This document provides an overview and introduction to updates being made to EMSI's labor market data and analytics tools. The goals are to get feedback, provide more intuitive interfaces and search functionality, incorporate additional data, and orient the tools towards different types of users like educators and economic developers. While some features are being redesigned or enhanced, core data, support, and previously accessed features will remain the same. Users are encouraged to provide feedback to help inform further improvements.
2. GOALSGet the Word OutWe are excited, you should be too!Provide an Introduction Tell you what weve been hearingTell you what were thinkingGet Your FeedbackAfter this contact us with thoughts, questions, feedback
3. ANALYST OVERVIEW3,500+ users in 48 States and the UK8 YEARS & 3 VERSIONS CCSP, StrategicAdvantage, Analyst25,000+ hours of development7 CLIENT TYPES20 full time support staff (e.g. lots of dedicated resources) 80+ Data Sources most complete and comprehensive set of LMI available
12. Information for Sharing in RegionsWHAT WEVE BEEN HEARINGMake it easier to find dataUpdate interface, make it more user-friendlyDashboards for quick accessMake it easier for more people to use
13. EMSIs WORKING ONNew Interface / Search FunctionalityData DashboardsOriented to how folks want to useAdditional Detail in the DataReport Builders
14. WHAT'S NOT CHANGINGStill can access the data and reports you useUnlimited technical support and trainingSame great dataCareer Pathways / GIS for nowYour saved data
15. EMSI is pleased to introduce Passionate About Labor Market DataNote: Subject to change!
16. HOME PAGEREGION BUILDER redesigned / now includes map!CLEANER LAYOUT got rid of the boxMORE DATA Regional summaries, contact info & helpsSEARCH we can take you right to the data you need
20. ECONOMYformerly Economic ForecasterNEW DATA Job counts by Age, Gender, Industry, and OccupationCUSTOM REPORTS shopping cart ideaENHANCED DATA TABLES more flexibility, easier to navigate, easier to build reportsGEARED TO ALL USERS
23. INPUT/OUTPUTformerly Economic ImpactSAM MODEL impacts by industry, occupation, age, and genderINTUITIVE INTERFACE all users can produce powerful What-If scenarios.MORE DATA GRP, imports/exportsGEARED TO ECODEV
27. PROGRAMSformerly Educational AnalystGAP ANALYSIS analysis of openings vs completions and comparisons to other insts.PROGRAM DASHBOARDS designed to help VPs, Deans, who need data in one spotPROGRAM MAPPING* custom occupation to program maps, using colleges program structure*Extra Cost May Be AssociatedGEARED TO EDUCATION & WORKFORCE
30. REMINDER: WHAT'S NOT CHANGINGStill can access the data and reports you useUnlimited technical support and trainingSame great dataCareer Pathways / GIS for nowSaved data
32. ANALYST 3 DETAILSRELEASE DATE Late SummerWHAT TO DO NEXTContact your CS representative for feedbackLook for handoutAlso, look into participating in the program mapping project. It will greatly enhance the Program section
#5: Heres a little schematic of our data. This is basically telling you that EMSI data is based on the integration of a lot of sources. The data feeds our products and flows out to our clients to enhance and support the vital work they are doing in their communities. It is also important to understand that our data primarily comes from your state LMI shops. We are not creating data. Rather, we integrate a bunch of sources, remove suppressions and use the core data from your LMI shops to drive what we present. We also update this data four times a year.
#10: So without further ado, wed like to unveil our latest a greatest mock-up of Analyst, which we are Calling ANALYST 3This format is not exactly set in stone, but were pretty thrilled with it. Weve vetted this idea with a bunch of users and at this point the feedback is good, and we think it will help you do a lot more. I will now walk you through the tool a bit and discuss some of the key improvements we are making.
#12: Heres a mockup of the home page. This image displays the search functionality at work. Now Im not too zoomed in on these we just want you to see what we are thinking and to set the stage for the improvements we are making.Notice:Region builder on the left.On the bottom of the page we have industry and occupation groups for quick accessAnd I will zoom in on the search feature
#13: This is a more zoomed in view of the search functionality. It is a bit like a search tab on computers which organize the data into various areas based on the keyword or data is found. Once you see what you like, you just click and boom youre there.
#14: Here a look at the region builder. You can build by clicking or inputting county names
#16: Heres the layout for the Economy SectionAt the top we show the region, and some key data. In the middle we have some information on trends for the region. And towards the bottom we have various statistics. Also notice how we are using the full page to give you a print ready report. It is a cleaner more user-friendly presentation.Also, at the top we have the industry, occupation, demographic tabs presented.
#17: This is an industry table and is very reminiscent of what is seen in Economic Forecaster. Weve just cleaned it up, opened up the layout and made it easier to read. It still has the dropdowns and filters.
#19: This is showing you how we simplified the interface. We are also attempting to teach you something right off the bat about your economy when you start.
#20: Helps you to compare and contrast Industry attraction of lose. It gives a simple summary of the important data and also lets you get down to the nitty gritty if you want.
#21: This is what it should look like when you click for more detail. It is a light box and pops up right on the screen so you can see more data. If you like what you see and want more info, you can click and keep moving.
#23: Here is a quick look at the proposed interface. This is actually a program dashboard for an accounting program - if we we mapped programs for your institution. Notice that it includes a description of the program and has a list of targeted occupations. For each program we will work with you to derive a list of targeted occupations so people at your organization can quickly understand the occupational outlook for a given program (in otherwords, you will be able to see the potential demand for the program in a given region).Peer Comparisons The Program section will also use IPEDS data to help you better understand who else has similar programs in the region.Whos Hiring Finally, we will now let users get a better look at job openings that relate to the programs and occupations and industries that could potentially staff future grads.
#24: Here is a look at the program table, which is very Reminiscent of Industry Occupation tables. It contains a listing of programs off to the left and then key aggregate info relating to the programs on the right.