Loewe digital strategy is a case study for my digital and ecommerce classes
It卒s an example of how a luxury company can leverage digital strengths, if they really want to develop a competitive advantage in the market (as Burberry has done)
If you are interested in more in depth analysis, please contact rosafvp@gmail.com
No confidential information is included in this presentation.
Copyright has no meaning for me. Let卒s share knowledge. The world will work better!!!!
Big Digital Umbrella's 12 do's and don'ts of luxury digital marketingJerome Pineau
Marketing and digital strategy for luxury brands has little in common with traditional marketing. Learn some of the key points to remembers with 12 do and don't tips of luxury digital marketing from your friends at Big Digital Umbrella, a marketing and digital strategy consulting firm focused on high-tech and luxury brand clients.
The document is a presentation on creative planning given by Leon Phang at Miami Ad School. It discusses how creative planning is important to combine creativity and strategy. Phang believes the key is to be both creatively inspiring and relevant/differentiating. The rest of the presentation will cover the "creative domain" and tools for filling it. Strategic planning is important to get the basics right and avoid teams getting lost in the process without proper planning.
Red Bull aims to expand into the older adult market by targeting middle-aged men and women experiencing midlife crises who lack motivation. It positions Red Bull as able to give them the focus and energy needed to pursue their deepest desires by getting their "balls back" and finding direction and internal change. Red Bull claims to increase performance, concentration, reaction speed, vigilance, and motivation, making people feel more energetic and improving their well-being.
Planning Hype - Engineering hype before a product launchJulian Cole
1. The document discusses strategies for generating hype and interest for a product before its launch, known as "planning hype".
2. It identifies five key triggers that can be used to create planning hype: scarcity, signalling, credibility, curiosity gaps, and creating a sense of FOMO.
3. Examples are provided for each trigger, describing real campaigns that successfully used those techniques to generate excitement and demand for products before they were available.
Le marketing sensoriel peut il 棚tre consid辿r辿 comme une strat辿gie concurrenti...robinlajou66
The document discusses how luxury brands are engaging with consumers online through digital strategies. It provides 10 ways luxury brands are connecting digitally, such as communicating their brand image and stories online, using social media to showcase events and products, and acting as cultural tastemakers by recognizing innovators. Examples are given of how brands like Hermes, Gucci, Cartier, and others are successfully utilizing these digital strategies.
The strategic brand planner assists clients in developing communication plans and extension strategies to increase brand awareness. They identify the organization's mission, vision, values and positioning. Typical projects include assessing brand assets and launching new brands with allocated resources. The strategic brand planner defines the future goals and strategic direction of an organization, and expresses its culture and shared values to stakeholders.
Gareth Kay, Chief Strategy Officer at Goodby Silverstein & Partners, gave this presentation at "Ambidexterity," the VCU Brandcenter's executive education program for account planning on July 18th, 2013 at the VCU Brandcenter in Richmond.
M辿moire packaging des vins biologiques et naturelsEmeline Malgrain
Probl辿matique : "Comment le packaging peut-il permettre aux marques de vins biologiques et naturels fran巽aises d'augmenter leurs ventes sur le march辿 des vins fran巽ais ?"
R辿sum辿 :
L辿tude a consist辿 analyser les codes des packagings des vins bio et d辿finir les profils des consommateurs de vins bio/naturels. Il sagissait 辿galement daffiner la connaissance des modes de consommations et les attentes des consommateurs.
Il a ainsi 辿t辿 possible de comprendre les enjeux des secteurs du packaging afin de pouvoir 辿tablir des strat辿gies efficaces, adapt辿es chacun de ses domaines et de r辿pondre la probl辿matique.
R辿sultat obtenu : 15/20 l'辿crit, 15/20 l'oral.
A Planner's Playbook - Everything I learned about planning at Miami Ad School...Sytse Kooistra
After being in advertising for 4 years, I needed some new guidance and inspiration as a strategist. And that is exactly what I found: I spent the summer of 2013 with 17 other (soon to be) planners from all over the world attending the Account Planning Bootcamp at Miami Ad School New York.
Thanks to the 38油industry heroes and instructors that shared their knowledge and coached us in those 3 months, I learned more than I ever could imagine about planning.油
'A Planner's Playbook' is my attempt to summarize all that wisdom in 30 short nuggets (or plays, to stick with the metaphor of a playbook) and share it with you. I left out all the difficult frameworks and models and kept in simple by just stating, in my opinion (and in that of my instructors), what a planner should be and do.油
Enjoy reading.
The creative brief for advertising students studying strategy and creative. Intro lecture to CM417. Advertising centric for a beginner class.
THE BIG IDE, une vision de la big, strong, long, killer idea, dans le monde ...IANTERNAUTE
Cours n属3 The Big id辿e
ISCOM janvier 2014.
Une vision personnelle, et partag辿e de ce qu'辿tait, ce qu'est et ce que sera la big idea en agence.
Merci la participation passive de N.Bordas, J.M Dru, George Lois, David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach, pour l'inspiration, les citations, les visions.
ian gilbert
An idea collected from different sources in internet and hush-puppies website for creation of a creative brief which helps in product promotion and advertisement....
Idealism and commercialism are not polar opposites. In fact, as counterintuitive as it may seem, sustainable profits are supported by sustainable idealism. Brand owners should not have to choose between idealism and profit, and profits based on a degree of idealism are more likely to be strong and sustainable over time. Businesses have come to recognize this and want their objectives, and those of their brands, to be attractive and easily defensible. While the economic crisis has tested some companies resolve, the fundamental factors that encourage them to espouse inspiring missions and defensible practices are unlikely to wane. Ogilvy has developed The big ideaL process to convey the ethos of the brand or company to people from different cultures and to employees and consumers alike.
1. The creative brief is a document that outlines the objectives, target audience, key insights, and deliverables for an advertising campaign. It provides a blueprint and guide for the creative work.
2. The brief includes elements such as the advertising objective, target market details, key product benefits, the current and desired brand image, competitive landscape, and proposed media.
3. An example brief discusses a campaign for the Toyota Sienna minivan, with objectives to overcome lost market share and make the vehicle appealing to younger parents without embarrassment. It profiles the target audience and insights to develop a message showing the vehicle is "cool" and stylish for parents.
This document discusses the concept of disruption in marketing. Disruption involves radically new ideas that help brands reach their vision faster, as opposed to convention which involves doing the same things repeatedly. The document provides examples of disruptive strategies used by companies like Apple, Adidas, Vinamilk and Best Carings that helped make their brands more inspiring and successful. These strategies established emotional connections with customers rather than just focusing on product features or promotions.
Le plan de communication est lapproche m辿thodologique indispensable pour concevoir, r辿aliser et 辿valuer une campagne de communication. Ce s辿minaire traite les principales 辿tapes et activit辿s composant un plan de communication, autrement dit, le design conceptuel dune campagne de communication comprenant :
- Analyse & diagnostic de lexistant
- La strat辿gie de la communication
- laboration dun mod竪le et action de communication ;
- Le projet cr辿atif : r辿alisation des supports de communication
- Le plan m辿dias
- Campagne (m辿dias, hors-m辿dias)
- D辿briefing et capitalisation.
Par 辿quipe, nous avons r辿alis辿 un plan de communication sur un dessert cor辿en tr竪s appr辿ci辿 en Cor辿e que nous chercherons d辿velopper en France : le BINGSU
I was sifting through some old files of mine and found this guidebook I put together for my junior planners when I was still working in Korea.
The presentation deck might be a bit old (it's in 4:3 format), and slightly more tailored to how I saw the state of strategy & planning in Korea, but a lot of its content should still hold true today.
Hope you enjoy the read!
Etude de cas : strat辿gie de communication de NikeAdrien Quenette
Travaux pratiques n属3 : strat辿gie de communication de Nike, publicit辿 avec Colin Kaepernick
Module du cours "Strat辿gie de communication", Semestre 3 DUT information-communication - IUT de Montreuil, Universit辿 Paris 8 - 2017-2018 (c) Adrien QUENETTE
Strategie de communication digitale ClarinsSylvie Nourry
Etude r辿alis辿e dans le cadre de la formation Webmarketing -Objectif 3W (octobre 2014-mars 2015)
United Colors of Benetton is an Italian fashion company founded in 1965 that operates worldwide. It owns several clothing brands including United Colors of Benetton, Sisley, Playlife, Killer Loop, and American college style. The company promotes diversity and human rights through its multiracial advertising campaigns and partners with organizations focused on social issues. It is currently owned primarily by Edizione Holding S.p.A. and has seen annual revenue growth in recent years.
The document discusses how to approach big ideas in today's digital world. It advocates defining the creative brief, big idea, and engagement strategy in a more participatory way that considers how technologies and culture have changed. Specifically, it recommends:
1) Fueling the brief by understanding real problems and how audiences participate rather than just saying things at people.
2) Defining ideas as platforms that live on and are generous, multifaceted, responsive, and propagated rather than just TV campaigns.
3) Awesifying ideas by building ecosystems and engagement strategies tailored to cultural behaviors on channels like social networks, rather than just disrupting them.
4) Using the RISE framework to recruit,
The big ideaL: Ogilvy's framework for giving brands a purposeOgilvy
Ogilvy & Mather developed a framework called "The big ideaL" to help brands find an authentic platform to speak from. It involves identifying a cultural tension in the market and finding the brand's core strength. For Louis Vuitton, this resulted in the ideal that the world is a better place when we live life as an exceptional journey. For Milo chocolate drink, it was the belief that play is essential for childhood development. Applying this process helps brands lift themselves above competitors by taking a clear point of view.
One-way marketing (interruption) is often more effective than two-way marketing (engagement) for large brands communicating with significant numbers of people. While two-way marketing aims to directly involve consumers, people generally do not care much about brands and are less likely to actively engage or participate. Examples show that memorable one-way ads like the Cadbury Gorilla commercial can be more effective at reaching large audiences with positive brand messaging than two-way social media campaigns, which typically see very low rates of actual consumer engagement. The most robust case studies continue to show traditional one-way marketing performing well compared to two-way approaches.
Presentazione dell'iniziativa "Nel Mulino che vorrei" di Barilla, svolta da Silvia Sartori al seminario "Aziende e Web 2.0: vantaggi, fattibilit e casi di successo" di Fondazione CUOA
The document discusses how luxury brands are engaging with consumers online through digital strategies. It provides 10 ways luxury brands are connecting digitally, such as communicating their brand image and stories online, using social media to showcase events and products, and acting as cultural tastemakers by recognizing innovators. Examples are given of how brands like Hermes, Gucci, Cartier, and others are successfully utilizing these digital strategies.
The strategic brand planner assists clients in developing communication plans and extension strategies to increase brand awareness. They identify the organization's mission, vision, values and positioning. Typical projects include assessing brand assets and launching new brands with allocated resources. The strategic brand planner defines the future goals and strategic direction of an organization, and expresses its culture and shared values to stakeholders.
Gareth Kay, Chief Strategy Officer at Goodby Silverstein & Partners, gave this presentation at "Ambidexterity," the VCU Brandcenter's executive education program for account planning on July 18th, 2013 at the VCU Brandcenter in Richmond.
M辿moire packaging des vins biologiques et naturelsEmeline Malgrain
Probl辿matique : "Comment le packaging peut-il permettre aux marques de vins biologiques et naturels fran巽aises d'augmenter leurs ventes sur le march辿 des vins fran巽ais ?"
R辿sum辿 :
L辿tude a consist辿 analyser les codes des packagings des vins bio et d辿finir les profils des consommateurs de vins bio/naturels. Il sagissait 辿galement daffiner la connaissance des modes de consommations et les attentes des consommateurs.
Il a ainsi 辿t辿 possible de comprendre les enjeux des secteurs du packaging afin de pouvoir 辿tablir des strat辿gies efficaces, adapt辿es chacun de ses domaines et de r辿pondre la probl辿matique.
R辿sultat obtenu : 15/20 l'辿crit, 15/20 l'oral.
A Planner's Playbook - Everything I learned about planning at Miami Ad School...Sytse Kooistra
After being in advertising for 4 years, I needed some new guidance and inspiration as a strategist. And that is exactly what I found: I spent the summer of 2013 with 17 other (soon to be) planners from all over the world attending the Account Planning Bootcamp at Miami Ad School New York.
Thanks to the 38油industry heroes and instructors that shared their knowledge and coached us in those 3 months, I learned more than I ever could imagine about planning.油
'A Planner's Playbook' is my attempt to summarize all that wisdom in 30 short nuggets (or plays, to stick with the metaphor of a playbook) and share it with you. I left out all the difficult frameworks and models and kept in simple by just stating, in my opinion (and in that of my instructors), what a planner should be and do.油
Enjoy reading.
The creative brief for advertising students studying strategy and creative. Intro lecture to CM417. Advertising centric for a beginner class.
THE BIG IDE, une vision de la big, strong, long, killer idea, dans le monde ...IANTERNAUTE
Cours n属3 The Big id辿e
ISCOM janvier 2014.
Une vision personnelle, et partag辿e de ce qu'辿tait, ce qu'est et ce que sera la big idea en agence.
Merci la participation passive de N.Bordas, J.M Dru, George Lois, David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach, pour l'inspiration, les citations, les visions.
ian gilbert
An idea collected from different sources in internet and hush-puppies website for creation of a creative brief which helps in product promotion and advertisement....
Idealism and commercialism are not polar opposites. In fact, as counterintuitive as it may seem, sustainable profits are supported by sustainable idealism. Brand owners should not have to choose between idealism and profit, and profits based on a degree of idealism are more likely to be strong and sustainable over time. Businesses have come to recognize this and want their objectives, and those of their brands, to be attractive and easily defensible. While the economic crisis has tested some companies resolve, the fundamental factors that encourage them to espouse inspiring missions and defensible practices are unlikely to wane. Ogilvy has developed The big ideaL process to convey the ethos of the brand or company to people from different cultures and to employees and consumers alike.
1. The creative brief is a document that outlines the objectives, target audience, key insights, and deliverables for an advertising campaign. It provides a blueprint and guide for the creative work.
2. The brief includes elements such as the advertising objective, target market details, key product benefits, the current and desired brand image, competitive landscape, and proposed media.
3. An example brief discusses a campaign for the Toyota Sienna minivan, with objectives to overcome lost market share and make the vehicle appealing to younger parents without embarrassment. It profiles the target audience and insights to develop a message showing the vehicle is "cool" and stylish for parents.
This document discusses the concept of disruption in marketing. Disruption involves radically new ideas that help brands reach their vision faster, as opposed to convention which involves doing the same things repeatedly. The document provides examples of disruptive strategies used by companies like Apple, Adidas, Vinamilk and Best Carings that helped make their brands more inspiring and successful. These strategies established emotional connections with customers rather than just focusing on product features or promotions.
Le plan de communication est lapproche m辿thodologique indispensable pour concevoir, r辿aliser et 辿valuer une campagne de communication. Ce s辿minaire traite les principales 辿tapes et activit辿s composant un plan de communication, autrement dit, le design conceptuel dune campagne de communication comprenant :
- Analyse & diagnostic de lexistant
- La strat辿gie de la communication
- laboration dun mod竪le et action de communication ;
- Le projet cr辿atif : r辿alisation des supports de communication
- Le plan m辿dias
- Campagne (m辿dias, hors-m辿dias)
- D辿briefing et capitalisation.
Par 辿quipe, nous avons r辿alis辿 un plan de communication sur un dessert cor辿en tr竪s appr辿ci辿 en Cor辿e que nous chercherons d辿velopper en France : le BINGSU
I was sifting through some old files of mine and found this guidebook I put together for my junior planners when I was still working in Korea.
The presentation deck might be a bit old (it's in 4:3 format), and slightly more tailored to how I saw the state of strategy & planning in Korea, but a lot of its content should still hold true today.
Hope you enjoy the read!
Etude de cas : strat辿gie de communication de NikeAdrien Quenette
Travaux pratiques n属3 : strat辿gie de communication de Nike, publicit辿 avec Colin Kaepernick
Module du cours "Strat辿gie de communication", Semestre 3 DUT information-communication - IUT de Montreuil, Universit辿 Paris 8 - 2017-2018 (c) Adrien QUENETTE
Strategie de communication digitale ClarinsSylvie Nourry
Etude r辿alis辿e dans le cadre de la formation Webmarketing -Objectif 3W (octobre 2014-mars 2015)
United Colors of Benetton is an Italian fashion company founded in 1965 that operates worldwide. It owns several clothing brands including United Colors of Benetton, Sisley, Playlife, Killer Loop, and American college style. The company promotes diversity and human rights through its multiracial advertising campaigns and partners with organizations focused on social issues. It is currently owned primarily by Edizione Holding S.p.A. and has seen annual revenue growth in recent years.
The document discusses how to approach big ideas in today's digital world. It advocates defining the creative brief, big idea, and engagement strategy in a more participatory way that considers how technologies and culture have changed. Specifically, it recommends:
1) Fueling the brief by understanding real problems and how audiences participate rather than just saying things at people.
2) Defining ideas as platforms that live on and are generous, multifaceted, responsive, and propagated rather than just TV campaigns.
3) Awesifying ideas by building ecosystems and engagement strategies tailored to cultural behaviors on channels like social networks, rather than just disrupting them.
4) Using the RISE framework to recruit,
The big ideaL: Ogilvy's framework for giving brands a purposeOgilvy
Ogilvy & Mather developed a framework called "The big ideaL" to help brands find an authentic platform to speak from. It involves identifying a cultural tension in the market and finding the brand's core strength. For Louis Vuitton, this resulted in the ideal that the world is a better place when we live life as an exceptional journey. For Milo chocolate drink, it was the belief that play is essential for childhood development. Applying this process helps brands lift themselves above competitors by taking a clear point of view.
One-way marketing (interruption) is often more effective than two-way marketing (engagement) for large brands communicating with significant numbers of people. While two-way marketing aims to directly involve consumers, people generally do not care much about brands and are less likely to actively engage or participate. Examples show that memorable one-way ads like the Cadbury Gorilla commercial can be more effective at reaching large audiences with positive brand messaging than two-way social media campaigns, which typically see very low rates of actual consumer engagement. The most robust case studies continue to show traditional one-way marketing performing well compared to two-way approaches.
Presentazione dell'iniziativa "Nel Mulino che vorrei" di Barilla, svolta da Silvia Sartori al seminario "Aziende e Web 2.0: vantaggi, fattibilit e casi di successo" di Fondazione CUOA
Applicazione dell'analisi semiotica a due spot pubblicitari attraverso i modelli teorici e pratici di Greimas come l'analisi del livello narrativo, la segmentazione in sequenze, l'analisi delle inquadrature, l'analisi dello spazio in cui agiscono gli attori, analisi dei ruoli attoriali, l'analisi della dimensione passionale, la colonna sonora degli spot, il quadrato semiotico dei valori di consumo la struttura retorica, l'analisi del logo, packaging e della marca.
Condividi una Coca-Cola - Analisi semiotica della campagna 2013 "Share a Coke...Giuseppe Peluso
This presentation tries to explain the main point, form a semiotic point of view, of the famous campaign "Share a Coke with".
Floch and Greimas are the main authors that I choose for discover the roots of the campaign and analyze the semiotic mechanism which manage the signs used in the communication.
The last aspect of the keynote regards the developments which the semiotic approaches had into the marketing and the communication through advertising and events, during the whole campaign.
Marta Also ha practicado judo durante 12 a単os a nivel nacional y 5 a単os a nivel internacional. Sus mayores logros incluyen ser 3 veces campeona de Catalu単a cadete, 2 veces subcampeona de Catalu単a junior y senior, y obtener medallas en campeonatos de Espa単a. Para mantener su alto rendimiento, combina el estudio con el entrenamiento a pesar de la dificultad, y realiza actividades como correr 3 d鱈as a la semana para mejorar su condici坦n f鱈sica.
Este documento presenta una discusi坦n sobre el prop坦sito de la vida como ser espiritual. Sugiere que el prop坦sito es expresar los atributos de Dios como el amor, la paz y la prosperidad en todo lo que hagamos. Recomienda que debemos fijar nuestro destino y navegar hacia 辿l con fe en Dios, para evitar el sufrimiento que resulta de vivir solo para lo material.
Evaluation des iSIPS IP Stack f端r drahtlose SensornetzePeter Rothenpieler
Vortrag auf dem IPv6-Kongress 2013 in Frankfurt/Main (6./7.06.2013, Cinestar Metropolis) zum Thema "Evaluation des iSIPS IP Stack f端r Drahtlose Sensornetze"
DIGIUM: Guia de Communicaciones IP para compradoresTelOnline
Las comunicaciones IP est叩n reemplazando r叩pidamente a los sistemas telef坦nicos tradicionales debido a su flexibilidad, eficiencia y capacidad de reducir costos. Las comunicaciones unificadas (UC) integran voz, video, datos y aplicaciones de negocio para mejorar la productividad mediante la movilidad y la colaboraci坦n. Los sistemas UC como Digium Switchvox pueden ahorrar tiempo y dinero a largo plazo al eliminar gastos de mantenimiento y facturas telef坦nicas.
Carlos Encinas es un ingeniero inform叩tico y director de calidad y recursos humanos con m叩s de 18 a単os de experiencia en el sector de tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n. Actualmente busca nuevos retos profesionales y colabora con el Club de Evaluaci坦n en Gesti坦n Avanzada de EUSKALIT. Su experiencia incluye la implantaci坦n de sistemas de gesti坦n de calidad certificados y liderar equipos de mejora continua.
Chalk and Talk: Silverlight, WCF RIA Services, ArchitectuurDennis Doomen
The document discusses a reference architecture for building Silverlight applications that uses WCF RIA Services. It includes a diagram showing the architecture with layers for the client project, server project, entities, data access layer, application logic, views, and database. It also discusses using RIA Services for the programming model and stack, and shows dependencies between projects for the solution including entities, data access layer, views, domain service, and database.
El documento habla sobre las Tecnolog鱈as de la Informaci坦n y la Comunicaci坦n (TICS) y su aplicaci坦n en el comercio electr坦nico (e-commerce) y banca electr坦nica (e-banking). Explica que las TICS permiten realizar transacciones comerciales y bancarias de forma electr坦nica. Tambi辿n menciona algunos aspectos positivos como facilitar tareas y educaci坦n, pero tambi辿n negativos como dificultar b炭squedas y estafas. La conclusi坦n es que a pesar de su uso com炭n, las TICS son importantes para al
La ciudad de Astorga tiene sus or鱈genes en un castro prerromano. Fue fundada por los romanos como Asturica Augusta y ha sufrido varios saqueos a lo largo de su historia. Actualmente destacan su catedral g坦tica y su palacio episcopal, parte del cual fue dise単ado por Antoni Gaud鱈. Astorga tambi辿n es conocida por sus mantecadas y por haber tenido una importante industria del chocolate en el pasado.
The document is a calendar for 2015 that provides information about various events related to medical devices and healthcare technology management. It lists the dates of each month in 2015 along with relevant events, locations, registration deadlines, and advertisements from companies in the medical device industry.
El yeso es un mineral compuesto de sulfato de calcio dihidratado. Se forma en color blanco o gris y tiene una dureza baja de 1.5-2 en la escala de Mohs. Se utiliza com炭nmente como material de construcci坦n y en traumatolog鱈a debido a sus propiedades f鱈sicas.
Giuliano Noci - Marketing Camp 3 - Innovative Day all'interno di Innovation C...tagore
Innovative Day si 竪 svolto il 10 ottobre 2007, al Palazzo Affari ai Giureconsulti a Milano, durante i nove giorni dell'Innovazione denominata Innovation Circus (8-16 ottobre). In questa giornata dedicata alla interactive age la comunicazione e lazienda moderna si incontrano e incontrano la citt, dibattendo in una modalit di piena condivisione ed interattivit sugli aspetti tecnologici e di marketing relativi al connubio creativit / innovazione sul territorio.
La giornata si 竪 suddivisa in due momenti: al mattino sino alle 17, il MarketingCamp 3; al pomeriggio alle 17, la presentazione della ricerca Milano Futura. Scenari emotivi e opportunit di una metropoli del futuro, sulla percezione della citt da parte del mondo business e alle 18.00 il collegamento con Second Life per visionare la presenza di Innovative Day e Innovation Circus sullisola Italian-Life. I promotori: Fabrizio Bellavista (Partner Psycho-Research), Marco Camisani Calzolari (Presidente Speakage), Franco Giacomazzi (Professore di Marketing industriale al Politecnico di Milano e Presidente AISM - Associazione Italiana Marketing) e Massimo Giordani (Ceo Time&Mind, Presidente Inter.Media).
Il Web 2.0 E La Multicanalit Del Consumatore ItalianoDesir辿e Noto
Partendo dalla definizione di web 2.0 e attraversando i concetti di multicanalit e convergenza si arriva a classificare la societ italiana con le corrispondenti categorie di consumatori, fino a definire i cluster emergenti: i Reloaded e gli Open Minded.
Social media - Casi studio di successo di aziende italianeKEA s.r.l.
Analisi campagna "Nel mulino che vorrei"
1. Analisi campagna
Nel Mulino che vorrei
Progetto di:
Giuseppina Bonfiglio | Marta Chironi |
Elisa Turconi | Giulia Valente
14 marzo 2016
Master in Comunicazione, marketing
digitale e pubblicit interattiva
5. Nel mulino che vorrei
Piattaforma relazionale di loyalty digitale di Mulino Bianco, in cui tutti gli amanti
del brand si ritrovano per proporre nuove idee, scoprire le novit del Mulino, per
discutere sulle iniziative in corso.
9.988 idee 343.341 commentiDal 2009 2.500.921 voti
7. Per ogni azione svolta allinterno del portale, lutente guadagna chicchi di grano con i
quali aggiudicarsi diversi premi.
Le operazioni a punti sono da sempre una leva strategica utilizzata da Mulino Bianco
per aumentare il coinvolgimento dei suoi consumatori.
Questa strategia 竪 stata trasposta anche sui canali digital,
continuando a riscuotere successo.
9. Come il brand ha usato i vari media
Come il brand ha usato i vari media
10. Come il brand ha usato i vari media
Login sito
tramite fb
Facebook ads
11. Display adv
Come il brand ha usato i vari media
Spot tv e media tradizionali
12. Coinvolgimento nel processo di co-creazione di valore e di prodotto
Soddisfazione dei bisogni e dei desideri del consumatore
Senso di appartenenza ad una comunit
Spazio di ascolto e di condivisione
L'obiettivo 竪 stato quello di permettere al pubblico di comunicare spontaneamente
con Mulino Bianco ed esprimere a livello razionale, emotivo o creativo le proprie
proposte per contribuire al suo miglioramento e alla sua crescita
(Silvia Sartori Responsabile Digital Marketing & Commutication Barilla)
Benefici per il consumatore
13. 1. I mercati sono conversazioni.
9. Queste conversazioni in rete stanno
facendo nascere nuove forme di
organizzazione sociale e un nuovo scambio
della conoscenza.
19. Le aziende possono ora comunicare
direttamente con i loro mercati. Se non lo
capiscono, potrebbe essere la loro ultima
(Cluetrain Manifesto)
Digital trend seguiti
User driven innovation
Brand Lovers Community
14. Il brand si mette in gioco, non parla pi湛 un
linguaggio autoriferenziale
Valore aggiunto per le aziende grazie al
coinvolgimento degli utenti che permettono di
ottenere un miglior risultato in tempi minori e
a beneficio di entrambi
Rapporto brand-consumatore
Il consumer diventa prosumer
Valore aggiunto per l'utente che si sente
sempre pi湛 parte attiva grazie al canale diretto
aperto con le aziende