The document provides an overview of value-based modifiers as established under the Affordable Care Act. It discusses how value-based modifiers will link physician reimbursement to performance on quality and cost measures. CMS will use existing quality reporting programs like PQRS and meaningful use along with claims-based cost measures to determine value modifiers that may increase or decrease physician payments starting in 2015. The goal is to drive higher value care through linking performance and reimbursement.
2. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA)
CMS must bring eRx, PQRS and MU into alignment
CMS to establish a payment modifier for
differential Physician payments Remember Pay
for Higher Value Value = Factor (Quality,
3. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
ACA Three Health IT Themes
1. Enhance Quality Reporting and Measurement Needed
for Reimbursement Reform
Expand Quality Reporting (PQRS, ACO Performance Measures,
Improve Quality of Care (Evidence-Based Guidelines, CDS)
Encourage Quality through Reimbursement Modeling (CMMI)
2. Establish Uniform Operating Rules and Standards
3. Promote Health IT Workforce Development
4. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
Driving the linkage between
performance and reimbursement.
5. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
Builds upon Pilot started 2009 Resource Use
Reporting to MDs Feedback Reports
Added claims-based quality measures
Resource Use will determine Value Modifier
6. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
CMS Budget neutral Some will get
carrots, others will get sticks
PROGRAM 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Carrots Carrots / Sticks
CMS Value-Based
+/- +/- +/-
Modifiers None None None
7. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
Two established Federal Quality Measure
PQRS Performance on Core Measure Set
Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Program
8. An Overview of
Value-Based Modifiers
CMS Final Rule Performance Resource
Measures (11.28.2011)
o VBM composite of Quality and Costs
o Quality: PQRS and MU used to create 62
preliminary VBM measures for P4P
o Costs: Total per capita costs for target populations
COPD, Heart Failure, CAD, and Diabetes