This document discusses several optical instruments:
- Eyes, digital cameras, telescopes, microscopes are mentioned for presentation.
- Myopia and how convex lenses can help those who are near-sighted are explained.
- Astigmatism and how cylindrical lenses can help is defined.
- Formulas for calculating magnifications and lengths of telescopes and microscopes are provided.
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An optical instrument
2. An Optical Instrument will be
presentation are ..
E y e s
C a me r a D i g i t a l
T e l e s c o p e
Mi c r o s c o p e
8. Someone can see the object if
someone have convex lens
P : Kuat lensa (dioptri)
PR : Titik jauh (cm)
9. P = 100/x 100/PP
P : Kuat lensa (dioptri)
PP: Titik dekat (cm)
x : jarak yang ingin dibaca
10. Astigmatism is one where rays that
propagate in two perpendicular planes
have different focus. Astigmatism can help
with cylindrical lens
Astigma adalah dimana cahaya yang
menyebarkan dalam dua bidang tegak
lurus yang mempunyai fokus berbeda.
Astigma bisa dibantu dengan lensa silinder
15. Kamera
digital adalah alat untuk membuat
gambar dari obyek untuk selanjutnya
dibiaskan melalui lensa kepada sensor CCD
(ada juga yang menggunakan sensor CMOS)
yang hasilnya kemudian direkam dalam
format digital ke dalam media simpan digital
Camera digital is instrument to make a
picture from object to deflect through lens
to sensor CCD (also able use with sensor
CMOS) that output to record in format digital
and then save in storage digital
17. Clasification of camera digital are :
Videos camera
o Professional camera : usually use in channel
o Camcorder
Silent camera
o Digital pocket camera
o Camera digital prosumer
o SLR digital (Single Lens Reflect digital)
21. Formula !!
Teropong bintang
there are 2 lens
fob >> fok
Magnification angular (perbesaran sudut) :
o Without accommodation M = f / f
d = fob + fok
o Accommodation maximum M = f / S
d = fob + Sok
22. Teropong bumi
There are 3 lens objektive, ocular, inverted
Magnification angular :
o Without accommodation M = fob / fok
d = fob + 4fp + fok
o Accommodation maximum M = fob / Sok
d = fob + 4fp + Sok
26. 1. Magnification objective lens
2. Magnification ocular lens
a. Without accommodation Mok = Sn / fok
Sok = fok
b. Accomodation maximum Mok = Sn / fok + 1
Length of microscope (d) = Sob + Sok
to search value of Sok , used comparison
= 1/ Sok - 1/ Sn
3. Quantity of magnification Mtot = Mob + Mok