2. Indications
Vessel unsuitable for PCI
Multiple diseased bypass graft
Availability of internal mammary artery
Good distal targets for bypass graft
CABG is postponed to at least 3 days after AMI
3. Pre-operative preparation
Physical examination including conduit evaluation
Review of medications
Pre-operative basal metabolic panel
Carotid Duplex USG
ECHO Complete structure study
Cardiac viability study To decide between PCI vs CABG
4. Steps of CABG
Phase 1
Establishment of anesthesia and intraoperative monitoring
Positioning and draping
IMA harvesting and conduit evaluation
Phase 2
Heparinization and cannulation for bypass
Establishment of bypass
Instillation of cardioplegia and myocardial arrest
Identification of diseased vessel and construction of distal anastomosis
Restoration of myocardial electromechanical activity
5. Steps of CABG
Phase 3
Creation of proximal anastomosis
Weaning from bypass
Evaluation for and establishing necessary adjuncts Inotropes, pacing wires
Phase 4
Reversal of anticoagulation and establishment of hemostasis
Evaluation of surgical sites and establishment of surgical drainage
Closure of sternotomy.
7. Cardiopulmonary bypass
CPB is the establishment of extracorporeal oxygenation and
perfusion of the human body by diverting all returning venous blood
from the body to heart-lung machine and returning the oxygenated
blood in a controlled, pressurized manner.
Critical step for many cardiac procedure
8. Anti-coagulation protocol in CPB
Pump prime is premixed with 4 U/mL heparin
Patient is heparinized with 300U/kg before cannulation
Activated clotting time obtained approximately 3 minutes after
heparin administration should be more than 400 seconds before
cannulation is begun