice 72
rocommunity commName
agentSecName internal
rouser internal
linkUpDownNotification yes
authtrapenable 1
trapsink itsSNMPTrapDaemonIPAddress commName 162
ignoreauthfailure 0
#######end of file: snmptrapd.conf#####
Enabling TRAPS on a Cisco Firewall
Console Commands
CiscoF/W> enable
CiscoF/W# conf t
CiscoF/W(config)# snmp-server host
inside firewallsName.internal communtiy commNam
CiscoF/W(config)# snmp-server location Place
CiscoF/W(config)# snmp-server contact Admin'sMailID
CiscoF/W(config)# snmp-server community commNam
CiscoF/W(config)# snmp-server enable traps snmp
authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
CiscoF/W(config)# exit
CiscoF/W# wr mem
5. ::Tools/Technology Used::
Net-SNMP :
SNMPWalk :
SNMP Fuzzer :
SNMP is a real strong management protocol which could be used in an intense
manner in an IT infrastructure but requires to be kept secured for the same reason of
being strong.
A single loophole can flip open your entire machine state for hacker.
Problem: in statements for querying SNMP using snmpget or snmpwalk, keeping ' -v
2' didn't worked for statements where '-v 1' and '-v 3' were working.
As stated before SNMP v2 is out there in two implementation v2c and v2u, so here I
was supposed to mention '-v 2c' instead of plain '2'; though '2u' also didn't worked.
Problem: in statements for querying SNMP using snmpget or snmpwalk, same script
was working for a machine but raising MIBOID error for other.
Different system architecture may differ in the MIBOIDs and not all MIBs may be
accessible too, so you need to do a plain SNMPWalk to check for all accessible MIBs.