This document analyzes and summarizes the "S-cool" revision website for GCSE exams. It finds that the homepage clearly lists subject links and sections. Chemistry topics are broken down into a three step process: revising content in sections with headings, colors and key words; testing knowledge through multiple choice and exam questions; and providing a summary sheet. The content pages have detailed explanations, interactive elements, and navigation to continue reviewing or testing understanding. Additional features include logging in for extra material and surveys on education topics for students using the site.
3. Analysis
There are quick and direct links to each subject
for GCSE, A levels and to sign up, clearly shown
on the front page.
There are also heading links to each of the
different sections.
There is plenty of bright colour and attractive
pictures, to do with school work and revision.
There are also many recommended revision
websites along the right column of the website
7. Analysis
The page shows the three steps the lesson will
include to teach the users.
The first step is to revise it: This is the section
where the content is.
The next step is test it: here is where multiple
choice quiz-like questions as well as exam style
questions are included.
The final step is remember it, where a revision
summary sheet is included for users to print out.
9. Analysis
The webpage is long and filled with content.
Main headings are in different colours and
important key words are in bold.
There is also a GIF animation of the industrial
fractional distillation of crude oil, similar to the
absorb learning animation.
At the bottom of the page there is an arrow to
the next page of content and an arrow to the
products of crude oil page where you can move
on to the next step (test it)
10. Additional
There is a logging in system within the website
as well, allowing users access to more new
material and features.
At the bottom of the main page, there are
quick survey questions to do with education:
university fees, higher education choices etc.
This website is a good place to have such
surveys because students come here to revise.